Friday, 16th August: Another unseasonably cool and windy day; generally cloudy with a brisk and freshening south-westerly wind, mainly dry all morning, but with the prospect of heavy rain from mid-afternoon onwards......
Selsey Peninsula data: There is a wealth of data on the Peninsula's birds now available to all, from the casual visitor to the formal researcher alike. This has all been researched and collated by our very own 'statto' Ian Pitts, to whom we owe our gratitude. Ian has researched a number of topics, such as, for example, spring migrant arrivals (back to year 2000), autumn migrant arrival and departure dates, monthly records, and a whole, whole lot more. To quote his comments to us " Hope everyone enjoys it, there is an awful lot of detail there, including average dates for both Spring and Autumn migrants, so now we know when something is late !!!"
Selsey Bill: Although still generally quiet there was a bit more activity today, with an Arctic Skua and three Fulmars passing through and over 50 Sandwich Terns logged. Full log below....
(0645-0915hrs) (C&ME)
Fulmar - 3W
Gannet - 3E, 70W
Common Scoter - 1W
Sanderling - 4E
Turnstone - 16E
Arctic Skua - 1W (l/p)
Mediterranean Gull - 1E, 3W
Common Tern - 2W
Sandwich Tern - 22E, 19W, 30os
(1545-1730hrs) (JA/SH)
Gannet - 2W
Common Scoter - 2W
Turnstone - 6p
Kittiwake - 1W
Sandwich Tern - 15E, 53W
Common Tern - 16W
Late this afternoon there were three Little Terns, at least eight Common Terns and 100+ Sandwich Terns in the harbour, along with a Greenshank and two or three Whimbrel and black-tailed Godwits. (AH/DB et al)
East side: A brief visit this morning met with little reward in the brisk wind. There were relatively few waders visible at low tide and virtually no passerines; c.50 Dunlin, 30 Ringed Plovers, four Knot, a Whimbrel and a Greenshank were the best I could do, whilst a single Willow Warbler was sheltering in a hedgerow - from the wind and a passing Sparrowhawk. (OM)
North Wall area: There was Whinchat near Sidlesham Quay, but I failed to find the Squacco Heron at Halsey’s Farm, though there were two Cattle Egrets and a dozen Little Egrets present. alon with another Whinchat and a Redstart.
In the White’s Creek area there were two Spotted Redshanks (making potentially nine different birds on the Peninsula today (Eds)), a Greenshank, two Common Sandpipers, 11 Black-tailed Godwits, two Grey Plover, 140+ Dunlin, 12 Redshank, three Ringed Plover, seven Lapwing and a Kingfisher, whilst further up the harbour there were six Whimbrel and a Greenshank
Also, a single Shoveler was on the Breech Pool, a single Swift went over and a Garden Warbler was amongst a few Whitethroats, Blackcaps, and Chiffchaffs. (SC)
Medmerry: Chainbridge to Ham - This morning the two Spoonbills were actively feeding near to the breach and a Woodcock flushed from the edge of a ditch, whilst out on the tidal mud were five Knot, 26 Ringed Plovers, 24 Dunlin and several Curlews.
Also, a count of c275 Canada Geese was made, along with what are presumably our annual August-visiting pair of Bar-headed Geese, on harvested fields. There was a scattering of migrant passerines including a Whinchat, at least two Willow Warblers, eight Whitethroats, two Sedge Warblers and four Reed Warblers. (JP)
Medmerry: Easton Lane to the Stilt Pool - There were a few bits about this morning, including a Hobby over the Poplars, with two Greenshank on the adjacent mud, and a Whinchat, one or two Whitethroats and Linnets and 100+ Goldfinches were along the otherwise quiet banks, with c50 Swallows feeding low over the cattle fields.
Three juvenile Spotted Redshanks were together on the Stilt Pool, along with another Greenshank, three Common Sandpipers and a handful of Lapwing, whilst wildfowl included the female Pintail and c40 Gadwall. (AH)
Thursday, 15th August: A bright, but very blustery morning, with a freshening north-westerly, though quite mild......
Selsey Peninsula data: There is a wealth of data on the Peninsula's birds now available to all, from the casual visitor to the formal researcher alike. This has all been researched and collated by our very own 'statto' Ian Pitts, to whom we owe our gratitude. Ian has researched a number of topics, such as, for example, spring migrant arrivals (back to year 2000), autumn migrant arrival and departure dates, monthly records, and a whole, whole lot more. To quote his comments to us " Hope everyone enjoys it, there is an awful lot of detail there, including average dates for both Spring and Autumn migrants, so now we know when something is late !!!"
So, a big vote of thanks for your efforts Statto, and it just goes to show what talents we have within our ranks. Do pay a visit by just clicking the link on the title bar. (Eds)
Selsey Bill: Although still generally quiet there was a bit more activity today, with an Arctic Skua and three Fulmars passing through and over 50 Sandwich Terns logged. Full log below....
(0645-0915hrs) (C&ME)
Fulmar - 3W
Gannet - 3E, 70W
Common Scoter - 1W
Sanderling - 4E
Turnstone - 16E
Arctic Skua - 1W (l/p)
Mediterranean Gull - 1E, 3W
Common Tern - 2W
Sandwich Tern - 22E, 19W, 30os
(1545-1730hrs) (JA/SH)
Gannet - 2W
Common Scoter - 2W
Turnstone - 6p
Kittiwake - 1W
Sandwich Tern - 15E, 53W
Common Tern - 16W
Ferry Pool: There wasn't much of note this morning - just c60 Black-tailed Godwits, c40 Teal and c20 Lapwings, plus a lone Shelduck. (AH)
Later on, four winter-plumaged Spotted Redshank were on the pool, along with a Little Ringed Plover, a Ringed Plover and a Common Sandpiper. (DB et al)
Church Norton: At least 200 Sandwich Terns were roosting on the beach this morning, along with c30 Mediterranean Gulls and a handful of Dunlin and Turnstones before the high tide pushed most of them back into the harbour, where there were also three Whimbrel, c200 Dunlin and c20 Ringed Plovers.
A small mixed flock of Swallows, Sand and House Martins - maybe a dozen of each - were feeding low over the hedges and three Swifts went over, but no other passerines were about. (AH)
Later on, four winter-plumaged Spotted Redshank were on the pool, along with a Little Ringed Plover, a Ringed Plover and a Common Sandpiper. (DB et al)
Teal on the Ferry (AH)
A small mixed flock of Swallows, Sand and House Martins - maybe a dozen of each - were feeding low over the hedges and three Swifts went over, but no other passerines were about. (AH)
Sandwich Terns (above), Whimbrel, Dunlin, Swift & House Martin at Church Norton (AH)
Late this afternoon there were three Little Terns, at least eight Common Terns and 100+ Sandwich Terns in the harbour, along with a Greenshank and two or three Whimbrel and black-tailed Godwits. (AH/DB et al)
Sandwich Terns (above) & Sandwich and Common Terns at Church Norton (AH)
East side: A brief visit this morning met with little reward in the brisk wind. There were relatively few waders visible at low tide and virtually no passerines; c.50 Dunlin, 30 Ringed Plovers, four Knot, a Whimbrel and a Greenshank were the best I could do, whilst a single Willow Warbler was sheltering in a hedgerow - from the wind and a passing Sparrowhawk. (OM)
North Wall area: There was Whinchat near Sidlesham Quay, but I failed to find the Squacco Heron at Halsey’s Farm, though there were two Cattle Egrets and a dozen Little Egrets present. alon with another Whinchat and a Redstart.
In the White’s Creek area there were two Spotted Redshanks (making potentially nine different birds on the Peninsula today (Eds)), a Greenshank, two Common Sandpipers, 11 Black-tailed Godwits, two Grey Plover, 140+ Dunlin, 12 Redshank, three Ringed Plover, seven Lapwing and a Kingfisher, whilst further up the harbour there were six Whimbrel and a Greenshank
Also, a single Shoveler was on the Breech Pool, a single Swift went over and a Garden Warbler was amongst a few Whitethroats, Blackcaps, and Chiffchaffs. (SC)
Spotted Redshank from the North Wall (SC)
Medmerry: Chainbridge to Ham - This morning the two Spoonbills were actively feeding near to the breach and a Woodcock flushed from the edge of a ditch, whilst out on the tidal mud were five Knot, 26 Ringed Plovers, 24 Dunlin and several Curlews.
Also, a count of c275 Canada Geese was made, along with what are presumably our annual August-visiting pair of Bar-headed Geese, on harvested fields. There was a scattering of migrant passerines including a Whinchat, at least two Willow Warblers, eight Whitethroats, two Sedge Warblers and four Reed Warblers. (JP)
Medmerry: Easton Lane to the Stilt Pool - There were a few bits about this morning, including a Hobby over the Poplars, with two Greenshank on the adjacent mud, and a Whinchat, one or two Whitethroats and Linnets and 100+ Goldfinches were along the otherwise quiet banks, with c50 Swallows feeding low over the cattle fields.
Three juvenile Spotted Redshanks were together on the Stilt Pool, along with another Greenshank, three Common Sandpipers and a handful of Lapwing, whilst wildfowl included the female Pintail and c40 Gadwall. (AH)
Whinchat (above), Spotted Redshanks, Greenshanks, Common Sandpipers, Pintail & Gadwall at Medmerry (AH)
Thursday, 15th August: A bright, but very blustery morning, with a freshening north-westerly, though quite mild......
Selsey Bill: Not much was on the move beyond a few Gannets and Sandwich Terns going west, with 50+ of the former and a dozen of the latter feeding offshore, too. Full log below. (C&ME/AH/IP)
Gannet - 14E, 131W, 50os
Common Scoter - 1W
Sanderling - 1W
Turnstone -8W
Kittiwake - 3W
Sandwich Tern - 14E, 24W, 27os
Common Tern - 6W
Swift - 1p
Swallow - 1W
Ferry Pool: There were a Green Sandpiper, four Common Sandpipers, a Little Ringed Plover and four Avocets on the pool this morning, along with c120 Black-tailed Godwits, c40 Lapwing and c40 Teal. (AH/IP)
North Wall: The Squacco Heron was still in its usual field at Halsey's Farm this morning. (C&JM)
Church Norton: At about 10.30am the Osprey was seen flying over near the North Wall with a fish in its talons, before it then went down on the saltmarsh to eat it. Anyone over there would have had wonderful views! (H & R Lumley)
Earlier on, there were a few warblers around the sheltered hedges, including a Garden Warbler and several Lesser Whitethroats, Whitethroats, Blackcaps and Willow Warblers, plus a handful of Swallows.
There were c80 Sandwich Terns and one or two Common Terns in the harbour, before they flew out over the beach, whilst out on the mud there were at least three Whimbrels, a dozen Knot, c30 Ringed Plovers and c200 Dunlin.
Also, it was very pleasing to see Yvette and Alan Ford back on their feet after the nasty accident back in April - there are a lot of year-ticks to be caught up with! (AH/IP/A&YF)
The Osprey was seen again over the harbour at 2.50pm from the Ferry. (AB)
Wednesday, 14th August: A pretty miserable morning of heavy drizzle interspersed with heavy showers and a blustery westerly......(0700-0915hrs)
Gannet - 14E, 131W, 50os
Common Scoter - 1W
Sanderling - 1W
Turnstone -8W
Kittiwake - 3W
Sandwich Tern - 14E, 24W, 27os
Common Tern - 6W
Swift - 1p
Swallow - 1W
Gannet (above) & Sandwich Terns at the Bill (AH)
Ferry Pool: There were a Green Sandpiper, four Common Sandpipers, a Little Ringed Plover and four Avocets on the pool this morning, along with c120 Black-tailed Godwits, c40 Lapwing and c40 Teal. (AH/IP)
Green Sandpiper (above) & Common Sandpiper on the Ferry (AH)
North Wall: The Squacco Heron was still in its usual field at Halsey's Farm this morning. (C&JM)
Church Norton: At about 10.30am the Osprey was seen flying over near the North Wall with a fish in its talons, before it then went down on the saltmarsh to eat it. Anyone over there would have had wonderful views! (H & R Lumley)
Earlier on, there were a few warblers around the sheltered hedges, including a Garden Warbler and several Lesser Whitethroats, Whitethroats, Blackcaps and Willow Warblers, plus a handful of Swallows.
There were c80 Sandwich Terns and one or two Common Terns in the harbour, before they flew out over the beach, whilst out on the mud there were at least three Whimbrels, a dozen Knot, c30 Ringed Plovers and c200 Dunlin.
Also, it was very pleasing to see Yvette and Alan Ford back on their feet after the nasty accident back in April - there are a lot of year-ticks to be caught up with! (AH/IP/A&YF)
The Osprey was seen again over the harbour at 2.50pm from the Ferry. (AB)
Willow Warbler (above), Lesser Whitethroat, Whimbrel & Sandwich Terns at Church Norton (AH)
Yvette and Alan Ford out and about at Church Norton (AH)
Selsey Bill: (0800-0830hrs) (SH/IP)
Fulmar - 1W
Gannet - 15W
Mediterranean Gull - 1E, 1W
Sandwich Tern - 2E, 3W, 3os
Common Tern - 1E
1600-1730hrs: (SH)
Fulmar - 1W
Gannet - 2E, 2W
Common Tern - 7W
Sandwich Tern - 8E
Arctic Skua - 1W (l/p)
Ferry Pool: Four Spotted Redshanks were on the pool this morning, along with a Common Sandpiper, four Avocets, four Dunlin, c40 Black-tailed Godwits and c30 Teal, whilst there were two more Common Sandpipers and two Whimbrel in the channel opposite and a Grey Wagtail flew over.. (AH/IP)
1600-1730hrs: (SH)
Fulmar - 1W
Gannet - 2E, 2W
Common Tern - 7W
Sandwich Tern - 8E
Arctic Skua - 1W (l/p)
Ferry Pool: Four Spotted Redshanks were on the pool this morning, along with a Common Sandpiper, four Avocets, four Dunlin, c40 Black-tailed Godwits and c30 Teal, whilst there were two more Common Sandpipers and two Whimbrel in the channel opposite and a Grey Wagtail flew over.. (AH/IP)
This evening, a Spotted Redshank, a Greenshank and a Common Sandpiper were in the Channel opposite. (AH)
Spotted Redshanks (above), Common Sandpiper & Avocets around the Ferry (AH)
Church Norton: The 16 Knot - most of which appear to be juveniles - were on the mud again, along with at least three Whimbrels, c40 Curlews, two Grey Plovers, c60 Redshank, c30 Ringed Plovers and c200 Dunlin, whilst 70 or so Sandwich Terns drifted into roost as the tide rose.
In a brief break in the weather a few warblers popped up near the hide, including two Garden Warblers, up to five Willow Warblers and two or three Whitethroats, Lesser Whitethroats and Blackcaps, whilst a dozen Swallows were feeding low. (AH/IP)
This afternoon, the Osprey was again reported around the harbour mouth. (per Birdguides)
This afternoon, the Osprey was again reported around the harbour mouth. (per Birdguides)
Knot (above), Whimbrel, Garden Warblers, Garden Warbler and Whitethroat & Lesser Whitethroat at Church Norton (AH)
North Wall: The Squacco Heron remains at Halsey’s Farm, with four or five Little Egrets in the normal field, but then it later disappeared over in to Bremere Rife. A single Cattle Egret also flew over towards the little private pond. (IL)
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