Friday 7 September 2018

7th - 9th September 2018

Sunday, 9th September: A very bright and blustery morning, with warm sunshine and white cloud blowing through on a brisk westerly breeze....

Selsey Bill: (0630-0815hrs) (SH/JA)
Fulmar - 1W
Gannet - 3E, 7W
Mediterranean Gull - 1E, 3W
Sandwich Tern - 17E, 10W
Commic Tern - 1W

(15454-1645hrs) (SH)
Gannet - 3E
Mediterranean Gull - 1E
Sandwich Tern - 11W, 7os
Common Seal - 1os

Ferry Pool: An Osprey went west over the Visitor centre just after midday today. (IL)
Earlier, there were two Little Ringed Plovers, two Spotted Redshank, seven Dunlin and the Little Stint on the pool at high tide, along with c80 Lapwings, c20 Black-tailed Godwits, c40 Teal and a dozen Shelducks. First thing, a Whimbrel was in the channel opposite, and c100 Mediterranean and a few Black-head Gulls flew over from the fields.. (AH/IP/CN)

Little Stint and Dunlin (above), Little Ringed Plover & Mediterranean and Black-headed Gulls around the Ferry (AH)

On the 5th September I trapped an Elachista alpinella which has been confirmed as only the second record for the whole of Sussex. (IL)

Elachista alpinella at the Visitor Centre (IL)

North Wall: There were still at least eight Cattle Egrets in the North Fields, though mobile, whilst the Spoonbill was still in the harbour and a Curlew Sandpiper and three Spotted Redshanks were in White's Creek.
Also, there were two Redstarts, three Spotted Flycatchers and three Whinchats around the hedges at Halsey's Farm. (BI/CN/A&YF)

Cattle Egret, above, & Curlew Sandpiper with Black-tailed Godwit  (S.Ferguson)
& Whinchats at the North Wall (BI)

Park Farm, Selsey: A pair of Grey Partridges were in the first field opposite the farm buildings - the first seen here this year. There were also 30+ Yellow and Pied Wagtails in and over the lettuce fields.. (AH/IP/S&SaH)

Grey Partridge at Park Farm, Selsey (AH)

Church Norton: There were four Spotted Flycatchers and similar of Willow Warblers behind the hide, a Wheatear on the concrete slabs, a Whinchat in the horse field, a Reed Warbler and a Chiffchaff in the orchard by Greenlease Farm, a Lesser Whitethroat between the Severals and a few Whitethroats and Blackcaps spread around the afore-mentioned sites.
Also, two Grey Wagtails went along the beach and one over Priory Wood and a Sparrowhawk put 30+ Yellow Wagtails up over the Bluebell Wood (presumably from the adjacent lettuce fields), whilst there were still c30 each of Sand Martin, House Martin and Swallow around.
Two or three Gannets and Sandwich Terns were offshore, whilst in the harbour there were a Greenshank and four Bar-tailed Godwits among the commoner waders, along with a Peregrine and a few Pintail and Wigeon, and two Shovelers were on the second Several. (AH/IP/S&SaH/P&JW/MJ et al)

Spotted Flycatcher (above), Willow Warbler, Whitethroat, Greenshank, Bar-tailed Godwit, Shoveler, Sparrowhawk and Carrion Crow & Roe Deer at Church Norton (AH)

East Head: The first Kingfisher of the autumn was back in Snowhill Creek today. (MR)

Kingfisher at East Head (MR)

Medmerry: Easton Lane to the Stilt Pool - A female Merlin was seen this afternoon during the WeBS count, and there were also 1100+ Mediterranean Gulls on the fields and a Little Stint on the Stilt Pools. (H Baggaley/T Morris)

Sidlesham: A Raven went over our garden again this evening, this time heading south. (AH)

Saturday, 8th September: A very gloomy and murky - but dry - morning, with heavy cloud and a freshening westerly breeze....

Selsey Bill: (0630-0830hrs) (SH/PB)
Great Crested Grebe - 1os
Gannet - 16E, 9W
Common Scoter - 1os
Sparrowhawk - 1p
Turnstone - 35p
Arctic Skua - 1W (l/p)
Mediterranean Gull - 1E, 3W
Sandwich Tern - 28E, 1W
Swallow - 50E
Sand Martin - 1E
House Martin - 5E
Meadow Pipit - 3E
Grey Wagtail - 1E
Willow Warbler - 3p
Greenfinch - 3E

Ferry Pool: A Marsh Harrier was over the fields behind the pool late this morning. The Little Stint was still present, too, and later on there were also up to three Green Sandpipers, two Spotted Redshank and a Dunlin present, along with the usual Lapwings, Black-tailed Godwits, Teal and Shelducks. Also, a Common Sandpiper and three Whimbrel were in the channel opposite. (AH/IP/AB/D,M&SB)

Spotted Redshank and Little Stint (above) & Common Sandpiper around the Ferry (AH)

Medmerry: Chainbridge to Ham viewpoint - A Marsh Harrier and a Peregrine were both seen, and a few migrants were about, including three Whinchats, two Whitethroats, a Grey Wagtail, two Yellow Wagtails and three Meadow Pipits. (SH/PB)

North Wall: There were definitely 12 (and possibly 13) Cattle Egrets in the fields north-west of Owl Copse this morning, whilst the Spoonbill was still in White's Creek, as was at least one Curlew Sandpiper. A Spotted Redshank was on the Breech Pool and three Redstarts, two Whinchats, a Wheatear,  a Green Sandpiper, at least two Kingfishers, a Heron with an Eel and a Grey Wagtail were around the Halsey's Farm area. (AB/BI et al)

A video of the Spoonbill nice & close in White's Creek is here

Cattle Egret (above), Whinchat, Spotted Redshank & Kingfishers around the North Wall (AB)

Heron with an Eel (above), Redstarts, Whinchats & Wheatear at North Wall (BI)

Eleven Cattlle Egrets at Pagham this morning (P.Evans)

This evening, 11 Cattle Egrets were still among the cows, with a Wheatear nearby, the Spoonbill was still in White's Creek, along with two Spotted Redshanks, 30 Sand Martins were over the Breech Pool and a Redstart was in the hedge at the far end of the wall. (S&SaH/AH)

Spotted Redshanks from North Wall (AH)

Pagham Spit: A Peregrine was hunting along the beach this morning before returning to the regular island whilst on Little Lagoon were six Redshanks, a Kingsfisher, six Little Grebes and a dozen Teal. (BI)

Peregrine at the Spit (BI)

Park Farm, Selsey: Two Tree Pipits went over eastwards, calling, early on, with one (and possibly two) dropping in on the bushes, whilst half a dozen Meadow Pipits also went east, with a few more dropping in, too, and there were half a dozen Yellow Wagtails and a few Pied Wagtails around the lettuce fields, plus a few hirundines (AH/IP)
Later on, there were at least 40 Yellow Wagtails on the lettuce fields, along with two Wheatears, three Meadow Pipits and a Pied Wagtail, with a sparrowhawk over. (S&SaH)

Tree Pipit (above), Meadow Pipit, Swallows & Sand Martin and Swallows at Park Farm, Selsey (AH)

Church Norton: There were at least three Spotted Flycatchers around the hide to concrete wall area, along with half a dozen Whitethroats, Blackcaps, Chiffchaffs and Willow Warblers, with more of the latter, plus a calling Cetti's Warbler, along the Severals, and up to five Wheatears were along the beach and spit.
The Spoonbill could be seen on the far side of the harbour, three Knot, a few Grey Plovers, a Whimbrel and plenty of the commoner waders were in the harbour, along with a Kingfisher and 30+ Pintail and Wigeon, with nine Teal on the second Several and two Shovelers flew west from that area.
A Yellow Wagtail went over Greenlease Farm, two Grey Wagtails flew out from near the horse field and a few Meadow Pipits were seen from the west side and the beach, whilst there were large numbers of hirundines present, too, including 200+ Swallows and House Martins and up to a dozen Sand Martins.
A Raven was heard around the churchyard area, a Peregrine and a couple of Sparrowhawks and Kestrels were out and about, too, as were a couple of Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers, whilst five sandwich Terns were seen offshore. (AH/IP/AW/CRJ)
Also, a Common Sandpiper was in the harbour. (S&SaH)

Spotted Flycatcher (AH), Wheatear, Kestrel, Green Woodpecker and a hostile Shore Crab (AW) at Church Norton

This evening there were two Spotted Flycatchers behind the hide, and a group of six or so Willow Warblers along the hedgerow. (AW)

Willow Warbler (above) & Spotted Flycatchers at Church Norton (AW)

East Head: There were four Wheatears on the grass, but very little on the first two ponds at Snowhill Creek though a fair bit on the last least accessible one, including 150 Redshank, four Greenshank, small numbers of Dunlin, Curlew, Black-tailed Godwit, Grey Plover and Lapwing, with a single Little Stint being the highlight. (GM). 

Friday, 7th September: A very warm and sunny morning, with blue skies and just a light north-easterly breeze...

Selsey Bill: (0815-1015hrs) (C&ME)Gannet - 4E, 17W
Sparrowhawk - 1p
Turnstone - 10p
Mediterranean Gull - 1W
Sandwich Tern - 10os
Swallow - 17W
Chiffchaff - 1p (in Bill House garden)

Ferry PoolThe Little Stint was at the back of the pool again this morning, and there were six Spotted Redshanks roosting at high tide, among c80 Lapwing and c30 Black-tailed Godwits, with 28 Shelduck and c40 Teal also present, and at least two Whimbrel and a Greenshank in the harbour from the Tramway.
There were still up to 20 Blackcaps and a dozen Whitethroats around the Tramway, plus a couple of Lesser Whitethroats, whilst there were three or four Goldcrests and a couple of Willow Warblers and Chiffchaffs among large numbers of Long-tailed Tits by the Small Pool. (AH)

Spotted Redshanks and Lapwings (above), Blackcap, Goldcrest, Willow Warbler & Long-tailed Tit around the Ferry (AH)

Church Norton: Early this morning the hedgerows were quiet but along the front of the Severals there were two Reed Buntings, three Wheatears, a Whitethroat and a Sedge Warbler, with another four Wheatears on the concrete slabs, a Greenshank seen in the harbour and two Kestrels in the churchyard. (AW)
Also, along the west side there were a Spotted Flycatcher and another Sedge Warbler, a Blackcap, five Willow Warblers and a Jay, with a Hobby over. (CRJ)

Wheatear (above) & Sedge Warbler at Church Norton (AW)

There was not much about this evening, but a group of 12 Little Egrets feeding along the beach was unusual. (AB)

Little Egrets at Church Norton (AB)

North WallThere were still eight Cattle Egrets among the large cattle flock to the north-west of Bremere Bridge this morning, whilst there was a good selection of migrants around the hedges of Halsey's Farm, including four Redstarts, three Spotted Flycatchers, a Whinchat, a Stonechat, at least a dozen Whitethroats and three or four Blackcaps and Lesser Whitethroats, but barely a dozen Swallows going over.
Along the wall there were another dozen Whitethroats, at least four Sedge Warblers, a Reed Warbler, a couple of Lesser Whitethroats  and tthree calling Cetti's Warblers, plus a Kingfisher that flew along Owl Water.
The only waders on the Breech Pool were a Snipe, a Greenshank and a handful of Black-tailed Godwits, whilst a Common Sandpiper was at each end of the wall, and a Golden Plover, a couple of Whimbrel and 100+ Redshank and Lapwing and 40+ Black-tailed Godwits were in White's Creek, whilst the Spoonbill was still out in the harbour, as were 30 or so Wigeon. Also there was what appears to be a Streaked Weaver - a bird of South-east Asia, so undoubtedly an escape - on the Breech Pool. (AH/BI)

Cattle Egret (above), Redstart, Spotted Flycatcher, Stonechat, Whinchat, Golden Plover, Common Sandpiper, Snipe, Grey Herons & Streaked Weaver around the North Wall (AH)

Fishbourne Creek: A late morning walk produced very few land birds, whilst in the harbour, as the tide dropped back, the highlights were three Wigeon and a Knot, along with a Greenshank, about 35 Black-tailed Godwits and three Teal. A gathering of 13 Little Egrets was a nice sight, but I could not find a single Mediterranean Gull. (RW)

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