Thursday, 19th March: A mainly overcast, calm and grey morning, with persistent fine drizzle keeping things damp into the afternoon..... starting with a very light SW breeze, soon becoming variable then backing SE to NE and increasing to force 4.
Selsey Bill: It was again fairly slow, though a handful of Red-throated Divers and a few Common Scoter and Brent Geese went east, and at least six Wheatears were around. Full log below.......
0710-1140hrs: (wind SW1-2, then SE2-NE4) (OM/MO-W/AH)
Red-throated Diver - 5E
Great Northern Diver - 4 os
Great Crested Grebe - 2E
Brent Goose - 22E
Common Scoter - 34E
Red-breasted Merganser - 2E, 2os
Oystercatcher - 9E
Curlew - 2E
Turnstone - 15 ob
Sandwich Tern - 1W
Mediterranean Gull - 1 Oval Field later flew W
Wheatear - 2N, 4+ ob
Meadow Pipit - 2N, 2ob
Goldcrest - 1
Chiffchaff - 2
Ferry Pool: Two Avocets and three Tufted Ducks were on the pool and 14 Black-tailed Godwits dropped in at the back, though otherwise it was the regular c50 Shoveler and Wigeon and c20 Teal, plus 14 Shelducks. (AH)
North Wall: One male, one female Garganey, three Gadwall and a Mute Swan sitting on a nest were all visible at the Breech Pool early this morning, although the Garganey had disappeared from view by 9 am.
Whites Creek contained a Grey Plover and four Pintail while 30 Sand Martins were over the Breech Pool and a Barn Owl, two Marsh Harriers and a Raven were behind it. (TH/IH)
Not a lot was happening along the Wall today. A mixture of Black-tailed Godwits, Curlew, Shelduck, Brent Geese and Black-headed Gulls were spread across the 3 Honer fields, whilst a few Sand Martins passed overhead, and at least 2 Cetti's Warblers and a Chiffchaff were calling. A Tawny Owl was calling in the small copse opposite the dilapidated barn that is due south of Marsh Farm and a Little Owl was sitting out near Bramber Farm. On Honer reservoir were 6 Gadwall, 9 Tufted Ducks, 2 Shelduck, 2 Mute Swans, 70 Black-headed Gulls and 3 Mediterranean Gulls, plus at least 12 Yellowhammers in this vicinity. (JDW)
Chichester GPs: Ivy Lake - The dozen or so Sand Martins were still present over the lake this morning and two Blackcaps were singing along the path. (PH)
At noon I could find no sign of any Sand Martins or Blackcaps, but there were several singing Chiffchaffs, whilst a check of New Lake produced a surprise with a daytime-hooting Tawny Owl. Two Great Spotted Woodpecker pairs were also disputing territory, with two drumming males in close proximity to each other, then a battle between all four birds. (OM)
Church Norton: Just after 7am there was a Slavonian Grebe close to the shore and two Wheatears and a Stonechat were along the spit. Also, eleven Black-tailed Godwits were in the harbour, four Snipe were in the horse field and a Sandwich Tern flew over calling. (AW)
Medmerry: Windmill area - A Black Redstart was seen briefly on one of the groynes this morning (KJ), whilst earlier there were up to six Wheatears, c20 Meadow Pipits and a couple of Skylarks along the Medmerry Cliff. (AH)
Medmerry: Easton Lane to the Stilt Pool - The banks were quiet this morning, with a couple of pairs of Stonechats, a couple of Reed Buntings and Meadow Pipits, c30 Skylarks and a flock of c50 Linnets being about it.
The pair of Little Ringed Plovers were still on the Stilt Pool, along with six Ringed Plovers, three Dunlin and four pairs of Avocets, plus the usual mix of a dozen Gadwall and Wigeon and a few Teal. (AH)
Wednesday, 18th March: Another cool and grey morning, with a fresh south-westerly blowing.....0710-1140hrs: (wind SW1-2, then SE2-NE4) (OM/MO-W/AH)
Red-throated Diver - 5E
Great Northern Diver - 4 os
Great Crested Grebe - 2E
Brent Goose - 22E
Common Scoter - 34E
Red-breasted Merganser - 2E, 2os
Oystercatcher - 9E
Curlew - 2E
Turnstone - 15 ob
Sandwich Tern - 1W
Mediterranean Gull - 1 Oval Field later flew W
Wheatear - 2N, 4+ ob
Meadow Pipit - 2N, 2ob
Goldcrest - 1
Chiffchaff - 2
Wheatears at the Bill (above OM, below AH)
Brent Geese passing the Bill and Mediterranean Gull on the Oval Field (OM)
Ferry Pool: Two Avocets and three Tufted Ducks were on the pool and 14 Black-tailed Godwits dropped in at the back, though otherwise it was the regular c50 Shoveler and Wigeon and c20 Teal, plus 14 Shelducks. (AH)
Avocet (above), Black-tailed Godwits & Tufted Duck at the Ferry (AH)
North Wall: One male, one female Garganey, three Gadwall and a Mute Swan sitting on a nest were all visible at the Breech Pool early this morning, although the Garganey had disappeared from view by 9 am.
Whites Creek contained a Grey Plover and four Pintail while 30 Sand Martins were over the Breech Pool and a Barn Owl, two Marsh Harriers and a Raven were behind it. (TH/IH)
Not a lot was happening along the Wall today. A mixture of Black-tailed Godwits, Curlew, Shelduck, Brent Geese and Black-headed Gulls were spread across the 3 Honer fields, whilst a few Sand Martins passed overhead, and at least 2 Cetti's Warblers and a Chiffchaff were calling. A Tawny Owl was calling in the small copse opposite the dilapidated barn that is due south of Marsh Farm and a Little Owl was sitting out near Bramber Farm. On Honer reservoir were 6 Gadwall, 9 Tufted Ducks, 2 Shelduck, 2 Mute Swans, 70 Black-headed Gulls and 3 Mediterranean Gulls, plus at least 12 Yellowhammers in this vicinity. (JDW)
Chichester GPs: Ivy Lake - The dozen or so Sand Martins were still present over the lake this morning and two Blackcaps were singing along the path. (PH)
At noon I could find no sign of any Sand Martins or Blackcaps, but there were several singing Chiffchaffs, whilst a check of New Lake produced a surprise with a daytime-hooting Tawny Owl. Two Great Spotted Woodpecker pairs were also disputing territory, with two drumming males in close proximity to each other, then a battle between all four birds. (OM)
Church Norton: Just after 7am there was a Slavonian Grebe close to the shore and two Wheatears and a Stonechat were along the spit. Also, eleven Black-tailed Godwits were in the harbour, four Snipe were in the horse field and a Sandwich Tern flew over calling. (AW)
Slavonian Grebe (above), Wheatear, Snipe & Stonechat at Church Norton (AW)
Medmerry: Windmill area - A Black Redstart was seen briefly on one of the groynes this morning (KJ), whilst earlier there were up to six Wheatears, c20 Meadow Pipits and a couple of Skylarks along the Medmerry Cliff. (AH)
Wheatears (above) & Meadow Pipit at Medmerry (AH)
Medmerry: Easton Lane to the Stilt Pool - The banks were quiet this morning, with a couple of pairs of Stonechats, a couple of Reed Buntings and Meadow Pipits, c30 Skylarks and a flock of c50 Linnets being about it.
The pair of Little Ringed Plovers were still on the Stilt Pool, along with six Ringed Plovers, three Dunlin and four pairs of Avocets, plus the usual mix of a dozen Gadwall and Wigeon and a few Teal. (AH)
Little Ringed Plover and Avocet (above) & Skylark at Medmerry (AH)
Selsey Bill: There was a little bit of movement, with 200 Brent Geese and 40 Kittiwakes east - including a splendid flock of 20 - and 85 Meadow Pipits arriving. Full log below....
(0700-1200hrs) (wind SW F4-5) (OM/MO-W/AH/SR)
Red-throated Diver - 4E
diver sp - 3E
Great Crested Grebe - 2W
Gannet - 1E
Brent Goose - 203E
Common Scoter - 14E, 1W
Red-breasted Merganser - 5E
Oystercatcher - 3E
Sandwich Tern - 4 os
Kittiwake - 42E
Mediterranean Gull - 1os
Meadow Pipit - 85N
Chiffchaff - 1
(0700-1200hrs) (wind SW F4-5) (OM/MO-W/AH/SR)
Red-throated Diver - 4E
diver sp - 3E
Great Crested Grebe - 2W
Gannet - 1E
Brent Goose - 203E
Common Scoter - 14E, 1W
Red-breasted Merganser - 5E
Oystercatcher - 3E
Sandwich Tern - 4 os
Kittiwake - 42E
Mediterranean Gull - 1os
Meadow Pipit - 85N
Chiffchaff - 1
Brent Geese at the Bill (above AH, below OM)....and in case you're wondering there's actually 63 in the lower flock!
This afternoon there were two Great Northern Divers on the sea, a Red-throated Diver west and five Sandwich Terns offshore.Also, a Red-legged Partridge flew around the Bill before dropping into one of the gardens. (AW)
Red-throated Diver (above), Great Northern Diver & Sandwich Tern at the Bill (AW)
Ferry Pool: A Great Crested Grebe was by the sluice in the channel opposite, whilst a total of 62 Shovelers were on the pool, along with five Gadwall, c20 Teal and c50 Wigeon. (AH)
Later on, a handful of Sand Martins went over Ferry Field. (TG-P)
Great Crested Grebe (above) & Shovelers at the Ferry (AH)
North Wall: A fairly brief visit this morning yielded a Barn Owl and a Stonechat at the paddocks and a Spotted Redshank at the sluice gates, but no Garganey in either White's Creek or the Breech Pool. The fields contained 19 Shelduck and 20+ Curlew, while out in the harbour were at least 300 Black-tailed Godwit. (IH)
Later on, the three Garganey re-appeared on the Breech Pool around 1100hrs but were elusive and disappeared into the reeds frequently. (TB/JDW)
Later on, the three Garganey re-appeared on the Breech Pool around 1100hrs but were elusive and disappeared into the reeds frequently. (TB/JDW)
There was very little along the Wall - 18 Shelduck on Honer 1 field and 4 Brent Geese on Honer 3, whilst a single Bar-tailed Godwit was along White's Creek and the Cattle Egret flock could be seen at distance in the Marsh Farm area (no count was made). (JDW)
This afternoon, seven Cattle Egrets were in Owl Copse (AT), whilst this evening 25 went into roost there, a Barn Owl was out hunting, all three Garganey showed intermittently, 34 Brent Geese were in the fields and c40 Curlews flew into the harbour. (S&SaH/RP)
Cattle Egrets (above) & Curlews at the North Wall (RP)
Church Norton: There were just two Brent Geese left in the harbour and few waders beyond plenty of Redshank, whilst at least 20 Mediterranean Gulls were among the Black-headed Gulls.
Two or three Chiffchaffs - including one singing, plus a Jay, were along the sheltered hedges, whilst at least a dozen Snipe were tucked in around the creek by the horse field, along with c20 Teal, and three Buzzards were overhead. (AH)
Snipe (above), Mediterranean Gull & Chiffchaff at Church Norton (AH)
Chichester GPs: Ivy Lake - A flock of at least 12 Sand Martins was present over the lake early afternoon. (AW)
Sand Martin at Ivy Lake (AW)
Tuesday, 17th March: A return to a fresh south-westerly breeze this morning, and clouding up later, though mild after a chill start.....
Coronavirus (covid-19): Everyone will by now be aware of the problems and potential difficulties posed by this pandemic disease. The blog editors would just like to say that we do take the situation seriously but of course everyone must take responsibility for his/her own actions. We ask that you are considerate to other birders and observe the protocols being introduced by Government as best you can. This may mean not forming large or tight groups or at least allowing more space than usual as circumstances dictate....perhaps not easy as the Pom season approaches!
We don't intend to say more about the subject here, other than explaining there is even the possibility the blog may in future only be able to offer a 'limited service' during these difficulties.....time will tell! Good luck to us all. (Eds)
Selsey Bill: Very quiet again, with just the odd Great Northern Diver, Common Scoter and a Sandwich Tern noted, though 140+ Brent Geese also went through. Full log below.....
0630-0930hrs: (wind SW4) (PB/SR/IP/MO-W/AH)
Red-throated Diver - 1E
Great Northern Diver - 1E, 2os
Gannet - 1W
Brent Goose - 144E, 1W
Shelduck - 1W
Common Scoter - 4E
Red-breasted Merganser - 4E, 1W
Pintail - 5E
Oystercatcher - 5E
Sandwich Tern - 1E
Mediterranean Gull - 1E
Meadow Pipit - 1N
Also, late afternoon a Shag swam past the Bill heading west. (AW)
0630-0930hrs: (wind SW4) (PB/SR/IP/MO-W/AH)
Red-throated Diver - 1E
Great Northern Diver - 1E, 2os
Gannet - 1W
Brent Goose - 144E, 1W
Shelduck - 1W
Common Scoter - 4E
Red-breasted Merganser - 4E, 1W
Pintail - 5E
Oystercatcher - 5E
Sandwich Tern - 1E
Mediterranean Gull - 1E
Meadow Pipit - 1N
Also, late afternoon a Shag swam past the Bill heading west. (AW)
Shag swimming past the Bill (AW)
North Wall: The three Garganey - two drakes and a duck - were re-located in White's Creek, where they remained until mid-morning, when they flew back into the Breech Pool.
Also, a Spotted Redshank, two Gadwall and c50 Wigeon were in the creek, with c40 Golden Plover going over and c400 Black-tailed Godwits out in the harbour. (TG/IH/OM et al)
Garganey on the edge of the saltmarsh at White's Creek (OM)

Garganey at the North Wall (TH)
Spotted Redshank and Garganey in White's Creek (DM)
Later, the three Garganey were on the Breech Pool (sleeping!) whilst 16 Cattle Egrets were in the fields near to Owl Copse. (IL)
Garganeys on the Breech Pool and Cattle Egrets near Owl Copse (IL)
Late this afternoon the three Garganey were playing hide and seek in the reeds on the Breech Pool, whilst a Barn Owl was out hunting, a Marsh Harrier dropped in to roost and two Spotted Redshanks were together in White's Creek.
Also, up to 20 Cattle Egrets, ten Little Egrets and eight Grey Herons were on the sheltered side of Owl Copse. (AH/TH)
Also, up to 20 Cattle Egrets, ten Little Egrets and eight Grey Herons were on the sheltered side of Owl Copse. (AH/TH)
Garganey (above), Spotted Redshanks, Marsh Harrier, Barn Owl & Cattle and Little Egrets at the North Wall (AH)
Ferry Pool: A pair of Lapwing were displaying over the field, but on the pool it was the regular collection of a dozen Shelducks, four Gadwall, c30 Teal, c30 Shovelers and c50 Wigeon, plus a Kestrel over. (AH)
Lapwing (above), Gadwall & Kestrel at the Ferry (AH)
Chi GPs - Drayton House pits: Surprise of the day was a Red Kite which drifted over the south end of South pit before heading off west, whilst two Fieldfares in trees at the North pit were also unexpected. However, it was otherwise standard fare with wildfowl numbers steadily declining, although 40 Shoveler and 30+ Pochard were still present; also six different Cetti's Warblers and the same number of Chiffchaffs were logged, with three Reed Buntings and a couple of Jays. (OM)
Donnington: A Little Owl was seen sat in a roadside tree early this morning. (SH)
Medmerry: Windmill area - There was still one Wheatear in the area this morning. (MRe)
Medmerry: Ham Farm - This morning a count of the area produced two Jack Snipe, 33 Common Snipe, six Corn Buntings and 5 Chiffchaffs. (HB)
Medmerry: Easton Lane to the Stilt Pool - Later, the first three Sand Martins appeared, plus the two Little Ringed Plovers and a Greenshank on the Stilt pool. (BFF/DM)
Also, on the Stilt Pool there were 12 Ringed Plovers and 17 Avocets. (HB)
Church Norton: It was quiet here, though half a dozen Chiffchaffs were in the sheltered hedges and up to eight Snipe, along with c20 Teal were in the now much-reduced flood by the horse field.
Donnington: A Little Owl was seen sat in a roadside tree early this morning. (SH)
Medmerry: Windmill area - There was still one Wheatear in the area this morning. (MRe)
Medmerry: Ham Farm - This morning a count of the area produced two Jack Snipe, 33 Common Snipe, six Corn Buntings and 5 Chiffchaffs. (HB)
Medmerry: Easton Lane to the Stilt Pool - Later, the first three Sand Martins appeared, plus the two Little Ringed Plovers and a Greenshank on the Stilt pool. (BFF/DM)
Also, on the Stilt Pool there were 12 Ringed Plovers and 17 Avocets. (HB)
Church Norton: It was quiet here, though half a dozen Chiffchaffs were in the sheltered hedges and up to eight Snipe, along with c20 Teal were in the now much-reduced flood by the horse field.
About 40 Brent Geese were still in the harbour, along with a few Wigeon and c30 Mediterranean Gulls, but few waders were on show. (AH/KJ et al)
Chiffchaff (above) & Snipe at Church Norton (AH)
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