Wednesday 25 September 2024

25th - 26th September 2024

Thursday, 26th September: A morning of sunshine, fast moving cloud and the odd heavy squall, in a brisk and blustery south-westerly ........

Selsey Bill: A Merlin was hanging about a long way offshore this morning, 19 Shags went east and there were a few more auks about than of late. Full log below. (MRe/IP/SR/
(0700-1000hrs) (SW, F6-7)
Gannet - 73E, 200W
Shag - 19E
Merlin - 1os
Whimbrel - 1E
Turnstone - 8
Mediterranean Gull - 6E, 2W
Sandwich Tern - 17E
Guillemot - 2W
Razorbill - 7W
auk sp - 2E, 12W
Swallow - 25W

This afternoon a juvenile Arctic Tern went west and a Wheatear was on the beach. Full log below. (MRe)
Gannet - 19W
Shag - 5W
Arctic Tern - 1W (juvenile)
Wheatear - 1

Shag (above), Sandwich Tern & Gannet at the Bill (AH)

Ferry Pool: There were just one Spotted Redshank and one Green Sandpiper present early this morning, along with a dozen Black-tailed Godwits, c75 Lapwings, eight Avocets, four Shelducks and c30 Teal. (AH)

Spotted Redshank (above) & Green Sandpiper at the Ferry (AH)

Church Norton: There were two Spotted Flycatchers, at least three Blackcaps and 25 Chiffchaffs around the hide and adjacent hedges this morning, with c40 Swallows going over.
In the harbour there were six Bar-tailed Godwits, two Black-tailed Godwits, two Knot and a dozen Grey Plovers, but nothing else beyond the regulars. (AH et al)

Spotted Flycatcher (above), Blackcap, Chiffchaff & Bar-tailed Godwit at Church Norton (AH)

This evening there were 21 Pintail in the harbour, along with two Whimbrel, the six Bar-tailed Godwits, five Grey Plovers and c20 Wigeon and Teal. (AH)

Pintails (above), Wigeon, Whimbrel & Bar-tailed Godwits at Church Norton (AH)

North Wall: It was busy around the paddocks this morning, with seven Whinchats, a Redstart and a Stonechat along the fences and a Great Spotted Woodpecker in the trees, and further back a Marsh Harrier was over the reeds.
A Kingfisher and a Grey Wagtail were by the sluice and there was a good selection along White’s Creek, with lots of Wigeon and Teal joined by a Pintail, a Great Crested Grebe, eight Black-tailed Godwits, a few Dunlin and the usual Redshanks and Lapwings. but elsewhere it was very quiet in the windy conditions.(LP/SP/TRH/JDW)

Redstart (above), Whinchat, Stonechat & Great Spotted Woodpecker at the North Wall (LP)

Wednesday, 25th September: Another grey morning in a moderate south-westerly breeze, though the threatened rain missed us........

Selsey Bill: A total of 15 Shags went east this morning - the highest count so far this autumn, whilst seven Yellow Wagtails, 152 Meadow Pipits and eight Brent Geese went west. Full log below. (IP/SR/AH)
(0705-0835hrs) (SW, F4-5)
Gannet - 4E, 33W
Shag - 15E
Brent Goose - 8W
Turnstone - 36
Mediterranean Gull - 4E, 6W
Common Gull - 1E
Sandwich Tern - 2E
Swallow - 5E
Yellow Wagtail - 7W
Meadow Pipit - 152E
Chiffchaff - 1

(1615-1730hrs) (SH)
Gannet - 24E, 10W, 5os
Shag - 6W, 1os
Turnstone - 6
Mediterranean Gull - 1E
Sandwich Tern - 1W

Shag (above), Brent Geese & Turnstones at the Bill (AH)

Ferry Pool: There was a fair selection on the pool early on, including a Ruff, five Greenshanks, two Green Sandpipers, two Spotted Redshanks, two Redshanks, 35 Black-tailed Godwits, c200 Lapwings, four Shovelers, four Shelducks and c30 Teal. (AH)

Spotted Redshanks (above) Greenshanks, Greenshanks and Black-tailed Godwits & Green Sandpiper at the Ferry (AH)

Northcommon Farm: Three Spotted Flycatchers, 17 Chiffchaffs, a Jay, a Green Woodpecker, three Pied Wagtails, four Swallows and 22 Meadow Pipits were seen today. (SR)

Spotted Flycatcher at Northcommon Farm (SR)

North Wall: A Green Sandpiper, a Common Sandpiper, 20 Black-tailed Godwits and 18 Pintail were with numerous Wigeon, Teal, Redshanks and Lapwings along White's Creek this morning, and further out two Common Seals were hauled out on the banks.
After the heavy showers, a female Marsh Harrier was seen over the saltmarsh, five Little Grebes were on Owl Water and two Buzzards were over the stables. (P Gomersall)

Pagham Spit: Two Wheatears were on the spit, near the harbour entrance this afternoon, with a Little Egret and a dozen Turnstones in the vicinity, whilst seven Great crested Grebes, 12 Ringed Plovers and 24 Dunlin were around the newly-forming offshore lagoon. ( Gomersall)

West Itchenor: An Osprey was seen heading north up the harbour early this afternoon. (PH)

Church Norton: Two Spotted Flycatchers, three Blackcaps and c20 Chiffchaffs were around the churchyard/hide area and adjacent hedges this morning, but there was nothing along the Severals beyond another handful of Chiffchaffs and c50 Swallows over.
There wasn't too much in the harbour of note beyond a Whimbrel, two Bar-tailed Godwits and three Black-tailed Godwits, plus around 30 Wigeon and Teal. (AH)

Spotted Flycatcher (above), Chiffchaff & Blackcap at Church Norton (AH)

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