Sunday 13 October 2024

13th-15th October 2024

 Sunday, 13th October:  A chilly start in NNW F3 winds...some sunny spells but mainly overcast...the possibility of showers later..

Selsey Bill: The first Redpolls of the autumn flew over this morning and there were other  finches moving including Siskins and Goldfinches; there was also the first 1000+ movement of Wood Pigeons  Offshore, distant auks were passing, mainly to the east, and two distant grey goose sp. also went east.
(0650-1000hrs) (NNW F3) (SH/BI/SR) Full log below;
Brent Goose - 9W
grey goose sp. - 2E
Red-throated Diver - 1E
Kestrel - 1
Sparrowhawk - 1
Oystercatcher - 2W 1ob
Turnstone - 34
Mediterranean Gull - 4W 20os
Sandwich Tern - 1W
auk sp. 449E
Guillemot - 1E
Razorbill - 125E
Stock Dove - 25W
Wood Pigeon - 1625W
Skylark - 2W
Swallow - 32E
House Martin -30E
Meadow Pipit - 16W
Pied Wagtail - 74W
Yellow Wagtail - 8W
Magpie - 17W
Chiffchaff - 1
Linnet - 18W
Redpoll - 2W
Siskin - 10W
Goldfinch - 106W

Wood Pigeons & Pied Wagtails at the Bill (BI)

Ferry Pool: There were 21 Avocets on the pool early on but otherwise it was just the regular mix of Teal, Shoveler, Shelduck & Lapwing plus a Little Grebe. (BI)

Teal, above, & Avocets at the Ferry (BI)

Church Norton: Highlights this morning included the Spoonbill, out in the harbour mainly asleep, a Wheatear on the concrete, a Brambling over and plenty of Meadow Pipits and Skylarks along the spit. There were also 37 Siskin noted, 26 Goldfinches, five Linnets, seven Pied Wagtails and 49 Swallows. (BI/RJS et al) The Spoonbill was still present this afternoon and ten Stonechats were along the beach. (GW/AW)

Wheatear, above, Green Woodpecker & Meadow Pipit at Church Norton (BI)

Around mid-day, a Barnacle Goose (or possible hybrid?) was offshore at the second Several. (HK)

Barnacle Goose at Church Norton (HK)

North Mundham: A Coal Tit was in a garden here today. (MJ)

Coal Tit video (MJ)

North Wall: Two Dartford Warblers were in the gorse at Halsey’s Farm this morning and three Swallows flew over, there were lots of Long-tailed Tits in the bushes along the wall, together with two Chaffinches, a Greenfinch and a Song Thrush, and 22 Meadow Pipits flew off the fields. A Rock Pipit was along the rocks, and four Spotted Redshanks were in White’s Creek with the usual mix of Wigeon, Teal, Black-tailed Godwits, Redshanks, Lapwings and Curlews, and a Kingfisher flew out from the sluice. There was a lot going on around the paddock, with six Stonechats, a Meadow Pipit, three Reed Buntings, a Cetti’s Warbler, two Pied Wagtails,18 Goldfinches and a Wren in the bushes, a Sparrowhawk was close by, and three Marsh Harriers were over the reeds further back. (LP/MJa/MRi/JDW)

Wigeon, above, Dartford Warbler, Rock Pipit, Long-tailed Tit, Stonechat with Reed Bunting & Sparrowhawk at the North Wall (LP)

Medmerry East Lane to the Stilt Pool: There were still at least 30 Stonechats along the banks this afternoon and also three Yellowhammers, four Dartford Warblers , a Reed Warbler and two Chiffchaffs. Two Buzzards were overhead and four Kestrels were noted, a Greenshank was by the sluice and eight Golden Plover flew over the reserve. Three Swallows, two Pied Wagtails and two Grey Wagtails were the best of the visible migration. A Dunlin and a Snipe were on the Stilt Pool and two Wheatears were nearby. (SaH/SH)

Greenshank, Kestret and Wheatear at Medmerry (SaH)

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