
Wednesday, 10 April 2019

10th - 12th April 2019

Friday, 12th April: The prolonged spell of north-easterly winds continues; with another cool, bright and breezy day....

Selsey Bill: Three Arctic Skuas and a Bonxie east were the highlights of another slow morning. Full log below(JA/PB/JF/C&ME/BI/IP/PM/AH/OM et al)
Great Northern Diver - 4os
Red-throated Diver - 1E
diver sp - 1W
Great Crested Grebe - 1E
Fulmar - 2W
Gannet - 54E, 13W
Shag - 1E
Brent Goose - 1E
Common Scoter - 14E, 2W
Eider - 1os
Peregrine - 1p
Oystercatcher - 5E
Whimbrel - 6E
Sanderling - 4E
Turnstone - 5E
Bonxie - 1E
Arctic Skua -3E
Mediterranean Gull - 13E
Kittiwake - 1E
Sandwich Tern - 76E
Common Tern - 1E, 1W
auk sp - 1W
Meadow Pipit - 12E
Yellow Wagtail - 4N
House Martin - 1N
Swallow - 10N
Linnet - 1p

(1610-1710hrs)  (JA/SH)
Red-throated Diver - 1E
Fulmar - 1E
Gannet - 13E, 5W
Eider - 1os
Sandwich Tern - 10E, 1W

Sandwich Tern (above) & Gannet at the Bill (AH)

Northcommon Farm: Both Little Owls were sitting out on the buildings this evening. (SR)

Ferry Pool: There were only four Avocets on the pool this morning, along with c70 Black-tailed Godwits, ten Redshank, half a dozen Lapwings, c20 Shoveler and c50 Teal;.plus six Gadwall flying about whilst two Swallows went over and a Chiffchaff and a Blackcap were singing near the Visitor Centre. (AH/IP/BI/P&LH)

Chiffchaff at the Ferry (AH)

Long Pool: A Spotted Redshank was at each end of Ferry Channel again this morning, with 20 or so Black-tailed Godwits at the Ferry end.
Early on, the pool held just a couple of singing Sedge Warblers, a Cetti's Warbler and a couple of Reed Buntings (AH/OM), whilst later on a Reed Warbler was singing again. (IP/BI)

Spotted Redshank (above), Black-tailed Godwit & Reed Bunting from the Long Pool (AH)

Medmerry: Porthole Farm - There were two Whitethroats singing - one in bushes on each side of the sewage farm - this morning, and there were also a couple of singing Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps, plus a Cetti's Warbler in the hedges.
About 30 each of House Martins and Swallows were over the settling tanks and at least 20 Mediterranean Gulls and a Buzzard, a Kestrel and a Sparrowhawk were in the vicinity, too. (AH/IP/BI)

Swallow (above), Sparrowhawk, Buzzard & Reed Bunting around Porthole Farm (AH), 
 & Common Whitethroat (BI)

Medmerry: Ham Farm - There around 60 Yellowhammers and 30 Linnets feeding on the newly cultivated fields by the farm late this afternoon, and a pair of Grey Partridges were on another bare field towards Porthole Farm. Also, a lone Corn Bunting was along the banks and two Sandwich Terns were offshore from the breach. (AH)

Corn Bunting (above) & Yellowhammers at Medmerry (AH)

Thursday, 11th April: A fairly chill but bright morning, after a sharp frost, with the breeze remaining from the north-east; still brisk, though a little lighter....

Selsey Bill: In the bright, clear conditions it was quiet as anticipated this morning, with two Little Terns and two Bonxies east the highlights. Full log below...... 
0630-1230hrs:  (PB/JF/C&ME/IP/CN/AH/OM et al)
Red-throated Diver - 6E
Great Northern Diver - 4 os
diver sp - 1E, 1W
Great Crested Grebe - 2 os
Gannet - 32E, 15W
Shag - 1E
Shelduck - 2W
Common Scoter - 38E
Red-breasted Merganser - 2W
Shoveler - 2E
Whimbrel - 2E
Little Tern - 2E
Sandwich Tern - 54E
Mediterranean Gull - 3E
Great Skua - 2E
Rook - 1N
Swallow - 6N
Chiffchaff - 1 gardens
Linnet - 2N

Sandwich Tern at the Bill (AH)

(1645-1745hrs) (JA)
Gannet - 6E, 1W
Brent Goose - 1E
Common Gull - 20E
Mediterranean Gull - 4E
Sandwich Tern - 5E
Arctic Tern - 1E

Northcommon Farm: An early morning visit - hoping for some migrant activity - was not very productive and just three Willow Warblers, two Chiffchaffs and a Blackcap were logged. A resident Great Spotted Woodpecker was active, drumming and working on a nest-hole, whilst the only other birds of note were 24 Mediterranean Gulls. (OM)

Ferry Pool: The three Little Ringed Plovers and ten Avocets were still present, along with c20 Black-tailed Godwits, eight Redshank, c20 Shoveler, c40 Teal and three Gadwall. (AH/IP/CN)
Later on, a Redstart was along the path to the sewage farm. (C&ME/C&JM)

Little Ringed Plover (above), Shoveler & Goldfinch around the Ferry (AH)

Long Pool: There was a Spotted Redshank at either end of Ferry Channel this morning, with c25 Black-tailed Godwits at the Ferry end and a dozen or so Teal and Redshank at the far end, with three flighty Gadwall flying about.
At least four singing Sedge Warblers and two Cetti's Warblers were along the pool, along with two or three Reed Buntings, whilst a Snipe flew out from the reeds. (AH)
Later on, two Reed Warblers - the first of the spring - were heard at the far end of the pool. (IP/CN)

Spotted Redshanks (above), Sedge Warbler, Reed Bunting & Gadwall from the Long Pool (AH)

Medmerry: Easton Lane to the Stilt Pool - The only migrants noted were two Swallows along Easton Lane, though there were plenty of the regular species along the banks, including a Corn Bunting, half a dozen Reed Buntings, Yellowhammers and Meadow Pipits, 20+ Skylarks  and 50+ Linnets.
A minimum of 26 Avocets were on the Stilt Pool, many in pairs, along with five Little Ringed Plovers, but otherwise there were just a few Shoveler, Teal and Gadwall present. Also, a Great Northern Diver flew east, offshore and a Greylag was with a dozen or so Canada Geese. (AH/IP/CN)

Corn Bunting (above), Little Ringed Plover & Avocets and Moorhen at Medmerry (AH)

North Wall: It was very quiet this morning, and as if to prove the point, at 1100hrs there were just 4 Redshank along White's Creek! The Breech Pool was much the same as yesterday with 60+ Teal, a few Mallard and 42 Black-tailed Godwits, whilst 6 Little Egrets have arrived at Owl Copse. It was better on a wet field near Honer reservoir however, where there were 3 Little Ringed Plovers.  (JDW)

Wednesday, 10th April: A dry and much brighter day than yesterday, but still cold in the fresh to strong north-easterly breeze....

Selsey Bill: Highlight of a fairly slow morning was a drake Garganey among a flock of Common Scoter, then later a pair of Garganey, again with Scoter, but otherwise there was little on the move beyond 300 of the afore-mentioned Scoters and three Bonxies, with a couple of Eider and three Great Northern Divers on the sea. Full log below......
0620-1300hrs: (PM/JF/OM/C&ME/AH/IP et al)
Red-throated Diver - 8E
Great Northern Diver - 3 os
Fulmar - 1E, 8W
Gannet - 62E, 25W
Brent Goose - 38E
Eider - 1W, 1os
Common Scoter - 304E
Red-breasted Merganser - 4E
Garganey - 3E (male 0945 and pair 1232hrs)
Whimbrel - 4E
Bar-tailed Godwit - 14E
Turnstone - 8E
Common Tern - 5E
'Commic' Tern - 12E
Sandwich Tern - 51E
Great Skua - 3E
Goldfinch - 7N

Gannet (above), Brent Geese & Fox at the Bill (AH)

North Selsey: A Common Whitethroat was on the waste ground by Ocean Air this afternoon. (SH)

Medmerry: Breach area - There was little to report beyond a flock of 30 or so Brent Geese that circled the tidal pools, but were reluctant to land. (A&YF)

Ferry Pool: There were three Little Ringed Plovers, ten Avocets, c40 Black-tailed Godwits and a handful of Lapwing and Redshank on the pool, plus - unusually - a drake Pochard, along with three Gadwall, a dozen Shoveler and c40 Teal, whilst the Spotted Redshank and another 20 Black-tailed Godwits and a pair of Gadwall were in the channel opposite. (AH/AW/TR/RS/IP)
Later on, two Spotted Redshanks were in Ferry Channel and a Cetti's Warbler was calling from the Long Pool. (AB)

Spotted Redshank (above), Gadwall, Black-tailed Godwit & Pochard, Avocet, Shelduck and Lapwing around the Ferry (AH)

Church Norton: At least 30 Sandwich Terns and 100+ Mediterranean Gulls were in the harbour, along with the female Peregrine, a lone Brent Goose and a few Curlew, whilst the bushes were quiet, with a Mistle Thrush at Greenlease Farm and the odd Blackcap and Chiffchaff being the only small birds noted. (AH/IP)
Late this afternoon, an Osprey was seen flying high over Tern Island. (IL)

Gulls over Tern Island at Church Norton (AH)

North WallCold and breezy early on, with not much happening along White's Creek - just 9 Redshank, 15 Black-tailed Godwits and 20 Teal. On the Breech Pool were 4 Tufted Ducks, 2 Gadwall, 70 Teal and 24 Black-tailed Godwits, whilst a Green Sandpiper was around the surface water in Honer 1 field. On Honer reservoir were 6 Tufted Ducks, 2 Gadwall and 2 Little Grebes plus  2 Sand Martins which passed through. Nearby in the flooded field just SE of the reservoir were a pair of Little Ringed Plovers, a pair of Lapwings, 3 Mute Swans and a Greylag Goose, with Chiffchaffs being the only other migrants recorded. Finally, the pair of Stock Doves was busy around Pagham Church. (JDW)

Stock Dove at Pagham churchyard and Mute Swans with Greylag in fields near Honer reservoir (JDW)

Northcommon Farm: A Wheatear went over north this morning and there were also two Blackcaps, two Pied Wagtails and two Buzzards about. (SH)

Chichester Canal: There were up to eight singing Blackcaps along the track from Hunston to Chichester today, and four Swallows went over. (SaH)

Ivy Lake: A quick look at lunchtime produced no hirundines over the pits, though a single Common Tern was present and there were several Orange-tip butterflies on the wing. (AH)
Later this afternoon, c150 Sand Martins were over the lake. (AB)

Orange-tip at Ivy Lake (AH)

Medmerry: Porthole Farm - This evening c20 Sand Martins, c40 House Martins and c100 Swallows, plus at least 100 Mediterranean Gulls were over the settling tanks, with a couple of Reed Buntings and Willow/Chiffs along the adjacent hedges. (AH)

House Martin (above), Swallow & Reed Bunting at Medmerry (AH)

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