
Wednesday, 4 September 2019

4th - 6th September 2019

Friday, 6th September: A cool and blustery morning, with heavy cloud and a fresh westerly breeze..........

Firstly, a message from Ivan Lang, RSPB Warden for Pagham Harbour -

Dear All,

In 2016 and 2017 a whole bunch of enthusiastic volunteers ventured out on to Tern Island, in the centre of the harbour (at low tide I may add) to carry out a vegetation clearance project (weeding) to ensure that there is plenty of open shingle for the returning Little Terns in April. Since then through the LIFE+ project a permanent predator proof fence was constructed, and the shingle cleared mechanically. This was a great success with the seabird colony increasing in size to 700 pairs in 2019. Those visiting Pagham harbour over this period with have seen this spectacular sight. The LIFE+ project has come to the end, but we wish to continue its legacy, to continue the success of the seabird colony. It is an ideal opportunity to view the reserve from a different aspect, which few can do.

If you are interested and want more information or wish to join us then please contact me on or 01243 641508

To join us meet at Church Norton Car Park, which is at the end of Rectory Lane off the B2145 just before reaching Selsey at

7th October 2019 meet at 12.00

9th October 2019 meet at 14.15

23rd October 2019 meet at 12.15

6th November 2019 meet at 11.30

20th November 2019 meet at 09.30

Please ensure that you have wet weather gear, warm clothes as it can be chilly out on the island, water and food if you require it and wellingtons are essential to cross to the island. If you have work gloves and a garden fork that would be useful to bring but not essential. Each session will last for approximately two hours

Thanks you, your help will be appreciated by all the birds that use the Island this summer

Below are a few pictures from previous projects and the terns enjoying their new home.

Selsey Bill: Over 100 Gannets went west this morning, along with three Fulmars, whilst a few Swallows, Yellow and Pied Wagtails went over west. Full log below. (C&ME/JA)


Fulmar - 3W
Gannet - 125W
Shag - 2E
Shelduck - 2W 
Common Scoter - 1W 
Kestrel - 1W 
Dunlin - 8E 
Sanderling - 5E 
Turnstone - 17p 
Mediterranean Gull - 8W 
Sandwich Tern - 15E, 16W 
Swallow - 83W 
Yellow Wagtail - 3W 
Pied Wagtail - 19W 
Goldfinch - 35W

(1635-1735hrs) (SH)
Manx Shearwater - 1W
Fulmar - 1W
Gannet - 6E, 2W
arctic Skua - 1os (l/p)
Mediterranean Gull - 1W
Sandwich Tern - 2E, 16W
Razorbill - 1W

Ferry Pool: It was much the same as yesterday, with three Little Ringed Plovers, nine Dunlin and c40 Black-tailed Godwits being the only birds on the pool. (AH/IP)

Little Ringed Plovers on Ferry Pool (AH)

Church Norton: Nearly all the birds seen were in one large loose flock, moving through the sheltered areas between the hide an the concrete wall, including c30 Chiffchaffs, two or three Willow Warblers, 10+ Blackcaps, 5+ Whitethroats, and Great Tits and 40+ Long-tailed and Blue Tits.
The Severals just held a couple of Whitethroats, though a handful of Sand Martins and the first two Meadow Pipits of the autumn went over, with one of the latter seen coming in from well out to sea. The harbour held one Whimbrel, a few Curlews and lots of Redshanks, but not much else. (AH/IP)

Chiffchaffs (above) & Whitethroat at Church Norton (AH)

Ivy Lake: A lone Swift went over at 10.30am (IP)

Sidlesham: This evening, shortly after dusk, a Tawny Owl was calling repeatedly somewhere near our garden. (AH)

Medmerry: Ham Farm - Up to ten Wheatears were in the big barley stubble field, along with a few Skylarks, but the hedges around the farm just held one or two Whitethroats, plus a couple of Sand Martins over.
The only other area of activity was one of the bits of hedgerow towards Porthole Farm, which held at least ten Reed Buntings, six Yellowhammers and several Whitethroats, whilst a huge flock of Starlings came up briefly from the direction of the sewage works. (AH)

Wheatear (above), Skylark, Yellowhammer and Reed Bunting, Reed Bunting & Roe Deer at Medmerry (AH)

Medmerry, west side: A cream-capped Marsh Harrier was hunting over the marsh this morning and nearby in the creek were a Redshank, a Whimbrel and a Green Sandpiper. The Stilt Pools held two Common Sandpipers, a Greenshank and two Bar-headed Geese of note. (BI)

Thursday, 5th September: A bright and breezy morning, with a nip in the fresh north-westerly breeze...........

Selsey Bill: There were still a few Sandwich Terns about and a Wheatear and four Chiffchaffs were around the Bill House. (C&ME/PC)
Gannet - 32W
Shag - 2E
Grey Heron - 2W
Common Scoter - 3E
Dunlin - 23W
Sanderling - 1E
Turnstone - 9p
Mediterranean Gull - 1E, 5W
Sandwich Tern - 19E, 1W
Swallow - 28W
House Martin - 1E
Pied Wagtail - 4W
Wheatear - 1p
Chiffchaff - 4p

Ferry Pool: There were still two Little Ringed Plovers on the pool this morning, but not much else besides six Dunlin and c40 Black-tailed Godwits. (AH)

Little Ringed Plover (above) & Dunlin on the Ferry (AH)

Northcommon Farm: The Pied Flycatcher was again in the middle hedge at 'Flycatcher Corner' this morning. (SH)

Halsey's Farm: There was lots of activity around the hedges this morning, including two Redstarts, two Spotted Flycatchers, a Whinchat, at least four Lesser Whitethroats, a couple of Willow/Chiffs, at least half a dozen Blackcaps and Whitethroats and at least ten Wheatears, several of which looked good candidates for Greenland-types. (AH)

Redstart (above), Whinchat, Lesser Whitethroat, Blackcap, Spotted Flycatchers & Wheatears at Halsey's Farm (AH)

North WallThere were at least four more Wheatears along the wall, but not much more beyond the odd Whitethroat, Blackcap and Sedge Warbler, whilst a Hobby, couple of Yellow Wagtails and a dozen Sand Martins went over.
A Greenshank and a Turnstone were in White's Creek, along with c30 Lapwings and c50 Redshank, with another Greenshank, a couple of Grey Plovers and a dozen Knot out in the harbour. (AH/IH/TR)

Greenshank (above), Turnstone & Grey Heron from the North Wall (AH)

This afternoon an Osprey and a Marsh Harrier were seen over the North Wall and a Turtle Dove went south-east over Halsey's Farm, Also, a rare and specialist salt-marsh grassland species, the Slender Hare's Ear was noted. (IL)

Slender Hare's Ear at the North Wall (IL)

East Head: There were four Wheatears on the beach this evening. (MR)

Wheatear at East Head (MR)

Medmerry: Easton Lane to the Stilt Pool - A female-type Marsh Harrier was seen mobbing an Osprey, carrying a large fish, this evening over the middle of the reserve. 

Also, a Hobby and a Sparrowhawk were present, with a Greenshank, a Common Sandpiper and eight Black-tailed Godwits were in the tidal area by the Poplars, whilst the banks were busy, with 11 Wheatears, five Whinchats, five Yellow Wagtails, four Corn Buntings, 10+ Yellowhammers and 20+ Swallows seen.

The Stilt Pool held a few waders, too, this evening, including a Greenshank, three Common sandpipers, a Bar-tailed Godwit, three Ringed Plovers and two Dunlin. (S&SaH)

Whinchat (above) & Wheatear at Medmerry (SH)

Long Pool: A total of eight Spotted Redshanks were tucked away on the pool again this evening, along with a handful of Black-tailed Godwits and Teal, whilst a Greenshank, a Whimbrel, 16 Grey Plovers and c50 Redshank were in Ferry Channel. (AH)

Spotted Redshank (above), Greenshank and Redshank & Grey Plovers around the Long Pool (AH)

Wednesday, 4th September: After some heavy early morning rain, a very bright and blowy morning in a blustery westerly breeze.......

Selsey Bill: It was quiet early on, though later a Tree Pipit went over and 30+ Sandwich Terns went west. Full log below/later. (AH, then C&ME)
Fulmar - 1W
Gannet - 2E, 7W
Sandwich Tern - 6os
Gannet - 8E, 35W
Shag - 1E
Dunlin - 10E
Mediterranean Gull - 1W
Sandwich Tern - 39W, 4os
Swallow - 5W
Tree Pipit - 1W

Sandwich Tern at the Bill (AH)

Ferry Pool: There was no sign of the Curlew Sandpipers this morning, though 16 assorted Dunlin were on the pool, along with c40 Black-tailed Godwits and a handful of Teal. (AH/PB et al)
At lunchtime today, an Osprey dropped in and settled briefly on one of the posts in the pool, before flying off again. (IH)
Later, a Curlew Sandpiper was with 11 Dunlin on the pool, before it flew off, presumably to the Long Pool - see below. (AH)

Dunlin on the Ferry (AH)

Northcommon Farm: A Pied Flycatcher was in the middle hedge at 'Flycatcher Corner' this morning. (SH)

Medmerry: An Osprey was over the reserve early this afternoon. (IL)

Church Norton: At least five Wheatears were along the beach this morning, with a couple of Yellow Wagtails going over, with a couple of Blackcaps and Whitethroats along the Severals, with half a dozen more of the former, plus a couple of the latter and a couple of Willow/Chiffs around the hide area, along with three Green Woodpeckers in the churchyard.
The harbour was very quiet, with Redshanks predominating, and just a couple of Ringed and Grey Plovers, plus a Black-tailed Godwit and a few Curlew noted. (AH)

Wheatears (above), Blackcap, Whitethroat & Green Woodpecker at Church Norton (AH)

Long Pool: A Curlew Sandpiper was on the pool this evening, along with six Spotted Redshank, eight Black-tailed Godwits and c30 Teal, whilst a Greenshank and a Whimbrel were seen in flight over Ferry Channel. (AH)

Curlew Sandpiper and Teal (above) & Spotted Redshank on the Long Pool (AH)

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