
Tuesday, 4 August 2020

4th - 6th August 2020

Thursday, 6th August: After a murky and very humid start, another very warm morning of sunshine in a moderate south-westerly breeze......

Selsey Bill: A Balearic Shearwater went west this morning, just beyond the mile basket line at 0752hrs. Otherwise it was fairly quiet, though there were a few more Gannets and Sandwich Terns than yesterday. Full log below. (MO-W/SR/AH)
(0645-0815hrs) (SSW, F3)
Balearic Shearwater - 1W (0752hrs)
Gannet - 14E, 10W
Common Scoter - 4E, 1w
Sparrowhawk - 1
Turnstone - 12
Mediterranean Gull - 1E, 1W
Sandwich Tern - 47E, 26W
Swallow - 4W
House Martin - 3 nests still active on the estate

Turnstones (above), Sandwich Tern & Mediterranean Gull at the Bill (AH)

Ferry Pool: Two Common Sandpipers were on the pool this morning, along with a dozen Black-tailed Godwits, 11 Shelducks and 20 Teal.
The Greenshank, the Whimbrel, a Common Sandpiper and a few more Black-tailed Godwits and a few Redshank were in the channel opposite, whilst a Kingfisher and a Green Woodpecker flew through and a Reed Bunting was present, too.
Also, a Marsh Frog made it across the mud from the Long Pool to the channel, narrowly evading the assorted waders! (AH/MO-W/AW)

Common Sandpiper (above), Reed Bunting, Marsh Frog, & Marsh Frog with Whimbrel & with Black-tailed Godwit around the Ferry (AW)

This evening there was a Mute Swan with two cygnets on the Ferry pool, while in the channel the ringed female Kingfisher was sitting by the pumps. A hot air balloon over Sidlesham put up most of the birds including two Whimbrels and six Black-tailed Godwits.
A Spotted Redshank, a Greenshank and two Common Sandpipers were also in the channel. (AW)

Kingfisher (above), Black-tailed Godwit, Whimbrel & Mute Swan family around the Ferry (AW)

North Wall: There were still at least 20 Cattle Egrets present, initially in Owl Copse before some dispersed over the fields and some onto the island. 
The wall was very quiet, as was the Breech Pool, where 30 Black-tailed Godwits and a handful of Lapwings were the only waders present, but White's Creek held two Spotted Redshank, three Greenshank, a Whimbrel, c30 Black-tailed Godwits and at least 100 Redshanks.
Also, six Swifts went over White's Creek, and a flock of 30 Swallows, with a couple of Sand Martins among them, were over the fields at Halsey's Farm early on. (AH/TG)

Cattle Egrets (above), Spotted Redshanks, Greenshank, Spotted Redshank and Greenshank & Lapwing around the North Wall (AH)

Medmerry: Ham Farm - There were two families of Corn Buntings around the banks this evening, plus a couple of Yellowhammers, whilst a Wheatear was towards the breach, where there were also a dozen roosting Sandwich Terns.
There wasn't much else beyond a Sparrowhawk, a Reed Warbler and a handful of Whitethroats, plus a couple of Swallows over, with another 20 or so, plus a Sand Martin along the wires on Ham Road. (AH)

Corn Buntings (above), Wheatear, Reed Bunting, Sparrowhawk, Sand Martin & Swallow at Medmerry (AH)

Honer Reservoir: There was a Green Sandpiper on Honer Resevoir. Also, the hot-air balloon that went low over( the harbour also went over Runcton. (CRJ)

Balloon over Runcton (CRJ)

Wednesday, 5th August: The weather remains bright and sunny, but unfortunately the brisk breeze persists, too, this morning from the south-west......

Selsey Bill: A gathering of 45 Turnstones on the beach was the highlight of a quiet morning. (AH/SR)
(0700-0800hrs) (SSW, F4-5)
Great Crested Grebe - 2os
Gannet - 4E, 6W
Little Egret - 1E
Shelduck - 2E
Common Scoter - 1E
Turnstone - 45
Mediterranean Gull - 4W
Sandwich Tern - 10os
Common Tern - 3os
Little Tern - 1os

Sandwich Tern (above), Common Tern & Turnstones at the Bill (AH)

Ferry Pool: A Little Ringed Plover and a Common Sandpiper were on the back of the pool this morning, and there werre also a dozen Black-tailed Godwits, six Shelducks and c30 Teal present.
The Greenshank was present again in the channel opposite, with another further out in the harbour, and a dozen Swifts and Swallows were feeding overhead.
The Tramway circuit was slow going, but eventually yielded a Garden Warbler, half a dozen Lesser Whitethroats, a dozen Whitethroats and a couple of Blackcaps, whilst a family of Reed Warblers were in Red Barn Ditch. (AH/MO-W)

Little Ringed Plover (above), Black-tailed Godwit, Garden Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat & Reed Warbler around the Ferry (AH)

North Wall: There were 22 Cattle Egrets this morning, some showing very well. A Greenshank was in white's Creek, a Whimbrel was close to the wall and the Yellow-legged Gull was sat out preening, whilst 15 Canada Geese flew into the harbour.. 
The Breech Pool was more or less devoid of waders, bar a few Black-tailed Godwits, probably due to cattle walking around the edges. 
Of historical interest,  a dog walker reported finding a locally made 18th Century clay pipe at the water's edge - the artefact apparently verified by Liverpool University. (AW/IH)

Cattle Egrets (above), Yellow-legged Gull, Whimbrel & cows on the Breech Pool at the North Wall (AW)

Later on, 36 Black-tailed Godwits, four Redshanks, a Whimbrel, a Redshank and 11 Lapwing were in White's Creek. and there were several Reed Warblers and Common Whitethroats along the Wall. 
There was a lot of coming and going at the Egret roost - at 1130hrs there were 23 Cattle Egrets there, along with six Little Egrets and three Grey Herons, whilst hehind Owl Copse there were about 50 Black-headed Gulls chasing after grasshoppers.
Also, on Honer Reservoir, there were two female Tufted Ducks, one with eight ducklings and the other with six. (JDW)

Cattle Egrets, Little Egrets and Grey Herons (above), Greenshank & Tufted Ducks around the North Wall (JDW)

Church Norton: There were still six Little Terns (including at least one juvenile), ten Sandwich Terns and a single Common Tern in the harbour, but waders were few beyond a Whimbrel, a dozen Dunlin and c30 Redshanks.
A few Swifts, Sand Martins and House Martins were among the 50+ Swallows about, mostly over the Severals, whilst a Wheatear and a Pied Wagtail were on the concrete blocks and a few Lesser Whitethroats, Whitethroats, Reed Warblers and Linnets were along the front. Also, a Peregrine went over. (TG-P/AH/NR/A&YF)

It won't be long now until there are no terns left in the harbour! This evening there were just a handful of Sandwich Terns and two Little Terns, though they were still carrying food to New Island, so there must still be one last youngster there.
Otherwise there were five Whimbrel, two Black-tailed Godwits, c50 Ringed Plovers and c200 Dunlin on the mud and at least 20 Swallows still in the vicinity of the hide. (AH)

 Little Terns (above), Sandwich Terns, Whimbrel & Swallow at Church Norton (AH)

Sidlesham: Around 30 Swifts were feeding over our garden on the west of the village late this morning and the adult and juvenile Buzzard were also airborne, with the youngster calling continuously. (AH)

Swift (above) & Buzzard over Sidlesham (AH)

Medmerry: Easton Lane to the Stilt Pools - Two Whimbrel, a Greenshank and a Common Sandpiper were in the tidal area near the poplars, with seven Egyptian Geese in the area, whilst a Wheatear, a Stonechat, four Yellowhammers, a Whitethroat and 10+ Meadow Pipits were along the banks. Also, a Buzzard, a Sand Martin and two Swallows went over.
Three Common Sandpipers, two Greenshank and a Whimbrel were on the Stilt Pool, with two Stonechats and a Reed Warbler present, too. (S&SaH)

Tuesday, 4th August: Another warm and sunny morning, with the north-westerly breeze light early on, but freshening as the day progressed......

Selsey Bill: A pair of Little Terns, plus a juvenile, were offshore this morning, along with a couple of Common Terns and a few Sandwich Terns, but it was unsurprisingly quiet otherwise. Full log below. (IP/AH/MO-W/SR)
(0645-0800hrs) (NW, F2-3)
Gannet - 2E, 4W
Grey Heron - 1W
Mallard - 2E
Common Scoter - 6E
Sparrowhawk - 1
Oystercatcher - 1E, 2W
Mediterranean Gull - 5W
Sandwich Tern - 33os
Common Tern - 2os
Little Tern - 3os (including a juvenile)
Swift - 6
Swallow - 10W
House Martin - 4W, 6 present
Sand Martin - 1E, 4W

Little Terns (above) & Sparrowhawk at the Bill (AH)

Ferry Pool: There were two Common Sandpipers on the pool early this morning, along with an Avocet, 49 Black-tailed Godwits, 26 Teal and ten Shelducks, whilst half a dozen Reed Warblers were busy in the reeds at the front. 
Also, the Greenshank, a Whimbrel and another eight Black-tailed Godwits were in the channel opposite. (AH/MO-W)

Common Sandpipers (above), Greenshank, Whimbrel & Reed Warbler around the Ferry (AH)

There were two Spotted Redshanks in Ferry channel late this afternoon, along with two Common Sandpipers and a Greenshank. (AW)

Spotted Redshanks in Ferry Channel (AW)

North Wall: There were 22 Cattle Egrets roosting on the island this morning, whilst out in the harbour there was a Yellow-legged Gull, plus 10 Whimbrel, four Greenshanks, a Knot, two Grey Plovers, 60 Curlews and a few Dunlin.
Also, the bushes held a couple of Garden Warblers and four Greenfinches. (BFF/DM)
Later on, an Arctic Skua was seen flying about the harbour and there were also, a Hobby, a Greenshank, three Spotted Redshanks about. (D Couzens per Twitter)

 Greenfinch and Greenshank at the North Wall (BFF)

Church Norton: There were still a minimum of eight Little Terns and c30 Sandwich Terns in the harbour this morning, along with a couple of Whimbrel, the Ringed Plover family and a few Redshanks and Curlews, whilst c50 Mediterranean Gulls were on the beach at the west end of the reserve.
There were a few warblers along the hedges, including a couple of Lesser Whitethroats and Blackcaps and at least a dozen Whitethroats and Willow Warblers, whilst the family of Reed Warblers were still near the hide.
Also, at least 50 Swallows were around the Severals and horse field, with up to 20 Sand Martins and a handful of House Martins among them. (AH)

Lesser Whitethroat (above), Reed Warblers, Willow Warbler, Swallows, Ringed Plover & Mediterranean Gull at Church Norton (AH)

This evening there were just a dozen Sandwich Terns and four Little Terns present, whilst a Sanderling was among the c200 Dunlin and c50 Ringed Plovers on the mud and there were also four Whimbrel about.
Also, four Sand Martins were among the 20 or Swallows feeding over the hedges. (AH)

Little Tern (above) & Sandwich Terns at Church Norton (AH)

Medmerry: Easton Lane to the Stilt Pool - There were two Whimbrels near the poplars and a few Meadow Pipits and Skylarks along the fenceline. Around the Stilt Pools there were five Common Sandpipers and two Greenshanks, with singles of Avocet, Dunlin and Black-tailed Godwit. Six Egyptian Geese flew in along with twenty or so Canada Geese. 
The unusual looking Cormorant was still present but little else of note, though a Wheatear was on the sea defence rocks with another two out in the fields. (AW)

Egyptian Geese (above), Cormorant & Wheatears at Medmerry (AW)

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