
Sunday, 22 November 2020

22nd - 24th November 2020

Tuesday, 24th November: A cooler, slightly brighter morning, with a fresh southerly breeze....

Selsey Bill: A few Kittiwakes and Razorbills/auks were going west, though it was generally quiet. Full log below. (AH/MO-W/IP)
(0715-0900hrs) (SSW, F5)
Great Northern Diver - 1W, 2os
Red-throated Diver - 3E, 2W
Gannet - 12W
Brent Goose - 1E
Common Scoter - 5E
Red-breasted Merganser - 6E, 2W, 2os
Turnstone - 14W
Mediterranean Gull - 3W
Common Gull - 2W
Kittiwake - 21W
Razorbill - 20W
auk sp - 25W
Pied Wagtail - 1W

Great Northern Diver (above), Gannet & Mediterranean Gull at the Bill (AH)

Ferry Pool: There were four Avocets, four Snipe, eight Gadwall, c30 Teal and c80 Shovelers around the pool this morning, but only a couple of dozen Lapwings were present. (AH)

Gadwall, Shovelers and Teal on the Ferry (AH)

East Head: A Short-eared Owl was present this morning. (GM)

Park Farm, Selsey: Local residents reported a pair of Little Owls as present near the farm today, whilst a Grey Wagtail and two Pied Wagtails were on the fields. (IP)

Church Norton: It was quieter than of late this morning, though two Razorbills were offshore and.a Sandwich Tern was feeding inside the harbour, along with two Little Grebes, the usual mix of waders and lots of Brent Geese, whilst the pair of Stonechats were around the concrete blocks. (IP)
A late Swallow was seen hunting insects over the salt marsh and fields by the spit at approx 1.40pm - it was watched for 2 minutes before heading west and being lost from sight. (T Gibson per SOS)

Pagham Lagoon: A Dartford Warbler was in the gorse by the lagoon this morning. (ARK per SOS)

Marsh Farm to Bramber Farm: A Glossy Ibis was briefly in with the Cattle Egrets - exactly 50 - in the field next to Marsh Farm this morning, before it took flight as the post-van went by and flew off northwards.and was not refound.
Otherwise there were still at least 100 Fieldfares around the hedges and a few Linnets, Meadow Pipits and Pied Wagtails were in the fields. (AH)

Glossy Ibis with Cattle Egrets (above), Cattle Egrets & Fieldfares around Marsh Farm, Sidlesham (AH)

The Glossy Ibis was back again at lunchtime and there was also a Merlin about, (CRJ), with the ibis continuing to show off and on during the afternoon. (IP/BI et al)

Glossy Ibis (above) & Cattle Egrets at Marsh Farm, Sidlesham (CRJ/BI)

Monday, 23rd November: Another grey and still morning, with just a very light north-westerly breeze....

Selsey Bill: A flock of 25 Common Scoters was sat offshore this morning, with a few other going both east and west, whilst there were seven Great Northern Divers present again. Full log below. (AH/IP/PJ)
(0715-0900hrs) (N, F2)
Great Northern Diver - 2E, 5os
Slavonian Grebe - 1E
Gannet - 2E, 1W
Little Egret - 1E
Brent Goose - 2W
Wigeon - 2E
Common Scoter - 6E, 7W, 25os
Red-breasted Merganser - 6E, 6W, 5os
Turnstone - 25
Mediterranean Gull - 2
Pied Wagtail - 3W, 1 present

Common Scoters (above) & Red-breasted Merganser at the Bill (AH)

Ferry Pool: There were nine Snipe tucked into the roadside reeds this morning, whilst the pool held three Avocets, c50 Teal, c100 Shovelers and c100 Lapwings. (AH)
There were over also 40 Fieldfare and a Greater Spotted Woodpecker in the trees in the fields near the Sewage Works. (A&YF)

Snipe (above), Avocet and Teal & Shoveler at the Ferry (AH)

North Wall: A Merlin was close to Shipverling Barn this morning, and 12 Fieldfares were also in that locality, whilst a pair of Stonechats and a Green Woodpecker were in the horse field at Welbourne. 
On White's Creek there were 280 Wigeon and 12 Teal, whilst on the mud there were 120 Lapwing, 27 Black-tailed Godwits, 18 Redshank and 15 Golden Plover, but I could only see Mallard, Teal and a lone Tufted Duck on the Breech Pool, and it was very quiet along the wall, with just a Rock Pipit, a Reed Bunting and two Yellowhammers seen. Spring has come early to Welbourne, where a primrose was in flower. (JDW)

Primrose at the North Wall (JDW)

Church Norton: The Merlin was in the harbour again today, first on Tern Island, then on the Peregrines' island and seen from the west side, the Common Scoter was still on the main channel, two Little Grebes and a few Brent Geese were near the old harbour mouth and at least half a dozen Avocets were among the commoner waders. 
The west side also held a Dartford Warbler and two Chiffchaffs, with a Spotted Redshank off the end of the Long Pool and the Whimbrel at the Church Norton end. 
Offshore there were a Slavonian Grebe, a Great Northern Diver, an Eider, a Sandwich Tern and four Red-breasted Mergansers, though they were all distant, whilst two Stonechats and a few Meadow Pipits were at the start of the spit, though it was otherwise quiet for passerines. 
Also eight small race Canada Geese were in the harbour towards the North Wall before flying off inland. (AH/PJ/IH/BFF/DM et al)

Merlin (above), Slavonian Grebe (AW), Avocet, Stonechat, Meadow Pipit & Little Grebes (AH) at Church Norton

Medmerry: Easton Lane to Stilt pools - The walk down this morning produced 3 Dartford Warblers and nine Stonechats of note, whilst other species seen included a Kingfisher, Buzzard (3), Reed Bunting (3), Little Egret, Wigeon, Gadwall, Shoveler, Teal, Mallard, Kestrel and Skylark. (PB/SaH et al)

Chi GPs - Drayton House pits: A fairly casual visit this morning found wildfowl numbers still well down on the norm, presumably due to the mild weather. The only exception was with Teal - where a total of 80 between both pits was well above average here - whilst no less than six different Water Rails were calling at various reedbed sites. 
Along the hedgerows and bushes there were three Chiffchaffs, eight Goldcrests and two flocks of a dozen Long-tailed Tits, with at least seven Cetti's Warblers making their presence felt and a Buzzard, a Kestrel and a Sparrowhawk being the best of the rest. (OM) 

Sunday, 22nd November: A fairly overcast and grey morning, though mild and with just a light westerly breeze....

Selsey Bill: Three Slavonian Grebes were offshore early this morning and a Velvet Scoter went east, whilst there were a few Kittiwakes about again, with five Great Northern Divers offshore. Full log below. (SH/BI/IP/AH/NM) 
(0715-0930hrs:) (W, F2) 
Red-throated Diver - 4E, 4W, 1os
Great Northern Diver - 5 os
Slavonian Grebe - 3 os
Great Crested Grebe - 1os
Gannet - 7E, 22W
Brent Goose - 50W
Shelduck - 2W
Common Scoter - 3E, 10W
Velvet Scoter - 1E
Red-breasted Merganser - 4E, 4W
Sparrowhawk - 1
Turnstone - 6
Mediterranean Gull - 3W
Kittiwake - 13E, 134W
Sandwich Tern - 1 os
Razorbill - 1E, 11W
Guillemot - 1 os
auk sp - 1E, 21W
Pied Wagtail - 7W
Rock Pipit - 1W
Chaffinch - 3W
Greenfinch - 1

Great Northern Diver (above), Kittiwake, Brent Geese & BI checking out the Turnstones at the Bill (AH)

Ferry Pool: There were just three Avocets, c30 Teal, c80 Shovelers and c300 Lapwing on the pool this morning, with the Kingfisher briefly in the channel opposite. (AH)

Teal (above) & Avocet on the Ferry (AH)

Marsh Farm to Bramber Farm: There was only one Cattle Egret to be found this morning, though a Raven went over and there were still at least 100 Fieldfares along the hedges between the farms. (A&YF)

Park Farm, Selsey: This morning around the farm there were a pair of Green Woodpeckers, two Pied Wagtails, a Stock Dove and a Stonechat was on the reservoir fence. (IP)

Church Norton: The Merlin was again sat out on Tern Island this morning, whilst a Dartford Warbler was still at the start of the spit with three Stonechats, and a Firecrest was along the path between the Severals, whilst in the Severals area were a Water Rail, another Dartford Warbler and two Sparrowhawks.
Also, a Black-throated Diver, a Great Northern Diver and a Slavonian Grebe were offshore, along with three Red-breasted Mergansers and the female Common Scoter was again in the harbour, along with three Avocets, (BI/NM/IP/S&SaH/AW)

Slavonian Grebe (above), Great Northern Diver & Red-breasted Merganser at Church Norton (AW)

A look along the west side this afternoon produced a Kingfisher, but nothing else of note. (S&SaH)

Kingfisher at Church Norton (SH)

Fishbourne Creek: There were six Spotted Redshanks and three Greenshanks present this morning, along with 17 Red-breasted Mergansers, a Rock Pipit and two Yellowhammers. (PJ/GaJ)

Medmerry: Windmill to the Breach - It was very quiet this morning, with a couple of pairs of Stonechats and 20+ Meadow Pipits and Pied Wagtails the only passerines noted, whilst offshore there were just a Sandwich Tern and a pair of Red-breasted Mergansers.
Two Greenshanks flew out and round from the tidal area, but a dozen Grey Plovers and three Ringed Plovers were the only other waders seen, whilst wildfowl included a dozen Brent Geese, 25 Shelducks and c50 Wigeon. (AH)

Greenshanks (above), Sandwich Tern, Stonechat & Meadow Pipit at Medmerry (AH)

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