
Monday, 14 August 2017

14th - 15th August 2017

Tuesday, 15th August: After avoiding the overnight rain, it was another fine and sunny day, with some scattered cloud and just a light westerly breeze....

North Wall: No muddy edges, but the water in the Breech Pool had clearly dropped somewhat, allowing at least larger waders to feed. There were 35 Black-tailed Godwits, a dozen Lapwing and two Spotted Redshanks on the pool early this morning – although the latter didn’t stay too long and flew off calling. Along the hedgerows were at least a dozen Whitethroats and several Reed Warblers, whilst along the Wall were 2 Wheatears and a Whinchat. Out in the harbour, the Spoonbill was initially at its inactive best, but it later awoke then flew further into the main channel. (OM et al)

White’s Creek / East side: The Spoonbill gave better views from here and began actively feeding – a welcome change! There wasn’t too much else to report though; 90 Redshank were feeding early on but gradually dispersed, a couple of Whimbrel were loitering and 6 Grey Plover were on the mudflats, but smaller waders were almost non-existent. A few more Whitethroats and several Willow Warblers were all I could find along the bushes, whilst the Swallow families were still present around the stables area. (OM)

 Spoonbill feeding from the East side, and Common Redshanks in White's Creek (OM)

Spoonbill from the East side (apologies for poor quality - but this video experiment is a giant leap for mankind for two of the Editors; please make allowances and we will improve!) (OM)  

Ferry Pool: There were four Wheatears on the fences at the back this morning, with two Avocets, a Dunlin, a Redshank, 51 Black-tailed Godwits and c100 Lapwing on the pool and two Common Sandpipers and c50 Redshanks in the channel opposite, plus the Kingfisher flying through.
At least 200 Sand Martins, with a few Swallows and House Martins among them were feeding off the Tramway, but the bushes were quiet beyond a few Whitethroats and the odd Willow/Chiff. (AH/DF)

Common Sandpipers in Ferry Channel (AH)

Church Norton: Once the sun came out there were lots of passerines around the hide and along the Severals, including a Spotted Flycatcher, a Garden Warbler, up to ten Lesser Whitethroats, Blackcaps, Willow, Reed and Sedge Warblers and 30+ Whitethroats, plus a few Swallows and both Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers.

Three or four Whimbrels, a lone Sandwich Terns and a few Ringed Plovers and Dunlin was about it for the harbour, though a Yellow Wagtail went over east, a Wheatear was on the concrete blocks and a Kingfisher was in the adjacent channel. (AH/TS/JD/DF/DS et al)
Later, the Spoonbill was seen in the harbour. There were also 2 Spotted Flycatchers behind the hide, and also seen were a Garden Warbler, 6 Lesser Whitethroats, Blackcaps, Whitethroat and Willow Warblers behind hide and a Whinchat in the Horse Field. (A&YF)

Spotted Flycatcher (above), Lesser Whitethroat, Willow Warbler, Sedge Warbler, Whimbrel, Green Woodpecker, Great Spotted Woodpecker & Swallow at Church Norton (AH)

This evening there were four Common Sandpipers and a Wheatear around the concrete spit and two Sandwich Terns, two Whimbrels and two Peregrines in the harbour, and a Shoveler, a Chiffchaff and 20+ Sand Martins around the second Several. (S&SaH)

Wheatear at Church Norton (SH)

Selsey: There were six Swifts over Warner Lane today, and two Hobbies over the north of the village this evening. (SH)

Runcton: This evening down the lane south of Runcton there were 50 Swallow, 7 Pied Wagtails and a single Spotted Flycatcher on fence posts - nice to see that what is seen in the south of the peninsular is sometimes reflected here. 
Also, Bullfinches have for once been relatively common around the village for the last month, and two Nuthatches have visited my neighbours feeders. (CRJ)

Monday, 14th August: Another glorious summer's day, with barely any breeze and lots of warm sunshine....

Ferry Pool: There was not too much of note on the pool this morning - just two Avocets, a lone Dunlin, four Shelduck, c55 Black-tailed Godwits and c100 Lapwings, whilst in the adjacent rife at least ten juvenile Reed Warblers and a couple of Whitethroats were being active.
The bushes around the Tramway and Discovery area were fairly quiet, too, though a Garden Warbler and a Lesser Whitethroat were among the 20+ Whitethroats present, and there were also 20+ Long-tailed Tits, 20+ Linnets, 20+ Swallows and c200 Starlings about. (AH)
Also, a Green Sandpiper flew across from the Tramway. (TG-P)

Dunlin (above), young Reed Warbler, Whitethroat, Linnets, Long-tailed Tit & Starling around the Ferry (AH)

Sidlesham: Churchyard/Chalder Farm/Marsh Farm - There were still three active House Martin nests on cottages near the church with 14 or so birds overhead. The churchyard was quiet with just a few Willow Warblers and a Brown Argus butterfly. 
Chalder Farm had a lot of Swallow activity around the barns, a nesting Collared Dove, seven Linnets and two Whitethroats and Marsh Farm had plenty of cattle but no Cattle Egret, just a Kestrel, two Pied Wagtails, three Blackcaps and four Willow Warblers. (SR)

Brown Argus in Sidlesham churchyard (SR)

Medmerry: Easton Lane to the Stilt Pool - The bushes and ditches were fairly quiet, though there were still 20+ Whitethroats and a few Reed and Sedge Warblers present, along with half a dozen Wheatears and a few Skylarks, Yellowhammers and and Reed Buntings.
There was a Whimbrel, a Greenshank and c30 Black-tailed Godwits near the poplars and a Green Sandpiper and a Common Sandpiper were near the second sluice, whilst on the Stilt Pool were three Common Sandpipers, another Greenshank, a Dunlin and an Avocet.
Also about the pool were two Sandwich Terns that went over west, 30 Gadwall, a Lesser Black-backed Gull, a dozen Mediterranean Gulls, six Shelduck, and at least 500 Sand Martins and 100 Swallows which were disturbed from the reeds by a couple of Grey Herons and swirled around madly for a brief while before mostly dispersing. (AH)

Green Sandpiper (above), Greenshank, Wheatear, Reed Bunting, Skylark, Lesser Black-backed Gull & Sand Martins at Medmerry (AH)

This evening both the Barn Owls were out hunting and there were four Greenshanks near the sluice. (S&SaH)

Barn Owl at Medmerry (SH)

Pagham East Side: A brief look at mid-day didn't produce a lot but there were 40+ Redshanks along the channel along with nine Dunlin, two Whimbrel and six Black-tailed Godwits. Butterflies along the path included plenty of Common Blues, a Holly Blue, a few Speckled Woods and Red Admirals & a Comma. The Swallows were still around the sluice as was a Kingfisher. (BI)

Church Norton: The Spoonbill was present this evening at 7:20pm on the far side of the harbour viewed from Church Norton. (K.Leighton)

Medmerry: Ham Farm - There were around half a dozen Corn Buntings along the bank and adjacent cropped field this evening, along with a couple of Meadow Pipits and Skylarks and c40 Goldfinch and a couple of Chiffchaffs and a Whitethroat were in the hedges.
Also, around the Breach there were four Sandwich Terns, a couple of Curlews and c40 Dunlin. (AH)

Corn Buntings at Medmerry (AH)


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