Wednesday 16 October 2024

16th -18th October 2024

 Wednesday, 16th October:  A dry start with the prospect of yet more sporadic and heavy showers through the day...winds south easterly veering south westerly later..

Selsey Bill: (0710-0910hrs) (ESE F4) (SH/SR/MO-W) Fifty-two Brent Geese went east this morning and there were stil fair numbers of Razorbills moving. Full log below:
Brent Goose - 52E 6W
Common Scoter - 6E
Gannet - 6E 1W
Turnstone - 1
Mediterranean Gull - 5E 25os
auk sp. - 8E
Razorbill - 48E 29W 32os
Swallow - 9E
Meadow Pipit - 27E
Pied Wagtail - 10E
Goldfinch - 50E
Linnet - 20E

Park Farm: The Barnacle Goose of possibly dubious parentage was on the fields here this morning as were three Pied Wagtails and a Swallow flew over. (SH)

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