
Tuesday, 8 October 2013

8th - 10th October 2013

Thursday, 10th OctoberA much cooler morning than of late although still dry and sunny, but with a brisk wind NNW 5-6, which is set to increase later; not ideal conditions then for finding small birds in exposed bushes! First news of the day, as so often, comes from Andy House...
One of those days that looks very nice when you are inside, but not when you are out! At a very windy North Wall - 3 Snipe, the Ruff and 80+ Black-tailed Godwits on the Breech Pool, and 4 Curlew Sandpipers amongst about 100 Dunlin on White's Creek, but little else to report. On the Lagoon, 1 Pochard, 40 Little Grebes and 60 Tufted Duck.
Yesterday evening from the Tramway, I watched over 250 Canada Geese which flew into roost into the harbour (AH).  

Common Snipe on the Breech Pool and Curlew Sandpiper (with Dunlin?) White's Creek (photos: AH).
Three Fieldfares at Bramber Farm today were I believe the first reported this autumn (JW).

Wednesday, 9th October: Another pleasant sunny morning but with the prospect of the weather now becoming cooler and going downhill.

Pagham Hbr: Another slow day at Church Norton; still the 3 Stonechats, a few Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs, a single Whitethroat, two Great Spotted and one Green Woodpecker and 3 Skylarks over. I had 45 minutes looking for the Rosy Starling again this morning, but to no avail, just a Wheatear, a Meadow Pipit, a House Martin and a dozen Swallows seen (and lots of Starlings!) (AH).
Great Spotted Woodpecker, and Blackcap, at Church Norton (photos: Andy House)
Two Curlew Sandpipers on White's Creek. Wigeon were flying in from the NE this morning, approx 600 during my 2 hours. A pair of Stonechats and a Green Woodpecker in the horse field. On the Breech Pool, 74 Black-tailed Godwits, 136 Teal, 11 Common Snipe and 1 Jack Snipe. Along the North Wall 1 Wheatear, 2 Chiffchaffs and 12 Swallows heading west (JW).
Spent the day at home today with periodic visits to check for the Rose-coloured Starling, the roost was very noisy but the Starlings rarely ventured out and it was the same situation with the East Way roost, so no Rosy sighting today.  Wheatears and Clouded yellow butterflies were very much in evidence though, I found 5 of the former along the beach and one visiting birder had counted 9 Clouded yellows.  Also along East beach 3 Chiffchaffs, 1 Pied Wag, 17 Turnstones (one almost underfoot), 9 Goldfinches (SR). 
Walking along to the Bill Wheatears again dominated, 6 along the beach, 1 on Oval field and 1 in the gardens.  1 Sanderling feeding amongst 55 Turnstones, 1 Sandwich Tern ob, 3 Meadow Pipits  in N, 1 Chiffchaff, 1 Pied Wagtail and a huddle of 7 Collared Doves (SR).
Turnstone, Selsey East beach (photo: Sarah Russell)

News from yesterday:- "Raven yesterday at 10.00 flying W over North Fields; pic  taken from North Wall." (Alan Kitson) 

Raven over Pagham North Fields (Alan Kitson)

Tuesday, 8th October: The juv Rose-coloured Starling was still present at East beach Selsey until 1300hrs at least. Today's news...
We spent some time looking for the Rosy Starling this morning and at around 0940 hrs we picked it up in flight over the fishing huts. It did a couple of circuits as the starling flock was disturbed by a Sparrowhawk, disappearing once again behind the terraced houses fronting the beach green. Watching from the sea wall east of the fishing huts we relocated it feeding with Starlings in the thick hedge by the green. (Bernie Forbes, Dave Smith & Dorian Mason).

 The juv Rose-coloured Starling, Selsey East beach, and Sparrowhawk -v- Crow (photos: Dorian Mason)

Selsey: Very little today, just two Wheatears along Golf Links Lane, one at the Country Club and one at the Bowling Club.  Northcommon Farm: Green Woodpecker, two flocks of Long-tailed Tits, 2 Pied Wagtails, 2 Chiffchaffs and only 3 Swallows seen (SR).

 Pagham Hbr: Church Norton was again quiet today. The 3 Stonechats were still present, and small numbers of Meadow Pipits were moving through. A small flock of Swallows and some House Martins were noted, plus 2 Wheatears, 10 Chiffchaffs and 5 Blackcaps (AH et al).
North wall: Waders on Breech Pool included singles of  Dunlin Ruff and Knot, 8 Snipe and 162 Black-tailed Godwits (at 10.25), while 40 Golden Plover flew over and three Curlew Sandpipers were below the Salt House in White's Creek as the tide came up. There were some Canada Geese on Breech Pool and what seemed to be a family of single Canada Goose and Barnacle goose parents and four hybrid offspring. Also, a Raven flew west over the fields at 10.00, a Kingfisher was here and a Marsh Harrier in the harbour at 1300 (per A. Kitson / SOS website).

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