
Monday, 10 July 2017

10th - 13th July 2017

Thursday, 13th July: A return to summer this morning, with a mix of sunshine and cloud, with a moderate easterly breezing keeping it pleasantly cool......

Ferry Pool: There was plenty of activity this morning on the pool, with the highlight being a Wood Sandpiper present from early to mid morning before disappearing. 
Also unusual was an Egyptian Goose, present first thing, whilst more regular fare included a Greenshank, six Little Ringed Plovers, two Common Sandpipers (with two more in the channel opposite), ten Avocets, c30 Black-tailed Godwits, c25 Lapwings and the four juvenile Shelducks, whilst two Mistle Thrushes flew over. (AH et al)

Wood Sandpiper (above), Egyptian Goose, Greenshank, Avocet & Mistle Thrush at the Ferry (AH)

Medmerry: Easton Lane to the Stilt Pool - There were still three Reed Warblers singing in the ditches towards the first sluice, and a Green Sandpiper shot out from the creek there. There were 50+ Sand Martins and 100+ Swallows feeding and resting along the banks, and there were still plenty of Skylarks and Linnets, plus a scattering of Yellowhammers, Meadow Pipits and Whitethroats about, too.
It was fairly quiet on the Stilt Pool, with just five Common Sandpipers, two juvenile Little Ringed Plovers, a Ringed Plover and half a dozen Avocets of note, along with four Teal, the Shelduck family, 14 Canada Geese and the Mute Swan family. (AH)

Sand Martins (above), Swallow, Little Ringed Plover, Skylark & Gatekeepers at Medmerry (AH)

Late this evening a Barn Owl was showing well along the banks, along with plenty of Skylarks, but there was only one Sand Martin among c40 Swallows, and just a single Dunlin and six Little Ringed Plovers on the Stilt Pool.
Also of note, there was a Red-veined Darter - rare on the peninsula - on the bank by the first sluice. (AB)

Barn Owl (above) & Red-veined Darter at Medmerry (AB)

North Wall: Very quiet along the Wall this morning -  no dogs, no bikes, no birders and very few birds! The pair of Moorhens and their five chicks are still surviving by the old sluice gates, whilst on White's Creek there were 23 Black-headed Gulls, four Mute Swans and a cygnet, plus a lone Little Egret. 
Water levels in the Breech Pool are very high and I could only find 17 Mallard, two Cormorants and a Common Tern, though several Black-tailed Godwits tried to land but gave up presumably because the water was too deep. In the field behind Owl Copse there has been an explosion of grasshoppers since the recent rain, of biblical proportions, (though there very few to be seen in Honer 1 field), and a pair of Green Woodpeckers were making the most of this feast. 
By Honer Cottages there was a mixed flock of Chiffchaffs, Blackcaps and Long-tailed Tits, and on Honer reservoir there were were two Tufted Ducks and 11 Black-headed Gulls. whilst two family groups of Sedge Warblers were along Pagham Rife, plus a Common Sandpiper. (JDW)

Common Sandpiper (above), Moorhen & Grasshopper Sp. around North Wall (JDW)

Church Norton: This evening there were several juvenile Sandwich Terns in the harbour, along with plenty of adults and still 30+ Little Terns. Also there were a Whimbrel and 25 Dunlin present. (AH)

Juvenile Sandwich Tern (above), Little Tern & Whimbrel at Church Norton (AH)

Wednesday, 12th July: After some heavy overnight rain, a cool and gloomy morning, with heavy cloud and a brisk north-easterly breeze, though dry and with a promise of improvement as the day progresses......

Ferry Pool: There were four Common Sandpipers on the pool this morning, along with the three Little Ringed Plovers, five Avocets, 36 Black-tailed Godwits, 25 Lapwing and the four juvenile Shelducks, whose parents would appear to have now departed to moult elsewhere. Also, a Common Tern dropped in briefly and eight Swifts were feeding overhead.
There was a Spotted Redshank still in the channel opposite with c75 Redshank, and there were also two more Common Sandpipers and ten Black-tailed Godwits present. (AH)

Spotted Redshank and Redshank, Common Sandpiper, Little Ringed Plover, Common Tern, Avocet & juvenile Shelduck around the Ferry (AH)

Long Pool: This evening a juvenile Cuckoo flew along the hedge on the far side. Otherwise it was very quiet, with just the female and juvenile Gadwall on the water and a couple of Reed Warblers singing briefly. (AH)

Juvenile Cuckoo along Long Pool (AH)

Church Norton: There were up to 35 Little Terns on show this morning around the island and adjacent mud, though it was difficult to establish how many were juveniles. though there were certainly two or three juvenile Sandwich and Common Terns among the more numerous adults present, too.
At least one juvenile Peregrine was on its island, a couple of Whimbrel were among c30 Curlews and six Ringed Plovers on the mud, a couple of Linnets and Skylarks were along the beach and the three Eider were again offshore. (AH)

Eiders (above), Common Tern, Little Terns, Skylark, Linnet & Curlew at Church Norton (AH)

Tuesday, 11th July: A bit of a shock to the system this morning, with cool and grey conditions interrupted by frequent heavy squalls whisked through by the brisk south-westerly breeze and the likelihood of more persistent rain later....which duly arrived late afternoon.

Selsey Bill: (0715-0830hrs) (AH/DF)
Gannet - 135E, 12W
Little Egret - 1W
Common Scoter - 33E, 20W
Mediterranean Gull - 2W
Sandwich Tern - 2E, 14W
Common Tern - 3W

Common Scoters (above) & Gannet past the Bill (AH)

Ferry Pool: There were three Little Ringed Plovers, a Common Sandpiper, five Avocets, including three juveniles, the Shelduck family, 24 Black-tailed Godwits, 32 Lapwings and four Redshank on the pool, whilst in the channel opposite there were two Spotted Redshank among a very flighty group of c40 Redshank. Also, a couple of Blackcaps were in the bushes and ten Swifts and a Common Tern went over. (AH)

Spotted Redshanks and Redshanks (above), Little Ringed Plover, Avocets, Black-tailed Godwit & Blackcap around the Ferry (AH)

North Wall: Unfortunately the unpredictable water level in the Breech Pool was again too high for most waders this morning and there were just two Black-tailed Godwits present, plus four Teal in amongst some bedraggled Mallards and a Common Tern fishing. Along White's Creek/East side however there were five Yellow-legged Gulls, including two adults, out in the harbour saltings. (OM/BFF)

Church Norton: There were up to ten juvenile Little Terns sat out on the mud this morning, waiting for their parents to bring them food, though the numbers of Sandwich and Common Terns appear to have diminished. Also in the harbour were two Whimbrels, c20 Curlews, seven Dunlin and five Ringed Plovers, whilst the two juvenile Peregrines were sat out in the middle. (AH/DF)

Adult and juvenile Little Terns (above), adult and juvenile Sandwich Terns, Whimbrel & juvenile Black-headed Gull at Church Norton (AH)

Later, at least three juvenile Sandwich Terns were noted (one quite small and being fed by a parent), plus a juvenile Common Tern and the 10+ juvenile Little Terns. The whole Peregrine family of two adults and two young were present on their island - though often quite hard to see - and a small flock of 10+ Dunlin flew north from the harbour towards the east side until quickly lost to view. Not much else to report, although the Swallow family in the hide kept us entertained for a while. (OM/BFF)
(above) the adult Swallow arrives with food at the nest within the Hide, and (below) one of the chicks awaits its next meal (OM)

Fishbourne Creek: Slim pickings this morning with few highlights; the best we could find were a Greenshank, a summering Wigeon, 10 Mediterranean Gulls, half a dozen Common Gulls and several Yellowhammers. (OM/BFF)

Selsey: Despite the weather there were a couple of interesting moths in the trap this morning, namely a Sallow Kitten and an Early Thorn. (SH)

Sallow Kitten (above) & Early Thorn in a Selsey garden (SH)

Monday, 10th July: After a surprisingly cool and grey start, another sunny and warm, if breezy day.....

We would like to convey our gratitude to the Friends of Pagham Harbour, and the staff and volunteers at the RSPB Visitor centre, for the invite to your BBQ last evening. It was nice to see you all and thank you for your pleasant company and catering during book-signing services! (OM/AH)
Ferry Pool: This morning there were five Avocets, including three juveniles, a Little Ringed Plover, a Common Sandpiper, c50 Black-tailed Godwits, 40 Lapwings, the Shelduck family and two Stock Doves on the pool, and in the channel opposite there was another Common Sandpiper, a Common Tern and c40 Redshank. (AH/AW)

Little Ringed Plover (above), Stock Dove, Black-tailed Godwit, Common Sandpiper & Common Tern around the Ferry (AH)

North Wall: The two Spotted Redshank were present again on the Breech Pool, but mostly at the far end of the channel, along with c25 Redshank and c30 Black-tailed Godwits. Also a Greenshank dropped in briefly and six Sand Martins went over.
A Common Sandpiper was in White's Creek, with another out in the harbour, a Whimbrel, c20 Curlews and the big Shelduck family were out on the mud, and around the sluice all five baby Moorhens were still present and there were plenty of Swallows about. (AH/JDW)

Greenshank (above), Spotted Redshank and Redshank, Common Sandpiper, Whimbrel, Black-tailed Godwits, Swallow & Moorhen chick around the North Wall (AH)

There was no sign of the Spotted Redshanks this afternoon, but there were two adult Yellow-legged Gulls in the harbour and on Breech Pool there were a Greenshank, a Common Sandpiper, a Whimbrel flying over, an Egyptian Goose (a Pagham tick for me), six Redshank, and 34 Black-tailed Godwits. (J-PC)

Greenshank (above), Egyptian Goose, Little Egret & Black-tailed Godwits from the North Wall (J-PC)

Chi GPs - Drayton Pits: A quick check revealed that three female Pochard now have broods, (although one of them is sadly down to just one bird), whilst single broods of Gadwall and Tufted Duck are also present. Otherwise the best on offer amongst the non-breeding wildfowl were two moulting Shoveler, 45 Gadwall, 60 Tufted and six Pochard. A Common Tern, a pair of Buzzards and a family party of four Green Woodpeckers were the only other noteworthy species. (OM)

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