
Wednesday, 26 August 2020

26th - 28th August 2020

Friday, 28th August: A pleasant late summer's morning, with plenty of sun and a moderate westerly breeze blowing through some white cloud.........

Selsey Bill: A slow morning, though a Shag and three Common Terns went east. Full log below. (BI/IP/MO-W/SR/AH)
(0615-0800hrs) (W, F4)
Gannet - 1E 4W
Shag - 1E
Oystercatcher - 1E, 2W
Turnstone - 12
Sandwich Tern - 2E, 11W
Common Tern - 3E
auk sp - 1W
Pied Wagtail - 1W

Ferry Pool: There were five Common Sandpipers around the pool this morning, though otherwise it was the usual mix of c25 Black-tailed Godwits, c20 Lapwing, six Shelducks and c80 Teal, whilst a Whimbrel was in the channel opposite. (AH)

Later on, two Tree Pipits were along the Tramway. (IL)

Whimbrel in Ferry Channel (AH)

Long Pool: There were four Spotted Redshanks on the pool this morning, along with a probable juvenile Scaup and a lone Black-tailed Godwit, whilst the bushes were alive with a big mixed flock of c30 Whitethroats, c20 Blackcaps and c10 Reed Warblers, along with a handful of Willow Warblers and numerous Blue and Great Tits. (AH)

Scaup and Spotted Redshanks (above), Spotted Redshanks, Blackcaps, Willow Warbler & Reed Warbler along the Long Pool (AH)

Church Norton: Two Redstarts and two Spotted Flycatchers were behind the hide, along with a few Blackcaps and Whitethroats, with more of the latter along the west side and the Severals, where there were also a few Sedge Warblers, too. Sand Martins numbered 20+ overhead as they drifted west.
Half a dozen Wheatears were along the spit, with another on the west side, whilst four Sandwich Terns were in the harbour, along with a Whimbrel but few other waders, and three Peregrines were doing aerial manoeuvres together overhead. (AH/A&YF/AW/NM/BI et al)

Wheatear (above), Spotted Flycatcher, Whitethroat, Swallow & Sandwich Terns at Church Norton (AH)

The two Redstarts were showing well this afternoon (MRo), whilst later on up to six Spotted Flycatchers were around the hide with a mix of warblers.
In the harbour, the Little Stint was showing well, among the many Dunlin and Ringed Plovers, whilst there were also a Greenshank and a few Whimbrel present, and a flock of the latter flew inn from offshore. (AW/S&SaH/AH)

Redstart (MRo) (above), Little Stint (AW) & Spotted Flycatcher (AH) at Church Norton

Selsey: A Swift went north over the garden this evening. (IP)

Sidlesham: Around 30 Swallows and 20 House Martins and a handful of Sand Martins were over the garden today. (AH)

Swallow over Sidlesham (AH)

North Wall: A Common Sandpiper was at the Breech Pool this morning amongst the Mallards and Teal, whilst in the reeds and hedgerows nearby were a Redstart, four Lesser Whitethroats, six Whitethroats, at least three Reed Warblers, two Sedge Warblers, three Cetti's Warblers, five Blackcaps and six Reed Buntings. Also, a Kingfisher flew through and two over-flying Whimbrel settled on the adjacent mudflats.
Halsey's Farm was again productive, with at least six Redstarts (including two males) present along the hedgelines and six Wheatears and two Whinchats in the fields. The field near Owl Point held at least 15 Yellow Wagtails amongst the grazing cattle, with 30+ Swallows feeding low over them, but early on at least just two Cattle Egrets could be located (OM) although later at least 20 were reported by others (OM/BI et al)
Later on, up to 20 Cattle Egrets and 60 Yellow Wagtails were seen. (GM/AB)

Redstart at Halsey's Farm (OM)

East side: Rather disappointing late morning, although the tide had not yet receded very far and waders were few. Three Greenshanks, two Whimbrel, a dozen Grey Plovers and four Knot were the best on offer amongst the Redshanks and small numbers of Ringed Plover and Dunlin, whilst wildfowl included two Pintail and two Wigeon. (OM/IH)

Birdham: An Osprey circled over the observer's garden at 1300hrs, before heading off south-east. (AB)

Chichester Marina: A Pied Flycatcher was briefly in the bushes by the car-park at 10am this morning. (HR/DMe)

Fishbourne - Dell Quay: On the high tide at Dell Quay this morning there were 10 Greenshank and 2 Common Terns with a good number of Grey Herons and Little Egrets on the far shore, whilst there were 8 Turnstone roosting on a boat. Further up the channel there was a Whimbrel and a Dunlin whilst 3 Grey Plovers were in with the Curlew and Redshank on the far shore. 

 Early on at Fishbourne there were 19 Black-tailed Godwits roosting and with the falling tide there were 7 Greenshank (possibly different birds to those at Dell Quay). The fence line beside the harbour had 2 Stonechats and 2 Whinchat, whilst the finale for the morning was a Kingfisher flying along the stream at Fishbourne Meadows. (RW)

Whimbrel at Fishbourne channel (RW)

Thursday, 27th August: It was a fairly still and grey morning, after a bright start, with the threat of rain moving in later.........

Selsey Bill: A Shag went east and three Common Terns went west, whilst a few hirundines were about, too. Full log below. (MO-W/IP/SR/TR/AH)
(0650-0805hrs) (NW, F2)
Gannet - 2W
Shag - 1E
Common Scoter - 2W
Ringed Plover - 1
Turnstone - 44
Mediterranean Gull - 1E, 2W
Sandwich Tern - 9E, 5W
Common Tern - 3W
Swallow - 17E, 3W
Sand Martin - 31E, 6W
House Martin - 4

Shag (above) & Sandwich Terns at the Bill (AH)

Ferry Pool: Two Common Sandpipers, c20 Lapwings, c40 Black-tailed Godwits, 14 Shelducks and c80 Teal were on the pool, whilst c30 Sand Martins went over south and a Whimbrel and five Redshanks were in the channel opposite.
A Marsh Harrier went west over the Tramway, as did half a dozen Swallows, whilst the bushes just held a Yellowhammer and a handful of Whitethroats and Blackcaps, plus a Painted Lady butterfly. (AH)

Marsh Harrier (above), Yellowhammer, Blackcap, Whitethroat & Painted Lady around the Ferry (AH)

Church Norton: A juvenile Curlew Sandpiper, a Knot, a Common Sandpiper and a Lesser Black-backed Gull were in the harbour the morning, whilst two Sanderlings were on the beach.
A Redstart was behind the hide and a Spotted Flycatcher was in the churchyard, with a Reed Warbler, three Garden Warblers and ten Blackcaps, along with a few Willow Warblers and Chiffchaffs were in the vicinity, whilst two Whinchats and five Wheatears were along the spit and c50 Sand Martins went over. (AW/GM/RF et al)

Sanderling (above), Common Sandpiper, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Whinchat, Wheatear (AW), Redstart, Spotted Flycatcher, Garden Warbler & Willow Warbler (GM) at Church Norton 

This evening a Spoonbill flew over (or possibly out of) the harbour heading west over the Severals despite the strong headwind.
Also, six Sandwich Terns were by the concrete slabs, six Grey Plovers were among c100 Dunlin and c50 Ringed Plovers on the mud and c40 Sand Martins and c20 Swallows were feeding low over the water. (AH)

Spoonbill (above), Sandwich Tern & Grey Plover at Church Norton (AH)

North Wall: Nothing was on the Breech Pool, now back to full duck-pond status, although there was some passerine activity in the hedgerows in this general area, A flurry of up to ten Willow Warblers and a couple of Chiffchaffs were logged, plus four Whitethroats, four Reed Warblers, two Wheatears and eight Reed Buntings.
Most of the activity however was around Halsey's Farm this morning. A Common Sandpiper and four Gadwall were on the rife, whilst four Black-tailed Godwits and 45 Curlews were in the fields, but passerine migrants were the most numerous today. In the cattle field c.45 Yellow Wagtails were busily feeding, whilst five Redstarts were in the hedges, along with a few Willow Warblers and several Whitethroats and the fields held five Whinchats and up to ten Wheatears.
Also, a Marsh Harrier, and a Whimbrel went over and there were up to 20 Cattle Egrets spread among various groups of cows, with another 16 towards Marsh Farm, where there were also three Buzzards and eight Egyptian Geese. (AH/TG/OM/GHi/IH et al)

 Yellow Wagtails and Reed Bunting at Halsey's Farm (OM)

Redstart (above), Wheatear, Marsh Harrier, Cattle Egrets (AH), Cattle Egrets, Egyptian Geese & Buzzard (GHi) around the North Wall

East side: A Kingfisher was around the sluice early on, but otherwise it was rather disappointing and on the falling tide there were none of the scarcer waders, with three Knot, four Greenshank two Whimbrel and 20 Grey Plover about the best of it. Two Wigeon and three Great Crested Grebes were in the channel, a few Swallows went over and a lone Sandwich Tern was sitting on the mudflats. (OM/IH et al)
A juvenile Curlew Sandpiper was off White's Creek this afternoon, and the odd, short-billed greenshank was around again. (RF)

Greenshank (above) & Wheatear along the East Side (RF)

Medmerry: Easton Lane to the Stilt Pool - The banks were busy this morning, with three Whinchats, five Wheatears, c50 Yellow Wagtails, three Grey Wagtails, c75 Meadow Pipits, 15 Whitethroats, c30 Yellowhammers and a Corn Bunting seen, whilst the  poplars area held 11 Black-tailed Godwits.
The Stilt Pool held a Greenshank, two Common Sandpipers, a Kingfisher, two Wigeon, 12 Gadwall, c40 Teal, 330 Canada Goose, a Peregrine and c50 Swallows and Sand Martins, with another 100 or so of each heading over south. (IP/SR/TR)

Chi GPs - Ivy Lake complex - There were plenty of hirundines spread over the pits late morning, the majority being Sand Martins, with approximately 150 of the latter and perhaps 25 each of Swallow and House Martin. 
Two Common Terns were fishing, mainly on Ivy Lake, where a single Black Swan was present and a noisy squadron of 40 Greylags dropped in. Around the walkways and hedges were about five Willow Warblers and a similar number of Chiffchaffs, with one of the latter singing. (OM)

 Common Tern at Ivy Lake (OM)

Wednesday, 26th August: The blustery conditions continued, with a fresh westerly blowing all morning, though it was mainly bright and sunny.........

Selsey Bill: It was very quiet offshore, though nine Yellow Wagtails went over west. Full log below. (SR/RP/MO-W/AH/IP/PD/CRJ)
(0645-0830hrs) (W, F6)
Gannet - 4E, 2W
Oystercatcher - 2
Turnstone - 5
Sandwich Tern - 1E, 1W
Sand Martin - 1W
Yellow Wagtail - 9W

Ferry Pool: Three Common Sandpipers and 20+ Black-tailed Godwits were the only waders present, whilst there were still eight Shelducks and c100 Teal about. (AH/MO-W)

Common Sandpiper at the Ferry (AH)

This evening a juvenile Stonechat was along the electric fencing, whilst a Greenshank, a Green Sandpiper, two Common Sandpipers and c40 Black-tailed Godwits were on the pool. (AH) 

Stonechat (above) & Common Sandpiper at the Ferry (AH)

North Wall: There was only a Whimbrel and Curlew in White's Creek shortly after high water, but  later an adult Curlew Sandpiper was visible further out as the tide receded.  
Three Wheatears were along the Wall and three Common Whitethroats, one Lesser Whitethroat and a Reed Bunting were in the hedgerows, whilst ten Cattle Egrets were amongst cattle in Honer 1 field and towards Halsey's farm about 30 Black-tailed Godwits and ten Curlew fed in the fields.  (IH)

Church Norton: There were plenty of people looking this morning, and the harbour produced two Curlew Sandpipers and three Knot among the 100+ Dunlin and 50+ Ringed Plovers present and there were also a Peregrine, a Greenshank and three Whimbrel about, along with a Little Tern, a Common Tern and two Sandwich Terns, whilst a flock of 12 juvenile and one adult Shelducks flew in off the sea.
Small birds were mostly keeping low, but there were still at least nine Wheatear and two Whinchats along the spit, two Spotted Flycatchers behind the and four between the Severals, where there was also a Garden Warbler a Cetti's Warbler and a couple of Reed Warblers, with small numbers of Sand Martins, Swallows, Blackcaps, Willow Warblers, Lesser Whitethroats and Whitethroats widely spread. (AH/IP/PD/A&YF/TG-P et al)

Whinchats (above), Wheatears, Spotted Flycatcher, Sandwich Tern, Whimbrel, Shelducks & Grey Heron at Church Norton (AH)

This afternoon both the Little Stint and two Curlew Sandpipers were reported from the harbour (per Birdguides), but there was no sign shortly afterwards. (AB)
Later, on the high tide, it was very quiet, with a fisherman on the concrete slabs stopping anything roosting there, though there were still a mix of Sand Martins, House Martins and Swallows - totalling c50 birds - feeding over the harbour and hedges, two Spotted Flycatchers were behind the hide and a couple of Yellow Wagtails popped up from the vegetable crop behind the churchyard. (AH)

Yellow Wagtail (above), Sand Martin and House Martin & Swallows at Church Norton (AH)

Medmerry: Easton Lane to the Stilt Pool - The first Osprey of the autumn was seen fishing on one of the inaccessible ponds before flying off east towards the harbour this evening.
The banks were busy, too, as the wind eased, with a total of seven Whinchats, 11  Stonechats, 13 Wheatears, 60+ Yellow Wagtails, two Meadow Pipits, a Whitethroat, a Corn Bunting and seven Yellowhammers noted, along with two Buzzards and 20+ Swallows overhead.
A Kingfisher, two Greenshanks, two Whimbrel and a Common Sandpiper, with three of the latter the only birds of any note on the Stilt Pool. (S&SaH)

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