Monday, 10th March: A fairly warm morning, with some sun among the hazy conditions in a light north-easterly breeze....
Selsey Bill: There was almost nothing about this morning, though six Great Northern Divers were spread around offshore. Full log below. (AH/IP/AW)
(0715-0830hrs) (NE, F2-3)
Great Northern Diver - 6os
Great Crested Grebe - 2os
Common Scoter - 1E
Red-breasted Merganser - 2E
Turnstone - 4
Common Gull - 1E
Meadow Pipit - 1N
Pied Wagtail - 1
Ferry Pool: There were just a Black-tailed Godwit, a Redshank, a Shoveler and two Teal on the pool this morning, as the RSPB were working at the back. (AH)
Later, a Mistle Thrush was singing near the Visitor Centre. (EB)
Long Pool: A Great White Egret flew over the fields adjacent to the pool, heading for Church Norton late this morning, and there was also a Water Rail calling from the pool. (AW)
Church Norton: There were at least 800 Brent Geese dominating the harbour this morning, with, otherwise, just a scattering of Pintail, Wigeon and Teal on the water at high tide, with a few Knot, Dunlin and Grey Plovers mainly near the harbour mouth, though c20 Mediterranean Gulls and c50 Black-headed Gulls looked like they had begun to move back in.
A pair of Red-breasted and a Great Crested Grebe were all that could be seen offshore, and the land-side was very quiet. (AH/SaH)
North Wall: A Barn Owl was hunting over the fields at Halsey’s Farm early this morning and a Mistle Thrush, a Green Woodpecker and a Great Spotted Woodpecker where in the adjacent trees, whilst later, 20 Meadow Pipits and a Skylark were in the fields, and a Sparrowhawk and two Greylag Geese flew over, and five Pintail, 22 Redshank and a Little Egret were by the outfall.
Two Bearded Tits were seen briefly in the reeds by the Breech Pool, while on the pool, there was a Spotted Redshank, two Snipe, four Black-tailed Godwits, 30 Teal, eight Wigeon and two Shelducks, at Owl Copse 15 Grey Herons were moving between the trees and the harbour, with six Chiffchaffs and a Reed Bunting along the hedges and two Song Thrushes in the paddock, with three Marsh Harriers, and two Buzzards further back over the reeds. (MJa/CT/LP)
Pagham Spit and Lagoon: A Red-breasted Merganser was at the far end of the Lagoon today, along with four Great Crested Grebes, four Little Grebes, a Tufted Duck and a few Common and Mediterranean Gulls.
A flock of 20 Linnets were along the spit as well as a Reed Bunting, two Skylarks and a Dunnock, with a Kingfisher on the metalwork by the harbour entrance, whilst out the harbour there were still a few Wigeon and Teal about, c200 Brent Geese were on the mud, and two Common Seals were in the main channel. (LP)
Red-breasted Merganser (above), Kingfisher, Linnet & Common Seal at Pagham Spit LP)
West Itchenor: Two Red Kites went over Chalkdock early this afternoon. (PH)
Medmerry: Windmill area - Medmerry and AW took the spoils for the second year running for the first Wheatear of the year - with a fine male around the go-kart track and then the beach this morning.
There were also a Stonechat, half a dozen Meadow Pipits and Skylarks and a dozen Linnets about, with a dozen Curlews on the adjacent field. (AW/AH)
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