Tuesday, 13th August: A fairly still morning early on, though grey and drizzly, brightening up as the westerly breeze freshened.....
Selsey Bill: A couple of hours which produced little more than a handful of Gannets and Common Scoter...... full log below:
0640-0840hrs: (PB/AM/C&ME)
Gannet - 1E, 30W
Common Scoter - 1E, 8W
Oystercatcher - 5W
Turnstone - 2 ob
Common Tern - 2os
Sandwich Tern - 4os
Mediterranean Gull - 1W
(1630-1730hrs) (SH)
Gannet - 6E, 17W
Turnstone - 3p
Sandwich Tern - 7E, 29W, 12os
Common Tern - 8W
Selsey Bill: A couple of hours which produced little more than a handful of Gannets and Common Scoter...... full log below:
0640-0840hrs: (PB/AM/C&ME)
Gannet - 1E, 30W
Common Scoter - 1E, 8W
Oystercatcher - 5W
Turnstone - 2 ob
Common Tern - 2os
Sandwich Tern - 4os
Mediterranean Gull - 1W
(1630-1730hrs) (SH)
Gannet - 6E, 17W
Turnstone - 3p
Sandwich Tern - 7E, 29W, 12os
Common Tern - 8W
Ferry Pool: The Wood Sandpiper looks to have finally moved on, though there were a few other bits present during the morning, including a Green Sandpiper, three Common Sandpipers, a Little Ringed Plover, a Greenshank, three Avocets, 25 Lapwing and the usual 40 or so Black-tailed Godwits and Teal, plus a Wheatear at the back and a Sedge Warbler in the road-side reeds.
Early on, the channel opposite held three Spotted Redshanks, along with a Greenshank and a Common Sandpiper, plus half a dozen Whimbrel and c30 Redshank, but the Tramway was quite quiet, with just a few Whitethroats and Linnets noted. (AH/IP/OM/AM)
Northcommon Farm: A Little Owl was sat out on the farm buildings this morning. (KJ et al)
Church Norton: There were still up to 150 Sandwich Terns in the harbour, with a dozen Common Terns and an adult and a juvenile Little Tern, plus half a dozen Mediterranean Gulls, among them.
Most of the waders, though, were distant, but did include a summer-plumaged Grey Plover, 16 Knot, c20 Turnstones, at least five Whimbrel and 200+ Dunlin.
There were a few passerine migrants about, including a Wheatear on the concrete blocks and there were a couple of big, fast-moving warbler flocks containing at least one Garden Warbler, several Whitethroats,Lesser Whitethroats and Blackcaps and at least a dozen Willow Warblers, along with two or three Goldcrests and a few Long-tailed Tits. (AH/IP/AM/PB/C&ME et al)
Later on, the Osprey was over the harbour entrance again and a female/immature Redstart was behind the hide, along with a Garden Warbler. (KJ et al)
East side: There were four Greenshank, four Whimbrel, two Bar-tailed Godwits, 24 Knot and a Common Sandpiper along the east side, although the c.70 Ringed Plovers and 250 Dunlin also present failed to produce any other excitement from amongst their ranks! Three adult-type Yellow-legged Gulls and a Lesser Black-backed Gull were out on the mudflats, whilst c.30 Willow Warblers - including a big loose flock of 20 - moved through the tamarisk bushes, but apart from a family party of three Sedge Warblers there weren't too many other small birds about. (OM)
Medmerry (east) - Breach: The roosting waders moved in as the tide dropped, producing 150+ Dunlin, 80+ Ringed Plovers, five Knot, four Sanderlings, a Common Sandpiper, three Curlews and a Whimbrel. Two Sandwich Terns were on the saltings and six Great Crested Grebes on the saline lagoon, whilst five Wheatears and eight Linnets were around the rocks. (OM)

The Squacco Heron at Halsey's Farm this morning. (GHi)
Later on, the two Cattle Egrets went into the roost and a Kingfisher went over Halsey's Farm. (AB)
Early on, the channel opposite held three Spotted Redshanks, along with a Greenshank and a Common Sandpiper, plus half a dozen Whimbrel and c30 Redshank, but the Tramway was quite quiet, with just a few Whitethroats and Linnets noted. (AH/IP/OM/AM)
Little Ringed Plover (above), Greenshank, Common Sandpiper, Spotted Redshank and Redshanks & Avocets around the Ferry (AH)
Church Norton: There were still up to 150 Sandwich Terns in the harbour, with a dozen Common Terns and an adult and a juvenile Little Tern, plus half a dozen Mediterranean Gulls, among them.
Most of the waders, though, were distant, but did include a summer-plumaged Grey Plover, 16 Knot, c20 Turnstones, at least five Whimbrel and 200+ Dunlin.
There were a few passerine migrants about, including a Wheatear on the concrete blocks and there were a couple of big, fast-moving warbler flocks containing at least one Garden Warbler, several Whitethroats,Lesser Whitethroats and Blackcaps and at least a dozen Willow Warblers, along with two or three Goldcrests and a few Long-tailed Tits. (AH/IP/AM/PB/C&ME et al)
Later on, the Osprey was over the harbour entrance again and a female/immature Redstart was behind the hide, along with a Garden Warbler. (KJ et al)
Little Tern (above), Little, Common and Sandwich Terns, Sandwich Terns, Grey Plover, Lesser Whitethroat & Mediterranean Gulls at Church Norton (AH)
East side: There were four Greenshank, four Whimbrel, two Bar-tailed Godwits, 24 Knot and a Common Sandpiper along the east side, although the c.70 Ringed Plovers and 250 Dunlin also present failed to produce any other excitement from amongst their ranks! Three adult-type Yellow-legged Gulls and a Lesser Black-backed Gull were out on the mudflats, whilst c.30 Willow Warblers - including a big loose flock of 20 - moved through the tamarisk bushes, but apart from a family party of three Sedge Warblers there weren't too many other small birds about. (OM)
Yellow-legged Gull, Yellow-legged and Herring Gull and (lower) Lesser Black-backed Gull on the east side. (OM)
Medmerry (east) - Breach: The roosting waders moved in as the tide dropped, producing 150+ Dunlin, 80+ Ringed Plovers, five Knot, four Sanderlings, a Common Sandpiper, three Curlews and a Whimbrel. Two Sandwich Terns were on the saltings and six Great Crested Grebes on the saline lagoon, whilst five Wheatears and eight Linnets were around the rocks. (OM)
Wheatear on the rocks at Medmerry breach (OM)
North Wall: The Squacco Heron was going between the small rife and the field near to Halsey`s Farm this morning at 09.15. At one stage it flew towards the harbour and went in the Broad Rife where it passes through the field, it only stayed there for 5 minutes, before returning to the field. There were also three Cattle Egrets, 50 Curlews and a few Lapwing in the area. (GHi)
A total of nine Wheatears, two Whinchats, 10 Willow Warblers, five Lesser Whitethroats and four Common Whitethroats were around Owl Point, and the irresistible Squacco Heron, unsuccessful in its dyke, moved to its meadow, still heaving with grasshoppers.
One Cattle Egret was with Little Egrets and Grey Herons on their island, whilst waders noted included 11 Greenshank and 50 Curlew, plus a Kingfisher by the Salt House, and plants noted included Lesser Sea Spurrey. (ARK per SOS)
A total of nine Wheatears, two Whinchats, 10 Willow Warblers, five Lesser Whitethroats and four Common Whitethroats were around Owl Point, and the irresistible Squacco Heron, unsuccessful in its dyke, moved to its meadow, still heaving with grasshoppers.
One Cattle Egret was with Little Egrets and Grey Herons on their island, whilst waders noted included 11 Greenshank and 50 Curlew, plus a Kingfisher by the Salt House, and plants noted included Lesser Sea Spurrey. (ARK per SOS)
Later on, the two Cattle Egrets went into the roost and a Kingfisher went over Halsey's Farm. (AB)
Cattle Egrets at the North Wall (AH)
Selsey Bill: (0715-0915hrs) (C&ME)
Gannet - 3os
Kestrel - 1p
Sandwich Tern - 5W
Willow Warbler - 4p
Chiffchaff - 2p
Ferry Pool: The Wood Sandpiper was at the back again, along with a Green Sandpiper, two Common Sandpipers, c30 Lapwing, c40 Black-tailed Godwits and c40 Teal, whilst two Spotted Redshanks dropped in briefly and a Common Sandpiper and up to five Whimbrel were in the channel opposite.
The Tramway was fairly quiet, though there were a Garden Warbler, a dozen Willow Warblers, a dozen Whitethroats and a couple of Lesser Whitethroats and Blackcaps seen, whilst a couple of Swifts and a Sand Martin went over. (AH/IP)
This evening, three Avocets were on the pool. (AB)
Long Pool: Two Spotted Redshanks flew out from the pool, where there were also a dozen or so Black-tailed Godwits and the long-staying female Pintail present, whilst a Greenshank and a Common Sandpiper, plus at least 20 Redshank were in Ferry Channel. (AH/IP)
Church Norton: An adult Roseate Tern was a nice surprise among the much diminished flock of c.50 Sandwich Terns in the harbour, initially out on the mud, then by the concrete blocks, briefly settling on the old harbour mouth before flying out to sea, returning at midday.
Otherwise there were still six Knot, similar of Whimbrel and a few Dunlin in the harbour, though no sign of the Curlew Sandpipers this morning.
A Garden Warbler was still in the hedges near the hide, along with half a dozen Willow Warblers and a couple each of Whitethroat, Lesser Whitethroat and Blackcap, whilst up to ten Wheatears were along the track to the spit. (AH/IP/OM/BFF/DM/BI/AW et al)
Then early afternoon, an Osprey appeared over the Tern island, panicking everything before settling awhile at the harbour mouth. It subsequently took flight, briefly hovering and circling around before moving off. (OM/BFF/DM/AW et al).
Later, two Little Stints were located amongst a Dunlin flock but they did not linger more than a couple of minutes or so. (BFF/DM)
North Wall: The Squacco Heron was again in the rife by its favoured field at Halsey's Farm and a smart summer-plumaged Spotted Redshank and a Common Sandpiper were in the harbour. (AW)
Pagham Spit: The Osprey (see above) drifted over before catching a bass from one of the bays and then heading towards the lagoon where it was lost from view. Along the spit itself there were at ten Wheatears. (BI)
Northcommon Farm: Approximately a dozen Willow Warblers were around Flycatcher Corner this morning. (BI)
Sunday, 11th August: Another very blustery day, though mostly dry and fairly mild.....Gannet - 3os
Kestrel - 1p
Sandwich Tern - 5W
Willow Warbler - 4p
Chiffchaff - 2p
Ferry Pool: The Wood Sandpiper was at the back again, along with a Green Sandpiper, two Common Sandpipers, c30 Lapwing, c40 Black-tailed Godwits and c40 Teal, whilst two Spotted Redshanks dropped in briefly and a Common Sandpiper and up to five Whimbrel were in the channel opposite.
The Tramway was fairly quiet, though there were a Garden Warbler, a dozen Willow Warblers, a dozen Whitethroats and a couple of Lesser Whitethroats and Blackcaps seen, whilst a couple of Swifts and a Sand Martin went over. (AH/IP)
This evening, three Avocets were on the pool. (AB)
Garden Warbler (above), Whitethroat & Whimbrel around the Ferry (AH)
Long Pool: Two Spotted Redshanks flew out from the pool, where there were also a dozen or so Black-tailed Godwits and the long-staying female Pintail present, whilst a Greenshank and a Common Sandpiper, plus at least 20 Redshank were in Ferry Channel. (AH/IP)
Common Sandpiper in Ferry Channel (AH)
Church Norton: An adult Roseate Tern was a nice surprise among the much diminished flock of c.50 Sandwich Terns in the harbour, initially out on the mud, then by the concrete blocks, briefly settling on the old harbour mouth before flying out to sea, returning at midday.
Otherwise there were still six Knot, similar of Whimbrel and a few Dunlin in the harbour, though no sign of the Curlew Sandpipers this morning.
A Garden Warbler was still in the hedges near the hide, along with half a dozen Willow Warblers and a couple each of Whitethroat, Lesser Whitethroat and Blackcap, whilst up to ten Wheatears were along the track to the spit. (AH/IP/OM/BFF/DM/BI/AW et al)
Roseate Tern and Sandwich Terns (top two AW, others AH) (above), Knot & Blackcap (AH) at Church Norton
Then early afternoon, an Osprey appeared over the Tern island, panicking everything before settling awhile at the harbour mouth. It subsequently took flight, briefly hovering and circling around before moving off. (OM/BFF/DM/AW et al).
Later, two Little Stints were located amongst a Dunlin flock but they did not linger more than a couple of minutes or so. (BFF/DM)
Osprey over the harbour mouth (AW)
Squacco Heron at Halsey's Farm (above), Spotted Redshank and Common Sandpiper from North Wall (AW)
Pagham Spit: The Osprey (see above) drifted over before catching a bass from one of the bays and then heading towards the lagoon where it was lost from view. Along the spit itself there were at ten Wheatears. (BI)
Northcommon Farm: Approximately a dozen Willow Warblers were around Flycatcher Corner this morning. (BI)
Selsey Bill: The only species moving this morning was Common Tern, of which c50 went west, with a few lingering offshore. (BI/AH/IP)
Gannet - 3E, 32W
(1030-1130hrs) (SH)
Gannet - 2W
Sandwich Tern - 6W
Common Tern - 8W
A Black Tern went west at 13.55hrs (SH)
(1300-1400hrs) (SH)
Gannet - 1E
Shag - 1W
Arctic Skua - 1W (l/p)
Kittiwake - 1E
Sandwich Tern - 10W
Common Tern - 2W
Black Tern - 1W
Ferry Pool: The Wood Sandpiper was still present this morning, along with two Common Sandpipers, c30 Lapwing, c20 Black-tailed Godwits and c40 Teal, whilst another Common Sandpiper and a Whimbrel were in the channel opposite.
Also, a Chiffchaff was in the Discovery Area, along with a couple of Blackcaps and Whitethroats. (AH & the SOS/IP)
North Wall: The Squacco Heron was showing well around its usual field and the adjacent rife again this morning & there was a Wheatear along the fenceline as well as a Garden Warbler in the hedges. (BI/AH et al)
The two Cattle Egrets were roosting in the harbour again later on. (M&LH)
Church Norton: There were up to three adult Curlew Sandpipers on the mud this morning, along with five Knot, including a juvenile, three Whimbrel, at least 40 Ringed Plovers and 200+ Dunlin, whilst a Little Tern and a possible Arctic Tern were among the 20+ Common Terns and 150+ Sandwich Terns present, all of which were upset several times by a big female Peregrine.
The sheltered bushes were quite productive, with a female Redstart, a Reed Warbler and a Garden Warbler present, along with a couple of Whitethroats and Blackcaps, whilst a family of at least four Lesser Whitethroats was being very amenable, as the adults fed blackberries to their fledged young. There were also a couple of Sand Martins among a dozen or so House Martins and Swallows. (AH & the SOS/BI/IP/RM/SH/SHo/DM/DS et al)
This afternoon the three Curlew Sandpipers were still showing in the harbour, with possibly two different one on the beach. Also, two Wheatears were on the spit and there were six Knot present, along with at least 300 Dunlin.
Gannet - 3E, 32W
Turnstone - 6p
Sanderling - 4W
Sanderling - 4W
Kittiwake - 1W
Sandwich Tern - 12E, 20W
Common Tern - 1E, 59W, 5os
Mediterranean Gull - 1W
Mediterranean Gull - 1W
Kittiwake (above) & Common Terns at the Bill (AH)
(1030-1130hrs) (SH)
Gannet - 2W
Sandwich Tern - 6W
Common Tern - 8W
A Black Tern went west at 13.55hrs (SH)
(1300-1400hrs) (SH)
Gannet - 1E
Shag - 1W
Arctic Skua - 1W (l/p)
Kittiwake - 1E
Sandwich Tern - 10W
Common Tern - 2W
Black Tern - 1W
Ferry Pool: The Wood Sandpiper was still present this morning, along with two Common Sandpipers, c30 Lapwing, c20 Black-tailed Godwits and c40 Teal, whilst another Common Sandpiper and a Whimbrel were in the channel opposite.
Also, a Chiffchaff was in the Discovery Area, along with a couple of Blackcaps and Whitethroats. (AH & the SOS/IP)
Wood Sandpiper (above), Common Sandpiper & Chiffchaff around the Ferry (AH)
North Wall: The Squacco Heron was showing well around its usual field and the adjacent rife again this morning & there was a Wheatear along the fenceline as well as a Garden Warbler in the hedges. (BI/AH et al)
The two Cattle Egrets were roosting in the harbour again later on. (M&LH)
Squacco Heron at Halsey's Farm (AH)
Church Norton: There were up to three adult Curlew Sandpipers on the mud this morning, along with five Knot, including a juvenile, three Whimbrel, at least 40 Ringed Plovers and 200+ Dunlin, whilst a Little Tern and a possible Arctic Tern were among the 20+ Common Terns and 150+ Sandwich Terns present, all of which were upset several times by a big female Peregrine.
The sheltered bushes were quite productive, with a female Redstart, a Reed Warbler and a Garden Warbler present, along with a couple of Whitethroats and Blackcaps, whilst a family of at least four Lesser Whitethroats was being very amenable, as the adults fed blackberries to their fledged young. There were also a couple of Sand Martins among a dozen or so House Martins and Swallows. (AH & the SOS/BI/IP/RM/SH/SHo/DM/DS et al)
Curlew Sandpiper (above), Knot, Sandwich and Common Terns, Sandwich Terns and Knot, Garden Warbler, Reed Warbler, Lesser Whitethroats & Peregrine at Church Norton (AH)
This afternoon the three Curlew Sandpipers were still showing in the harbour, with possibly two different one on the beach. Also, two Wheatears were on the spit and there were six Knot present, along with at least 300 Dunlin.
The Sandwich Terns had mostly moved out of the harbour, with 100+ on the beach at the west end of the reserve, including lots of juveniles, along with a Common Gull and ten Mediterranean Gulls. (AH/AW/SR et al)
Also, a pair of binocular lens caps were under the bench at Norton this evening - if you have lost them, please email.
Medmerry: Easton Lane to the Stilt Pool - It was very quiet along the banks in the windy conditions, with just a handful of Swallows Sand and House Martins, plus a Swift overhead, whilst the only birds of note on the Stilt Pool were two Greenshanks and a Common Sandpiper. (S&SaH)
Curlew Sandpipers (above), Wheatears (AW), Sandwich Terns & Mediterranean Gull (AH) at Church Norton
Medmerry: Easton Lane to the Stilt Pool - It was very quiet along the banks in the windy conditions, with just a handful of Swallows Sand and House Martins, plus a Swift overhead, whilst the only birds of note on the Stilt Pool were two Greenshanks and a Common Sandpiper. (S&SaH)
Selsey Bill: As is (too) often the case, gale-force winds don't necessarily equate to numerous birds, and it was generally a quiet morning, with just a few of the regular species seen. Full log below......
(0600-1100hrs): (SH/JA/BI/IP/AH/OM/MPh, et al)
Fulmar - 1E, 1W
Gannet - 8E, 70W
Ringed Plover - 1W
Knot - 1W
Sanderling - 1W, 1p
Curlew - 1W
Turnstone - 10p
Kittiwake - 1E, 2W
Sandwich Tern - 11E, 6W
Common Tern - 11W
Fulmar (above), Knot & Gannet at the Bill (AH)
(1345-1445hrs) (SH)
Gannet - 1W
Sandwich Tern - 5W
Common Tern - 1W
Swift - 1p
(1630-1730hrs) (SH)
Fulmar - 2W
Common Scoter - 1W
Sandwich Tern - 19W
Common Ten - 10W
Selsey: At least ten Swifts were over the Selsey Centre this morning. (S&SaH)
Ferry Pool: At different times this morning, the Wood Sandpiper, three Spotted Redshanks, four Common Sandpipers and six Dunlin were present, along with c30 Black-tailed Godwits, c.50 Lapwing and c.40 Teal.
Early on, the channel opposite held a Greenshank, a Spotted Redshank and five Whimbrel. (AH/GaJ/GM/OM)
Spotted Redshank (above), Greenshank & Common Sandpipers on the ferry (AH)
North Wall: The Squacco Heron flew back into its favoured field this morning, and at least one Cattle Egret was nearby. (MPh/GaJ)
The Squacco Heron was showing well early this evening in the first field from the North Wall before returning to its favoured field. Also, the two Cattle Egrets were roosting in the harbour. (AH/AB)
The Squacco Heron was showing well early this evening in the first field from the North Wall before returning to its favoured field. Also, the two Cattle Egrets were roosting in the harbour. (AH/AB)
Squacco Heron at Halsey's Farm (AH)
Church Norton: There were still c.30 Common Terns and c.150 Sandwich Terns in the harbour, sheltering from the wind, in the company of two smart summer-plumaged Bar-tailed Godwits and three Knot, with up to five Whimbrel in the vicinity and c.20 Ringed Plovers and c.50 Dunlin out on the central mud-flats. (AH/IP)
Later on, six Wheatears were along the beach, a Sparrowhawk went over and a Little Tern,and a Grey Plover were in the harbour, whilst a very grumpy young Adder was along the Severals.. (S&SaH)
Bar-tailed Godwit (above), Bar-tailed Godwit and Common Terns, Knot and Common Terns, Common Terns, Sandwich and Common Terns (AH) & Adder (SH) at Church Norton
There were two moulting summer-plumaged Curlew Sandpipers among the 200+ Dunlin and 40+ Ringed Plovers out on the mud this evening, and there were also two Greenshanks and a Grey Plover present.
Also, at least 30 Common Terns and 150 Sandwich Terns were in the harbour, too, with a few House Martins and Swallows feeding over the trees. (AW/AH/BI)
Curlew Sandpipers at Church Norton (AW)
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