Monday 10 June 2024

10th - 12th June, 2024

Wednesday, 12th June: A milder, but very grey and still start slowly gave way to a fairly bright and breezy morning................

Selsey Bill: There were two unexpected Brent Geese, plus a Whimbrel, east this morning among a bit more variety than of late, whilst around 300 Swifts were feeding overhead. Full log below. (SH/SR/MO-W/IP/P&LH)
(0600-0800hrs) (NW, F2)
Fulmar - 1W
Gannet - 4E, 5W
Brent Goose - 2E
Shelduck - 1E
Common Scoter - 2W, 30os
Oystercatcher - 1E, 1W
Whimbrel - 1E
Mediterranean Gull - 26os
Kittiwake - 1W
Sandwich Tern - 10os
Common Tern - 1os
Little Tern - 1os
Swift -  c300os
House Martin - 15

Ferry Pool: The Wood Sandpiper was again on the pool with half a dozen Redshanks this morning, and there were also two Little Ringed Plovers, four Lapwings, ten Avocets, the drake Teal and 38 Shelducks, including the dozen ducklings present, too. (AH/P&LH/NM/B&MC et al),

Wood Sandpiper (above), Wood Sandpiper and Redshank & Little Ringed Plovers at the Ferry (AH)

Long Pool: There were c250 Swifts feeding over the pool and adjacent fields early this morning, with a similar number distantly viewable over Church Norton, whilst two mobile Cuckoos were in constant vocal competition and a family of Yellowhammers, including three juveniles were along the west side.
Otherwise, a couple of Cetti's Warblers and up to five Reed and Sedge Warblers were about, along with a Lesser Whitethroat, three or four Whitethroats and Reed Buntings, a Skylark and at least 20 Linnets, whilst a pair of Teal flew along the channel and at least eight different Grey Herons were flying about. (AH)

Cetti's Warbler (above), Cuckoo, Whitethroat, Swifts, Yellowhammer, Reed Bunting & Linnet along the Long Pool (AH)

North Wall: Three fledged juvenile Marsh Harriers were out this morning, along with both the male and a female, with a Buzzard, 24 Swifts and four Swallows also in the air and two Cuckoos were calling from the bushes.
Also, 32 Cattle Egrets and 30 Little Egrets were in Owl Copse, including up to ten juveniles of both, plus the three young Grey Herons, whilst 15 Grey Plovers were in the harbour and a few Reed Buntings, Reed, Sedge and Cetti's Warblers were along the wall. (S&SaH/B&MC et al)

Medmerry: Easton Lane to the Stilt Pool - The first Little Ringed Plover chick of the summer was seen, along with five adults on the Stilt Pool this afternoon, with 17 Avocet chicks and 19 adults and a pair of Oystercatchers with three chicks also present, as well as two Ringed Plovers.
Along the banks there were two Dartford Warblers, three Chiffchaffs, four Reed Warblers, ten Whitethroats, four Stonechats, two Reed Buntings and 15 Yellowhammers, with a single Swift, a House Martin, a dozen Swallows, six Mediterranean Gulls, two Kestrels and three Buzzards over the reserve. (S&SaH)

Chichester GPs: A female Pochard and eight ducklings were on the pits this afternoon, along with several Norfolk Hawkers. (AW)

Pochard family (above) & Norfolk hawker at Chichester GPs (AW)


Tuesday, 11th June: Another cold morning, in a fresh northerly breeze, though mostly sunny...........

Selsey Bill: The only thing of note on a very quiet morning was a Grey Wagtail that dropped in on Bill House roof. Full log below. (AH/SR/IP)
(0645-0745hrs) (NNW, F4)
Gannet - 1W
Oystercatcher - 1W
Mediterranean Gull - 35W, c60os
Sandwich Tern - 6os
Swift - 2
House Martin - 15
Grey Wagtail - 1

Grey Wagtail (above) & House Martins at the Bill (AH)

Ferry Pool: The Wood Sandpiper was still present this morning, along with a Little Ringed Plover, a Black-tailed Godwit, three Lapwings, six Avocets, four Redshanks, a drake Teal and 36 Shelducks, including all 12 ducklings, whilst two Cuckoos flew over the road into the Discovery Area. (AH/PB)

Wood Sandpiper (above), Little Ringed Plover, Teal & Shelduck-lings at the Ferry (AH)

Honer Reservoir: This evening a Quail was heard calling in fields between the reservoir and Bramber Farm. (DI per LP)

Church Norton: There was a huge flock of c250 Swifts feeding over Rectory Lane this morning, but nothing beyond the odd Blackcap and Chiffchaff in the bushes, whilst a very quiet harbour just held a Whimbrel, a Curlew, a Dunlin, half a dozen Ringed Plovers and four Oystercatchers, plus two Buzzards over. (PB)

This evening six Sandwich Terns, three Mediterranean Gulls and a dozen Black-headed Gulls were roosting in the harbour, with three Ringed Plovers chasing each other about, whilst a Blackcap was singing from the Mound. (AH)

Sandwich Terns, Mediterranean and Black-headed Gulls (above) & Ringed Plovers at Church Norton (AH)

Medmerry: Medmerry Trail to Porthole Farm - The most conspicuous species along the Trail this morning was Whitethroats, with at least 30 birds present, including a couple of freshly fledged juveniles. 
Otherwise, there were a couple of Chiffchaffs, Blackcaps, Reed and Cetti's Warblers seen/heard, along with a handful of Yellowhammers and Swallows, plus a very vocal Cuckoo. (AH)

Cuckoo (above), juvenile Whitethroat, Blackcap, Chiffchaff & Yellowhammer at Medmerry (AH)

North Wall: The American Golden Plover was reported as seen distantly from the usual spot this morning, but there wasn’t much else in the harbour, with just three Curlews and 10 Lapwing out on the mud.
Three juvenile Marsh Harriers were together in one of the bushes behind the reeds, and both adult birds were also about all morning, whilst it was busy around the paddocks, with a Green Woodpecker, two Great Spotted Woodpeckers, three Jays, two Song Thrushes and a Chiffchaff in the trees, and two Cuckoo’s calling from further back.
Another Cuckoo was at Halsey’s Farm, and overhead there were two Swallows and c200 Swifts, but it was quiet along the wall, with just a few Cattle Egrets and Little Egrets in the fields, and the usual mix of Reed Warblers, Sedge Warblers and Cetti’s Warblers singing from the reeds. (LP/GHi,et al)

juvenile Marsh Harriers (above), Cuckoo, Chiffchaff & Great Spotted Woodpecker at the North Wall (LP)

This afternoon, a Red-breasted Goose appeared in the harbour - apparently fully-winged and un-ringed, but not on a great date for a genuine wild migrant, though all things are possible! (KJ/SM et al)

Red-breasted Goose at the North Wall (SM)

Fishbourne Creek: There were 411 Swifts over Dell quay this afternoon, along with just three Swallows. (MO-W)

Runcton: Around the area this morning were a pair of Mute Swan with two cygnets, two pairs of Shelducks with ten and eight ducklings, five Tufted Ducks, two pairs of Little Grebes, a Great Crested Grebe, two Common Buzzards, 40 Black-headed Gulls, 60 Swifts, two Green Woodpeckers ten Swallows, a Song Thrush, a Cetti’s Warbler and four singing Reed Warblers. (CRJ)

Medmerry: Easton Lane to the Stilt Pool - The Avocets were getting very irate with each other today, with one even attacking another's chick - one of five seen, and there were also several Yellowhammers about. (EB)

Avocets (above) & Yellowhammer at Medmerry (EB)

Monday, 10th June: A thoroughly cold, wet and miserable start to the week, eventually gave way to a fairly bright and breezy morning, though still unseasonably cold for the time of year in the fresh north-westerly........

Selsey Bill: The only things of note this morning were the arrival of three flocks of - 29, 78 and 19 - Swifts flying in from way out, and four Common Terns and two Little Terns feeding along the beach. Full log below. (AH/IP/SR)
(0730-0845hrs) (NNW, F5-6)
Gannet - 1E, 7W
Oystercatcher - 1E
Mediterranean Gull - 6E
Kittiwake - 1E
Sandwich Tern - 10os
Common Tern - 4os
Little Tern - 2os
Swift - 126N
House Martin - 1

Common Terns (above) & Sandwich Tern at the Bill (AH)

Ferry Pool: A Wood Sandpiper was on the pool this morning, though it is uncertain,given the date, if it is heading north or south. 
There were also two Little Ringed Plovers, eight Redshanks, a Lapwing and twelve Avocets present, along with two teal and 35 Shelducks, including the dozen ducklings, plus three Swifts over. (AH/IP/SR/ABI et al)

Wood Sandpiper (above), Wood Sandpiper and Redshanks, Little Ringed Plover, Shelduck-lings & Avocets at the Ferry (AH)

The Wood Sandpiper was still present early this afternoon. (AH/JMo et al)

Wood Sandpiper (above), Wood Sandpiper and Redshank at the Ferry (AH)

Church Norton: There really was very little in a bleak and windy harbour this morning,beyond a Whimbrel, three Curlews and a dozen or so Dunlin and Ringed Plovers, including one by the sleepers on the way up to the beach behaving as though young were nearby.
Small birds were equally few, though a couple of Blackcaps and Reed Warblers were singing, half a dozen Linnets were along the front and a couple of Swifts went over. (AH/ABi)

Whimbrel (above), Curlew, Ringed Plover & Linnet at Church Norton (AH)

North Wall: A Green Woodpecker, a Great Spotted Woodpecker and a Jay were around the paddocks this morning, and over the reeds further back there were four Marsh Harriers, including two possible juveniles.
The Mute Swan family were along White’s Creek and on the Breech Pool there was a Great Crested Grebe, four Tufted Ducks and lots of Mallards, whilst three Lapwings were on the fields,along with a single Cattle Egret, 50 Swifts were overhead, and in Owl Copse, the three juvenile Grey Herons were together on their nest.
At Halsey’s Farm a Cuckoo was in the trees and a few Skylarks were over the fields, whilst, aside from the birds, there were a few Gatekeeper butterflies about, and the group of Pyramidal Orchids are in bloom in their usual spot along the bottom path. 
In the harbour there was no sign of the American Golden Plover, with, otherwise, just a few Bar-tailed Godwits, Grey Plovers and Dunlin present. (LP/CT/ABi)

Cuckoo (above), Jay, Green Woodpecker, juvenile Grey Herons & Pyramidal Orchid at the North Wall (LP)

Long Pool: A look along the path this evening produced two Cuckoos - one singing from the Tramway and one flying over, with two Great Spotted Woodpeckers and a dozen Swifts over, too, whilst there were several Reed Warblers and Reed Buntings singing, with a Lesser Whitethroat, a Whitethroat and half a dozen Linnets also present. (AH)

Reed Warbler (above) & Reed Bunting along the Long Pool (AH)

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