Monday, 19th July: A baking hot, sunny morning, with just the lightest of sea breezes.....
Selsey Bill: There wasn't much to report this morning in almost still conditions. Full log below. (AH/SR/IP)
(0650-0750hrs) (S, F1)
Gannet - 2W
Mediterranean Gull - 1W
Sandwich Tern - 20os
Common Tern - 1os
Swift - 4
Swallow - 2
House Martin - 5
Ferry Pool: A Spotted Redshank and a Common Sandpiper were the only birds beyond the regulars, which included four Avocets, c20 Redshank, c80 Lapwings, c120 Black-tailed Godwits and c30 Teal, whilst two or three Cattle Egrets were among the cows and a family of Reed Warblers were busy around the roadside reed-bed and adjacent hedge. (AH)
Spotted Redshank (above), Common Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper and Lapwing, Avocet, Cattle Egret & Reed Warbler at the Ferry (AH)
Later on, there were four Spotted Redshanks roosting on the pool. (AW)
Spotted Redshanks on the Ferry (AW)
Church Norton: There wasn't much to see in the harbour on the full tide beyond a lot of Sandwich Terns and Black-headed Gulls, along with a handful of Common Terns, whilst c40 Mediterranean Gulls were hawking Flying Ants overhead.
Passerines were keeping low, though a dozen Linnets, a couple of Reed Buntings, Reed Warblers and Whitethroats popped up occasionally, and a couple of Swallows went over the Severals, whilst an Emperor dragonfly was on the wing, too. (AH/A&YF)
Sandwich Terns (above), Mediterranean Gull & Linnet at Church Norton (AH)
This evening there were a good number of waders in the harbour, including a summer-plumage Knot, c120 Dunlin, c30 Ringed Plovers, three Whimbrel and c20 Turnstones, whilst at least half a dozen Common Terns and a dozen Little Terns, including a couple of juveniles, were among the Sandwich Terns. (AH)
Knot (above), juvenile Little Tern, Common Tern & Dunlin and Ringed Plovers at Church Norton (AH)
North Wall. I could see three Cattle Egret chicks this afternoon whilst the Mute Swans still have four cygnets at Owl Water. Still one Great Crested Grebe chick is surviving at the Breech Pool, as big as its parents but still not diving. (JDW)
Sidlesham: An Emperor dragonfly was in the garden today. (A&YF)
Chichester Canal: Cutfield Bridge to Crosbie Bridge - This stretch of the towpath was in shade this morning so ideal for walking. I counted a surprising six broods of Little Grebe, two of Mallard, a of Mute Swan, 11 of Moorhen and 12 of Coot. Other family groups consisted of Blue Tit, Goldfinch, Long-tailed Tit and I watched two newly fledged broods of Reed Warbler creeping through the reeds, picking off insects whilst five adults were still singing.
Other birds seen were Grey Heron, Buzzard, two Great Spotted Woodpeckers, six Swallows, a Blackcap, a Whitethroat and a female Tufted Duck, whilst at least Norfolk Hawkers were about alongside the more common dragonflies. (SR/AM)
Little Grebe (above), Reed Warbler, Norfolk Hawker & Tufted Duck along Chichester Canal (SR)
Birdham Pool: There was a Great Crested Grebe on the pool with two well-grown chicks in attendance this afternoon. (C Evans)
Great Crested Grebes at Birdham Pool (C Evans)
Sunday, 18th July: Another very warm, sunny morning, with a much lighter north-easterly breeze.....
Selsey Bill: There was a bit of variety again, with a Sanderling, a Dunlin and a Turnstone along the beach and a Tufted Duck and ten Sand Martins east offshore. Full log below. (SH/AH/SR)
(0600-0800hrs) (NE, F2)
Gannet - 9E, 2W
Tufted Duck - 1E
Common Scoter - 3E, 6W
Sanderling - 1W
Dunlin - 1W
Turnstone - 1E
Sandwich Tern - 17os
Common Tern - 3os
Great Spotted Woodpecker - 1
Swift - 8
Swallow - 1
House Martin - 6
Sand Martin - 10E
Swift (above) & House Martin at the Bill (AH)
Ferry Pool: There was a similar selection of waders to yesterday, including two Spotted Redshank, a Greenshank, two Common Sandpipers, c20 Redshanks, c50 Lapwings and c80 Black-tailed Godwits, along with c30 Teal.
There were also at least three Cattle Egrets among the cows, whilst a Lesser Whitethroat, a Chiffchaff and a couple of Blackcaps were around the Discovery Area. (AH)
Lesser Whitethroat (above), Cattle Egret, Greenshank, Common Sandpiper & Spotted Redshanks and Black-tailed Godwits at the Ferry (AH)
Marsh/Chalder Farm, Sidlesham: Highlight of a quiet walk was a young Brown Hare lolloping nonchalantly toward me before disappearing into a hedge at Marsh Farm and there was a family of Swallows, including five newly-fledged on the telephone wires alongside Chalder Farm.
Other birds seen included two Kestrels, a Buzzard, a Pied Wagtail, five Whitethroats, a Song Thrush, a Yellowhammer, a Chiffchaff and some singing Skylarks. Also Cinnabar Moth caterpillars were in the churchyard, the first I've seen this year. (SR)
Swallow (above) & Brown Hare around Marsh Farm, Sidlesham (SR)
Park Farm, Selsey: A Painted Lady butterfly was seen, but the only bird of note was a Buzzard. (IP)
Church Norton: A summer plumage Grey Plover was in the harbour this morning, along with c20 Turnstones, c30 Redshank, three Curlews, a whimbrel, a Dunlin and a Ringed Plover, whilst a few Little and Common Terns and Mediterranean Gulls were among the throng in the harbour.
Among passerines seen/heard around the Severals were a Song Thrush, a Cetti's Warbler, a Reed Warbler and four Reed Buntings, whilst the young Sparrowhawks were still present and c30 Long-tailed Tits moved through. (IP)
Warner Lane paddocks: A brief Whinchat that landed on the electric fences before flying off, and a Reed Warbler were both presumably early returning birds, whilst the Swallows and Linnets seemed to still have families to feed. (AH)
Reed Warbler (above), Swallow & Linnet at Warner Lane paddocks (AH)
North Wall: At last a juvenile Marsh Harrier was seen behind the Breech Pool, flying up and crash-landing in a tree before half-flying, half-falling back into the reeds, shortly after its mother had flown in with food.
There were five juveniles among the dozen Cattle Egrets in Owl Copse, whilst two Common Terns were around the Beech Pool and 20+ Sand Martins, a Swallow, a Kestrel and four Buzzards went over.
Also, three Hummingbird Hawk-moths were at Halsey's Farm and several Marbled Whites and Small Skippers were along the wall. (S&SaH/A&YF/RJS)
Later on, at least four Whimbrels, c20 Curlews, c40 Black-tailed Godwits and Lapwings and c150 Redshank were along White's Creek and the adjacent harbour. (AH)
Whimbrel (above), Common Tern & Dunlin and Redshank from the North Wall (AH)
Chichester Canal: This evening, at least ten Norfolk Hawkers were showing well along the section of canal between the Marina and Donnington. (AH)Norfolk Hawkers along Chichester Canal (AH)
Saturday, 17th July: A very warm morning of unbroken sun, with the moderate north-easterly breeze offering some welcome relief.....
Selsey Bill: There were a few bits about this morning, including two Fulmars west and five Sanderling and seven Turnstones along the beach, whilst a young Fox was in the Bill House garden. Full log below. (SH/AH/IP)
(0600-0800hrs) (NE, F3-4)
Great Crested Grebe - 1W
Fulmar - 2W
Gannet - 11E, 5W
Common Scoter - 5E
Sanderling - 5W
Turnstone - 4E, 3W
Mediterranean Gull - 3W
Sandwich Tern - 3W, 25os
swift - 6
Swallow - 6
House Martin - 4
Sandwich Terns (above), Mediterranean Gull & Fox at the Bill (AH)
Ferry Pool: This morning there were two Spotted Redshanks, a Greenshank, a Little Ringed Plover, a Common Sandpiper, six Avocets, c125 Black-tailed Godwits, c60 Lapwing, c20 Redshank and c40 Teal on and around the pool, with at least three Cattle Egrets among the cows at the back of Ferry Field. (AH) Later in the day a Whimbrel was also on the pool. (BI)
Greenshank (above), Common Sandpiper, Little Ringed Plover, Avocets & Spotted Redshanks and Black-tailed Godwits on the Ferry (AH)
Long Pool: It was quiet along the pool, with just the odd Reed and Sedge Warblers about, along with at least four Reed Buntings and a couple of Linnets, whilst at least 75 Redshank and a few Lapwings and Black-tailed Godwits were in Ferry Channel. (AH)
Sedge Warbler (above), Reed Bunting & Lapwing along the Long Pool (AH)
Park Farm, Selsey: A Pied Wagtail was in the horse paddocks, with a Kestrel and a Green Woodpecker also about. (IP)
Church Norton: There was no sign of yesterday's reported Kentish Plover this morning. (BI et al)
The harbour had the usual terns with a noticeably continuous stream of Sandwich arriving from the south with fish, whilst waders numbered six Dunlin, two Whimbrel, two Turnstone, a Curlew and a minimum of twenty Redshank roosting beside the concrete blocks, along with the usual Oystercatchers and Ringed Plovers.
A Buzzard was visible towards the Ferry whilst a Kestrel hunted over the first Several and a minimum of two Sparrowhawk youngsters in the nest at Bluebell Wood, but a Whitethroat near the horse field and a Chiffchaff in Bluebell Wood were the only warblers noted. (IP).
There were also two juvenile Kestrels following a female adult around the churchyard, where there was also a good variety of butterflies including Comma, Gatekeeper and a Brown Argus. (AW)
Kestrel (above) & Brown Argus at Church Norton (AW)
This evening a Common Sandpiper, at least five Whimbrel, 20 Dunlin and 15 Turnstones were in the harbour, along with a mass of young Sandwich Terns, but no Little Terns were seen. (AH)
Whimbrel (above) & SAndwich Terns at Church Norton (AH)

Chichester Canal: At least 13 Norfolk Hawkers were along the western end this afternoon, including two pairs seen mating. Also, an Emperor was seen ovipositing and a couple of Black-tailed Skimmers and lots of Blue-tailed Damselflies were about. (JA)
Chi GPs: Drayton House pits - Not much to report today. One of the previous Pochard broods was present – with the two young now considerably larger - whilst amazingly the tiny solo duckling previously reported still seems to be surviving alone and has also increased in size. Great Crested Grebes and Little Grebes now all have young; the former with two pairs on each of the two pits and the latter with 12 pairs (seven on the North pit and five on the South).
There were still reasonable numbers of Pochard, Tufted and Mallard present, plus several Gadwall, all going into eclipse plumage and the only other birds of note were a low-flying Buzzard, a Kestrel and a single Common Tern fishing. (OM)
Medmerry: Easton Lane to the Stilt Pool - A couple of juvenile Stonechats were the only birds of note along the banks, though a juvenile Marsh Harrier was hunting around Marsh Barn, a Greenshank was by the poplars and five Sand Martins, 20+ Swallows, a Kestrel and four Buzzards went over.
The juvenile Little Ringed Plover and a Common Sandpiper were the only waders on the Stilt Pool, where there were also two Egyptian Geese, and five Sandwich Terns were offshore, too. (S&SAH)

juvenile Stonechat (above) & Egyptian Geese at Medmerry (SH)
Sidlesham: At least 30 young Swallows were on the wires along Cow Lane this evening. (AH)
Swallow in Sidlesham (AH)
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