Friday 26 July 2024

26th - 28th July 2024

Sunday, 28th July: Another lovely morning of more or less unbroken, warm  sunshine in a fairly light, if freshening, south-easterly breeze.......

Selsey Bill: There wasn't too much going on, though a few more Common Scoters were about than of late and there were a few hirundines feeding over the sea. Full log below. (PB/MRB/SH/SR/IP/AH)
(0600-0800hrs) (SE, F2-3)
Gannet - 7E, 2W
Common Scoter - 9E, 16W
Oystercatcher - 4W
Sanderling - 1E
Turnstone - 19
Sandwich Tern - 7E, 21W
Common Tern - 2E
Swift - 10
Green Woodpecker - 1W
Swallow - 15W
Sand Martin - 14W
House Martin - 3
Pied Wagtail - 1

Sand Martin (above), House Martin & Turnstone at the Bill (AH)

Ferry Pool: There was a reasonable selection present again this morning, including a Spotted Redshank, a Greenshank, four Common Sandpipers, four Dunlin, two juvenile Little Ringed Plovers, ten Avocets, c30 Black-tailed Godwits, 12 Teal and 16 Shelducks. (AH)
Also, later on in the morning, a Red Kite went over. (RJS)

Spotted Redshank (above), Spotted Redshank and Common Sandpiper, Common Sandpipers, Greenshank, Little Ringed Plovers, Avocets & Black-tailed Godwits at the Ferry (AH)

Park Farm, Selsey: The only Willow Warbler of the morning was in the bushes between the farm and Drift Road, whilst the only raptor of the morning was a Sparrowhawk that flew strongly south there.
Apart from a large number of House Martins and Swallows, a Reed Warbler again in the rife and a Green Woodpecker over Park Lane, there was nothing more of any interest. (IP)

Church Norton: There were a few waders scattered about the mud on the falling tide this morning, including two Greenshanks, a Bar-tailed Godwit, at least eight Whimbrel, a handful of Dunlin and Ringed Plovers, three Turnstones, 50+ Redshanks and the usual Curlews and Oystercatchers, and there were also a least eight Common Terns, c40 Sandwich Terns and a dozen Mediterranean Gulls present.
Just a few passerines were about, including a Garden Warbler between the Severals and at least half a dozen Willow Warblers around the churchyard/hide area, along with at least two Blackcaps and a few Whitethroats, with a few more of the latter, a few Linnets, a Jay and three juvenile Green Woodpeckers in the Severals area. (PB/MRB/AH/RJS/IP)

Willow Warbler (above), Whitethroat, Common Tern & Sandwich Tern at Church Norton (AH)

What was probably the Curlew Sandpiper, reported earlier on Birdguides, was on the metalwork, though the heat haze was awful.
There were also up to 50 Turnstones in the vicinity, along with a Common Sandpiper and a handful of Dunlin and Ringed Plovers, whilst a juvenile Little Tern was among at least ten Common Terns and 40 Sandwich Terns on the metalwork, too..
Also, a flock of up to 200 Sand Martins built up out of no-where feeding over the start of the spit and adjacent harbour for about fifteen minutes before dispersing as quickly as the gathered. (AH)

probable Curlew Sandpiper with Turnstones and Dunlin (above), Little, Common and Sandwich Terns, Turnstones & Sand Martins at Church Norton (AH)

Chalder and Marsh Farms, Sidlesham: It was generally quiet, but for two flocks of Willow Warblers amounting to c20 birds, clearly passing through, with a Blackcap, five Yellowhammers, two singing Chiffchaffs, two Whitethroats, a Green Woodpecker, two Pied Wagtails and a flock of 22 Greenfinches.
A single Cattle Egret and 22 Canada Geese heading west were also seen, but, strangely, no hirundines were about today, whilst among the butterflies just starting to stir early morning was a Green-veined White on the wing. (SR)

Green-veined White at Marsh Farm, Sidlesham (SR)

North Wall: The Great White Egret was again on the Breech Pool this morning, along with the Great Crested Grebe family, a Grey Heron and a Little Egret, with four Common Terns fishing over the pool.
All of the fields have been mown, and there was a Buzzard, 18 Cattle Egrets and six Curlews in the Honer fields, and a family group of five Kestrels hunting over the fields at Halsey’s Farm, where a Water Rail was briefly by the rife and two Kingfishers were reported in the vicinity.
A probable juvenile Whinchat was in the bushes, and there were a few Reed Buntings and Reed Warblers along the reeds and a Red Kite drifted overhead towards Sidlesham.
Two Common Sandpipers were along White’s Creek, where there were over 100 Redshanks, 40 Dunlin, 36 Lapwing, a Whimbrel, a Grey Plover and four Curlews, and two Green Woodpeckers flew into the paddock. (LP/MR/DHi et al)

probable juvenile Whinchat (above), Great White Egret, Red Kite, Common Tern & Common Sandpiper at the North Wall (LP)

Saturday, 27th July: After a cool and grey start, a warm, sunny morning in a fairly light westerly breeze.......

Selsey Bill: The first returning Wheatear was along the front this morning, with three Common Sandpipers together, a Sanderling and two Turnstones also about, but there wasn't too much going on offshore beyond plenty of Sandwich Terns and a couple of Common Terns, plus two Sparrowhawks flying in together from way out to sea. Also, up to a dozen Bottle-nosed Dolphins moved slowly east. Full log below. (SH/PB/BI/AH/IP)
(0600-0815hrs) (W, F2-3)
Gannet - 3W, 2E
Common Scoter - 6W
Sparrowhawk - 2N
Oystercatcher - 2E. 7W
Sanderling - 1W
Common Sandpiper - 3W (together)
Turnstone - 2
Mediterranean Gull - 2W
Sandwich Tern - 13E, 36W
Common Tern - 4W
Swift - 6
Sand Martin - 15
House Martin - 6
Wheatear - 1
Bottle-nosed Dolphin - 12E

Wheatear (above), Sanderling, Turnstone & Sandwich Tern at the Bill (AH)

Ferry Pool: A Wood Sandpiper and two Greenshanks were on the pool early on, but not later, though the rest of the regulars - two Spotted Redshanks, two Common Sandpipers, a juvenile Little Ringed Plover, two Dunlin, ten Avocets and c30 Black-tailed Godwits, plus 12 Teal and 17 Shelducks - were all present. (PB/AH)

Spotted Redshank (above), Common Sandpiper, Little Ringed Plover and Dunlin, Spotted Redshanks and Avocet & Avocet at the Ferry (AH)

This evening an adult and two young juvenile Red-legged Partridges were along the track by Knight Fencing, whilst at least 50 Sand Martins and a dozen Swallows were over the maize field opposite. (AH)

Red-legged Partridge family (above) & Sand Martins at the Ferry (AH)

Park Farm, Selsey: A juvenile Green Woodpecker was feeding on the grass within the new estate and a Buzzard was cruising over the fields, whilst at least two Reed Warbler families were in the rife, along with a Reed Bunting, and there were a few hirundines about, including at least three Sand Martins. (IP)

Church Norton: There were c20 Sandwich Terns and four Common Terns in the harbour this morning, before flying off out to sea, but the only waders seen were two Whimbrel, a Ringed Plover, c20 Redshanks and a few Curlews and Oystercatchers.
It was quiet along the front, too, with just the odd Whitethroat and Reed Warbler about, plus Cetti's Warbler that called once, though at least half a dozen Willow Warblers were feeding busily together at Greenlease Farm, where thee was also a Great spotted Woodpecker..
The only other things noted were a single Sand Martin over the harbour, a pair of Teal on the second Several, up to ten different Green Wood[peckers and a couple of Buzzards. (IP)

Late this afternoon a summer-plumaged Knot was sitting on the metalwork, but a Whimbrel, a couple of Turnstones and c30 Redshanks were the only other waders about, whilst there were also c40 Sandwich Terns, six Common Terns and ten Mediterranean Gulls present. (AH)

Knot (above), Common Tern & Mediterranean Gull at Church Norton (AH)

North Wall: It was quiet along the wall this morning, with the only passerines of note being a Sedge Warbler and a handful of Reed Warblers, plus three Swallows over, with nothing on the Breech Pool, though c20 Cattle Egrets and ten Little Egrets were noted.
Also, a Common Sandpiper was in White's Creek, along with five Lapwings and c50 Redshanks, with a couple of Whimbrel and Curlews on the mud off the wall. (AH)

Common Sandpiper (above), Reed Warbler, Swallow & Cattle Egret at the North Wall (AH)

East side: There were a few waders along the main channel this morning, including a Greenshank, c20 Grey Plovers, c100 Dunlin, c50 Redshanks and a few Curlews and Oystercatchers, whilst a juvenile Marsh Harrier cruised over, but that was about it. (AH)
Also, of note, a White-letter Hairstreak butterfly was along the adjacent hedge-line. (CT)

Marsh Harrier (above), Grey Plover, Greenshank and Redshanks & Dunlin along the east side (AH)

Medmerry: Easton Lane to the Stilt Pool - There were just a Little Ringed Plover, a Common Sandpiper, an Avocet and two Pied Wagtails on the Stilt Pool this morning, with two Kestrels, three Swifts, c30 Swallows and c50 Sand Martins going over.
Also, along the banks there were a Dartford Warbler, eight Willow Warblers, four Whitethroats, two Reed Warblers, two Stonechats and a dozen Yellowhammers. (S&SaH/PB)

Friday, 26th July: The unpredictable weather of late returned to summer this morning, with lots of warm sunshine and just a light to moderate westerly breeze.......

Selsey Bill: There was a bit of variety this morning, including two pale-phase Arctic Skuas that dropped in before heading off out to sea, a juvenile Yellow-legged Gull and a Whimbrel on the shingle bar and a few terns and hirundines. Full log below. (BI/AH/IP/SR/P&LH)
(0645-0845hrs) (W, F4)
Gannet - 9W
Oystercatcher - 1W
Sanderling - 1W
Whimbrel - 1
Turnstone - 9
Arctic Skua - 2E
Mediterranean Gull - 4os
Yellow-legged Gull - 1os
Lesser Black-backed Gull - 1os
Sandwich Tern - 17W, 33os
Common Tern - 2W, 4os
Swallow - 4W
Sand Martin - 7E
House Martin - 6
Pied Wagtail - 1

Arctic Skua (above) & Sandwich Terns at the Bill (AH)

Ferry Pool: A Spotted Redshank was on the pool this morning, along with two Common Sandpipers, two juvenile Little Ringed Plovers, two Dunlin, ten Avocets and 28 Black-tailed Godwits, with 14 Teal, a Gadwall and 24 Shelducks, including the long-staying family, also present. (AH)

Spotted Redshank (above), Common Sandpiper, Little Ringed Plovers, Black-tailed Godwit & Gadwall at the Ferry (AH)

North Wall: A Barn Owl was out hunting the fields at Halsey's Farm early this morning, with a Kingfisher and a Water Rail in the creek there, too, and five Cattle Egrets and a dozen Little Egrets were in the Owl Copse area..
There were up to a dozen Reed Warblers heard and seen along the wall, but not much else beyond a Sedge Warbler and five Reed Buntings, plus two Sand Martins over, whilst two Sparrowhawks were seen, including one carrying a Starling in its talons. (PB)

Later on, a Kingfisher flew along White’s Creek, and a Common Sandpiper, three Black-tailed Godwits, a Whimbrel, a Curlew and lots of Redshank and Lapwings were on the banks, and a Yellow-legged Gull was out on the mud with eight Canada Geese.
A Willow Warbler was in the bushes by the Breech Pool and the Great Crested Grebe family and two Tufted Ducks were on the water, whilst at Halsey’s Farm a Lesser Whitethroat was in the bushes by the outfall, along with a Cetti’s Warbler, a Common Whitethroat and a few Sedge Warblers and Reed Warblers, with two Little Grebes on the rife, and 21 Cattle Egrets around the fields there. (LP,/MRH/ CRJ)

Sedge Warbler (above), Reed Warbler, Little Grebe & Cattle Egrets at the North Wall (LP)

East side: There were a few waders along the side of the harbour this morning, including a Greenshank, five Whimbrel, two Sanderlings, two Black-tailed Godwits, half a dozen Common Sandpipers and c100 Dunlin. (PB)

Long Pool: At least 50 Sand Martins were feeding over the pool and adjacent fields this evening, with c50 more over the fields by Knight Fencing, but there wasn't much else to report in the blustery conditions beyond a Yellowhammer, a couple of Reed Warblers and half a dozen Linnets. (AH)

Sand Martins over the Long Pool (AH)

Church Norton: There were a few warblers in the bushes this morning, including three or four Willow Warblers in the hide/churchyard area and a couple more between the Severals, at least three Blackcaps and two Chiffchaffs in the churchyard, a family of at least five Reed Warblers between the Severals and little family groups of Whitethroats seen at several places, though a lone Swallow over and c20 Linnets along the front was about it, otherwise.
The harbour was fairly quiet, with a Common Sandpiper, a Ringed Plover, seven Turnstones, half a dozen Whimbrel and Curlews and c50 Redshanks, plus the usual Oystercatchers all that could be found, whilst up to a dozen Sandwich Terns were coming and going, though mostly offshore. (AH/P&LH)

Willow Warblers (above), Reed Warbler, Whitethroat, Chiffchaff, Linnets, Whimbrel & Turnstones at Church Norton (AH)

Medmerry: Easton Lane to the Stilt Pool - There wasn't much to report this morning, though a very early returning Rock Pipit was along the beach, with a Common Sandpiper on the Stilt Pool and a Dartford Warbler along the banks the only other things of note. (BI)

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