Tuesday 25 June 2024

25th - 27th June 2024

Thursday, 27th June: A slightly cooler morning, though muggy in the mostly overcast conditions, and with a freshening westerly breeze.......

Selsey Bill: A very quiet morning, with little going on offshore, though c40 Swifts and c20 House Martins were overhead for a time. Full log below. (IP/AH/SR) 
(0655-0755hrs) (W, F4)
Gannet - 1W
Curlew - 1W
Mediterranean Gull - 6E, 2W
Sandwich Tern - 14W (four with fish)
Common Tern - 2W
Swift - 40
House Martin - 20

(1740-2005hrs) (SH/AH/MRe)
Gannet - 2E, 2W
Mediterranean Gull - c100os
Lesser Black-backed Gull - 1os
Kittiwake - 1W
Sandwich Tern - 52W, 3os
Common Tern - 14W
Little Tern - 2W
Swift - 4W

Sandwich Tern (above), Common Tern & Gannet at the Bill (AH)

Ferry Pool: The two Spotted Redshanks were on the pool again early on, before the cows moved in, and there were also a Black-tailed Godwit, four Avocets, four Redshanks and the Shelduck family present, with a couple of Cattle Egrets present later. (AH)

Spotted Redshanks (above), Cattle Egret, Black-tailed Godwit, Black-tailed Godwit and Avocet & Shelduck family at the Ferry (AH)

Hunston: There were six active House Martin nests around Uphill Way this morning, whilst nearby there were a pair of Stock Doves and a Whitethroat. (SR) 

North Mundham: Fletchers Place held seven House Martin nests. (SR)

Church Norton: It was very quiet in the harbour this morning, with just three Whimbrel, five curlews, two Ringed Plovers and a few Oystercatchers on the mud and a few Shelducks and Black-headed Gulls around the concrete blocks. 
There were plenty of Linnets along the front, but little else but snippets of Reed Warbler, Cetti's Warbler, Chiffchaff and Blackcap song, and there were also quite a few Marbled Whites, a Holly Blue and a couple of Common Darters about.. (AH)

Whimbrel (above), Linnet & Common Darter at Church Norton (AH)

This evening there were two Common Terns, c20 Sandwich Terns, c60 Mediterranean Gulls and nine Turnstones in the harbour. (AH)

Common Tern, Sandwich Terns, Mediterranean and Black-headed Gulls at Church Norton (AH)

Wednesday, 26th June: The spell of hot and sunny weather continues, with the breeze light and from the north.....

Selsey Bill: An unexpected  Brent Goose went west, and a Kittiwake was sat on the triangle on the beach, but, otherwise a steady westward flow of Mediterranean Gull was about it this morning. Full log below. (IP/AH/MO-W/SR)
(0625-0825hrs) (N, F2)
Gannet - 2W
Brent Goose - 1W
Common Scoter - 1E
Oystercatcher - 1W
Mediterranean Gull - 123W
Kittiwake - 1os, then W
Sandwich Tern - 9os
Swift - 9
Swallow - 4
House Martin - 8

Mediterranean Gulls (above), Sandwich Tern, Swift, Swallows & House Martin at the Bill (AH)

Ferry Pool: The two Spotted Redshanks were on the pool early this morning, along with two Little Ringed Plovers, a Black-tailed Godwit, six Lapwings, 14 Avocets and 22 Redshanks, plus two Teal and the Shelduck family.
Later on, the cattle were all on the pool, with five Cattle Egrets for company, but, otherwise there was just the Shelduck family present and no waders. (AH)

Spotted Redshank (above), Little Ringed Plover and Avocets, Shelduck family, Black-tailed Godwit, Lapwing & Cattle Egret at the Ferry (AH)

Medmerry: Medmerry Trail to Porthole Farm - There were still at least a dozen Whitethroats along the Trail this morning, along with two or three Chiffchaffs, a Blackcap and a couple of Reed Warblers, plus two Swallows over.
A Cuckoo called a few times and flew over at Porthole Farm, where there were a few more Whitethroats, whilst the fields there were being cultivated and held a big flock of gulls, including c80 Mediterranean Gulls. (AH)

Chiffchaff (above), Whitethroat, Swallow & Mediterranean and Black-headed Gulls at Medmerry (AH)

Sidlesham: There was a family of newly-fledged Swallows along Cow Lane this afternoon. (AH)

Swallow at Sidlesham (AH)

Tuesday, 25th June: Another very warm morning under clear blue skies, and with just a light and variable breeze.....

Selsey Bill: A flock of 14 Shelducks, sat on the shingle bar, then the sea, was the only thing beyond the usual. Full log below. (MRe/AH/SR/IP/RAI)
(0645-0745hrs) (N, F2)
Gannet - 1W
Shelduck - 14os
Mallard - 1W
Common Scoter - 20E, 3os
Mediterranean Gull - 28W
Sandwich Tern - 3E, 4W
Swift - 15
House Martin - 8

Also, this evening, the female Eider was offshore from Hillfield Road again and a Common Sandpiper flew over. (MRe)

Mediterranean Gull (above), Sandwich Tern, Shelducks & Swift at the Bill (AH)

Ferry Pool: There was just one Spotted Redshank on the pool this morning, along with two adult Little Ringed Plovers, a Black-tailed Godwit, eight Lapwing, 14 Avocets, c30 Redshanks, the Shelduck family and two drake Teal. (AH/RAI)

Spotted Redshank (above), Little Ringed Plover, Black-tailed Godwit, Avocets & Teal at the Ferry (AH)

North Wall: At least 48 Little Egrets and 25 Cattle Egrets were around Owl Copse and vicinity this morning, and one Marsh Harrier was over the back of the Breech Pool, along with a dozen Mediterranean Gulls, but the harbour was very quiet beyond a few Lapwings, Redshanks and Curlews, plus three Teal that flew around it, and two very young juvenile Black-headed Gulls in White's Creek.
A Chiffchaff and a Blackcap were at Halsey's Farm, but the wall was quiet, save the odd burst of song or activity from a few Reed Buntings, Reed and Sedge Warblers. (AH/JDW)

Marsh Harrier (above), Chiffchaff, Reed Bunting, Little Egrets, Grey Heron, Teal & juvenile Black-headed Gull at the North Wall (AH)

Church Norton: This evening there were two Little Terns, two Common Terns, c30 Sandwich Terns and c40 Mediterranean and Black-headed Gulls in the harbour, but waders were restricted to three or four Turnstones, Ringed Plovers and Oystercatchers

Little Tern (above), Little Tern and Sandwich Tern & Mediterranean Gull at Church Norton (AH)

Medmerry: Easton Lane to the Stilt Pool - On the Stilt Pol this evening, there were two adult Little Ringed Plovers and three chicks, six Avocets with 13 adults, including two still brooding, five adult and four young Oystercatchers, plus two Greenshanks, two Redshanks and nine Lapwings, and a Shoveler was among the commoner wildfowl.
Birds along the banks included a Cuckoo, a a Dartford warble, ten Whitethroats, a Blackcap, three Chiffchaffs, two Sedge Warblers, two Cetti's Warblers, seven Reed Warblers, five Stonechats, including two juveniles, a Meadow Pipit, seven Reed Buntings and 23 Yellowhammers, with 19 Swallows and two House Martins over. (MRe)

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