Phil Hammond, New Zealand and Selsey birder.
Selsey Bill (0715-1015hrs): Cloudy and dull, dry morning, rain by noon. Wind SW5-6. (Obs: OM/PH/SR)
Fulmar - 2E, 1WGannet - 60E, 35W
Common Scoter - 25E
Sanderling - 8W
Grey Plover - 1W
Turnstone - 15W
Arctic Skua - 2 os (l/p & d/p) drifted off E
Kittiwake - 2W
Common Tern - c. 30 os
Sandwich Tern - c.50 os
Evening watch: (1715-1830hrs): Rain, wind S/SW4 (Obs: SH)
Manx Shearwater - 5W
Gannet - 2E, 5W
Common Tern - 6 os
Sandwich Tern - 15 os
Pagham Hbr: Ten Avocets and 10 Black-tailed Godwits on Sidlesham Ferry Pool, whilst at Church Norton there were 3 Bar-tailed Godwits, 5 Sanderling, a Dunlin, several Ringed Plovers, 12 Turnstone, a single Brent Goose, a Cetti's Warbler and a couple of Chiffchaffs.
Chi GPs: Ivy - West lakes: Two Common Terns, at least 200 Swifts and c.25 House Martins, but no sign of the Little Gull(s), in difficult windy conditions with driving rain constantly soaking our optics (OM/PH).
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Tuesday, 11th June: Cloud and rain this morning and into the afternoon, the first for a little while. It seems there wasn't a great deal of birding activity today, which isn't altogether surprising as we approach the mid-June period. SR reported "Had planned to visit the Bill this morning but rain put me off; once it stopped a little I ventured down there but found a heavy mist and the rain started again so gave up. Visited Ferry Pool this afternoon." GH then visited the Bill this evening from about 1825hrs once the weather had cleared and the wind was light southerly... he phoned to report that he was rewarded with 3 Arctic Skuas (of which 2 W) and a Manx Shearwater, plus some Gannets and c. 20 Sandwich Terns offshore.
PENINSULA: At Sidlesham Ferry Pool there were 9 Avocets, 10 Black-tailed Godwits, 2 Redshank, 26 Shelduck and 5 Wigeon, plus 2 Pied Wagtails feeding young. (SR)
Evening walk: Selsey East beach to Church Norton produced a male Cuckoo, 7 Little Egrets, 12 Sanderling and an overall total of 52 species (SH).Selsey Bill. 2000-2030hrs (SH) - a d/p Arctic Skua lingering. (see also above)
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Monday, 10th June: I start with news on the ringed Great Black-backed Gull seen at the Bill two days ago (see previous blog and pic's)......... following a very efficient and prompt response from the Euring/BTO scheme we now know the bird is a 5-year old female, ringed as a chick in France and subsequently sighted three times in the Calvados/Finistere region of that country before appearing at Selsey. Details are as follows:
Resightings of a Colour ringed Great Black-backed Gull. Larus marinus. 33D
Colour ring / Blue
ring, orange code Code 33D
Ringing Center CRBPO,
Muséum Paris, FRANCE Steel
ring DB100881
Ringer Gilles
Le Guillou : Locality
Le Havre, Seine-Maritime,
Nest: Urban Coordinates 49 29 N - 00 06 E Age : Chick
Hatching 23/05/2008
Ringing 24/06/2008: Sex Female
Date Commune / Town Département Pays /
Country Coordonnées Observateur / Finder
12/08/2008 Dives-sur-Mer Calvados FRANCE
49 17 N – 00 05 W Tony Le Huu Nghia
03/02/2009 Douarnenez Finistère FRANCE 48
05 N – 04 19 W Benjamin Griard
31/03/2009 Fouesnant Finistère FRANCE 47
53 N – 03 58 W Raymond Pavec
08/06/2013 Selsey Bill West Sussex
ENGLAND 50 43 N - 00 47 W Owen Mitchell
Selsey Bill (0715-0915hrs): Dry, cloud and sunshine. Wind SE2-3. (Obs: GH).
Great Crested Grebe - 3W, 1os
Little Egret - 1 ob
Common Scoter - 20E
Fulmar - 1E, 2W
Gannet - 24E, 9W
Turnstone - 2ob
Oystercatcher - 2W
Sparrowhawk - 1 p
Common Tern - c.30 os
Sandwich Tern - c.60 os
Little Tern - 2 os
Jay - 2E over gardens
PENINSULA: Pagham Hbr: Church Norton was very quiet this morning - 3 or 4 singing Blackcaps and a couple of Chiffchaffs the highlight. On the Ferry Pool there were 5 Avocets and 11 Black-tailed Godwits.
At Porthole Farm (West Fields) this evening there were 2 singing Yellowhammers, at least 5 singing Whitethroats and 4 Stock Doves, and over the sewage farm there were several hundred Swifts, House Martins & Swallows and 4 Mediterranean Gulls went over east (AH).
Evening walk - Mill Lane to Marsh Farm, Sidlesham: Cuckoos - 2, Reed Warbler - 4, Cetti's Warbler - 1, Whitethroat - 12+, Blackcap - 2, Garden Warbler - 1, Chiffchaff - 2, Sedge Warbler - 1, Buzzard - 2 (SH).
Evening walk - Mill Lane to Marsh Farm, Sidlesham: Cuckoos - 2, Reed Warbler - 4, Cetti's Warbler - 1, Whitethroat - 12+, Blackcap - 2, Garden Warbler - 1, Chiffchaff - 2, Sedge Warbler - 1, Buzzard - 2 (SH).
Yellowhammer, Porthole Farm (West Fields) (Photo: Andy House)
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