
Saturday, 25 October 2014

25th - 26th October 2014

Sunday, 26th October: Generally cloudy with a moderate to fresh south-westerly breeze and the risk of occasional light showers. 
Selsey Bill (06.45 to 10.00hrs): Cloud, SW 3-4  (Obs: SH/JA/PB/AH/JD/DS) Not a great deal moving this morning, though a few Brent Geese continued to head west; there were 2 Great Northern Divers offshore and a single distant Arctic Skua went east. Full log .....
Great Northern Diver - 2os, 1W

Gannet - 5E, 108W
Little Egret - 1W
Brent Goose - 2E, 195W
Eider - 2os
Common Scoter  - 19E, 29W, 20 os
R/b Merganser - 10W
Wigeon - 1W

Dunlin - 6W
Redshank - 1E, 1W
Curlew - 1W
Arctic Skua - 1E, chasing gulls
Skua sp  - 1W (almost certainly a Pom but distant - chasing G.B-b Gulls!)
Kittiwake - 2W
Med Gull - 5W, 2os
Auk sp - 1E, 7W
Razorbill - 1W, 5 os
Selsey area: Drift Lane Marsh: 4 Snipe busily feeding.  Warner Lane horse paddocks: 4 Stonechats (SR).

Pagham Spit: The Dartford Warbler was still present this morning, along the path to the hide. (TG/BI)
Dartford Warbler on Pagham Spit (TG)
Church Norton: Best birds were a Black Redstart on the roof of Greenlease Farm (C&ME, C&JM); a Merlin in the harbour (JD et al), and 5 Swallows which went over the Severals (IP). Additionally, on their regular walk to Norton, the Ruddy Shelduck and Spoonbill were seen, also the Black Redstart, 3 Stonechats, a Chiffchaff and a Kingfisher (S&SaH, PB) From the beach a Gadwall went through with a flock of Brent Geese (of which 40+ headed west in small groups), a Red-breasted Merganser also went west, a Common Scoter went east, and half a dozen Gannets and double that of Mediterranean Gulls were offshore, along with a couple of Great Crested Grebes.
There were plenty of waders in the harbour, including the Whimbrel, 20+ Black-tailed Godwits and good numbers of Grey Plover and Dunlin, and the Peregrine also put in an appearance. (AH/IP et al)
Gadwall with Brent Geese offshore (above) & Black-tailed Godwits at Church Norton (AH)
Ferry Pool: The Ruddy Shelduck was again present early on, along with a single Green Sandpiper, 7 Avocets and 30 Lapwing. A flock of 20+ 'released' Grey Partridges flew across the road and landed near Compton's Farm Shop before moving on again. (AH)
Grey Partridge near the Ferry (AH)
Medmerry: West Sands: Around the rubble heaps were 2 Wheatears, 17 Meadow Pipits, 4 Pied Wagtails and a Kestrel (SR).


Saturday, 25th October: A dry and fairly bright day in prospect with westerly based winds still set to continue for the next couple of days at least. The sea-watching was back to normal this morning after the excitement of the last couple of days, with just routine fare being logged in small numbers. However, early afternoon reports were then received of a Great Grey Shrike, a Short-eared Owl and a Black Redstart at East Head (per AH), a Marsh Tit at Church Norton (per SH), and a Dartford Warbler on Pagham Spit (per TG).

Selsey Bill 0730-0930hrs:  Dry, fairly calm, cloud and brightness, wind WSW3. 
(Obs: SH/C&ME/SR et al).
Gannet - 4E, 3W
Little Egret - 1 ob
Brent Goose - 125W
Eider - 2 os
Common Scoter - 3W, 11os
Pintail - 4W
Dunlin - 1W
Peregrine - 1W
Med Gull -  4os, 4W
Kittiwake - 4W
Auk sp - 3W, 2os
Swallow 3p

Woodpigeon - 150 SW
Stock Dove - 2 p
House Martin - 1
Chiffchaff - 1 gardens
Magpie 15 present

Additional watch 0930 - 1210hrs:  (Obs: C&ME et al)
Great Northern Diver - 1W, 1 os

Gannet - 5W
Great Crested Grebe - 1W
Brent Goose - 2E, 38W 
Pintail - 1E
Common Gull  3W
Med Gull - 3W
Razorbill - 2W
Grey Wagtail - 4 N from sea
Swallow - 7
Starling - 35 N from sea
Jay -- 1

East Head: An excellent morning culminated in a Great Grey Shrike at the back of Snowhill Creek, which then flew across the field to the hedge along the path to the car-park, before being lost to view. Also a Black Redstart was along the fences with a couple of Stonechats nearby, and a Short-eared Owl did a couple of circuits of the salt-marsh before gaining height and drifting away.
To complete a good morning there were 4 Greenshank, and 3 Spotted Redshank in Snowhill Creek, which were joined by around 200 Golden Plover at high tide. (AH)

 Great Grey Shrike (above) & Short-eared Owl at East Head (AH)

Ferry Pool: The Ruddy Shelduck was back on the pool early, before flying into the harbour, and there were still 3 Green Sandpipers and 7 Avocet present.

Ruddy Shelduck on the Ferry (AH)

Church Norton: A Marsh Tit was along the path between the Severals today. It was quite possibly the same one seen some weeks ago in this relatively unwatched area. (S&SaH)

Marsh Tit just about visible at Church Norton! (SH)

Pagham Spit: A Dartford Warbler was in brambles along the path to the hide late this afternoon. (TG)

Dartford Warbler on Pagham Spit (TG)

Long Pool: A Water Rail was on the Small Pool, there were at least 20 Reed Buntings on the Long Pool, and there were 2 Spotted Redshank and 2 Greenshank in Ferry Channel, plus Snipe and a Mistle Thrush over. (AH)

Selsey areaCoastguards: A female Eider was close inshore this morning (BI).
Northcommon farm: around Paddock Lane a Chiffchaff, 2 Goldcrests and a flock of Long-tailed Tits plus 2 Jays. At Warner Lane horse paddocks there were 8 Curlews (BI).

Medmerry - West beach area: Around the rubble were a Stonechat, 2 Wheatears, a few Meadow Pipits and plenty of Linnets (BI).

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