Saturday, 22nd March: It was slightly milder this morning, but still grey and hazy in a moderate easterly breeze.....
Selsey Bill: There was again a steady eastward movement this morning, including 490 Brent Geese, most of which went through in one huge flock of c400 birds, 118 Sandwich Terns, 47 Red-throated Divers and a Long-tailed Duck among 137 Common Scoters, whilst a Slavonian Grebe was on the sea. Full log below. (BI/JA/SH/PM/IP/AH/SR/P&LH)
(0550-0935hrs) (ESE, F4)
Great Northern Diver - 4os
Red-throated Diver - 47E
diver sp - 5E
Slavonian Grebe - 1os
Great Crested Grebe - 1W, 1os
Gannet - 22E, 9W, 4os
Shag - 5E, 4os
Brent Goose - 490E (inc a flock of c400)
Shelduck - 2E
Mallard - 2
Shoveler - 2E
Eider - 1os
Long-tailed Duck - 1E
Common Scoter - 137E, 21os
Red-breasted Merganser - 6E, 3os
Kestrel - 1
Oystercatcher - 3E
Mediterranean Gull - 6E
Common Gull - 6E
Lesser Black-backed Gull - 4E
Sandwich Tern - 118E
auk sp - 1W
Meadow Pipit - 11N, 1 present
Pied Wagtail - 3N
The highlight later on was a flock of 60 Knot heading east. Full log below. (P&LH)
Great Northern Diver - 3os
Red-throated Diver - 13E
Common Scoter - 6E, 12os
Red-breasted Merganser - 4W, 10os
Knot - 60E
Turnstone - 2E
Mediterranean Gull - 1W
Common Gull - 6E
Lesser Black-backed Gull - 2E
Sandwich Tern - 11E
Meadow Pipit - 21N
(1500-1700hrs) SH/JA)
Red-throated Diver - 1E
Gannet - 3E, 2W
Shag - 1W
Common Scoter - 6E, 2W
Mediterranean Gull - 3E, 1os
Sandwich Tern - 8E
Brent Geese (above), Red-throated Divers, Common Scoters, Red-breasted Mergansers & Sandwich Tern at the Bill (AH)
Ferry Pool: The Green Sandpiper showed briefly on the roadside pool early this morning, before disappearing into the reeds when a Peregrine went over, but, otherwise there was the usual mix, including four Avocets, a dozen Lapwings, four redshanks, c25 Black-tailed Godwits, 14 Shelducks, a pair of Gadwall, c50 Teal, c80 Shovelers and c150 Wigeon. (AH)
Selsey: A Black Redstart was in the garden in the middle of the town today. (MRe)
Park Farm, Selsey: A singing Chiffchaff was here this morning along with two Green Woodpeckers, whilst two Buzzards were over the fields and a Skylark was displaying and a flock of 50 Linnets were feeding in a tight flock. (IP)
Mill Pond Marsh: A Swallow was over the flooded field early this afternoon. (ML)
North Wall: There were two Spotted Redshanks in White's Creek this morning. (ARK)
This evening at least 30 Cattle Egrets came in to roost in Owl Copse. (LP)
Long Pool: This evening a Water Rail ran across the path into the pool, but the only small birds seen were c20 Linnets, whist out in the harbour from the end of Ferry Channel there were a dozen Black-tailed Godwits, c40 Golden Plovers and plenty of Redshanks. (AH)
Selsey Peninsula: All three Long-eared Owls were seen today for the first time ion a while. (Eds)
Church Norton: It was good to see a few Black-headed Gulls had started to return to Tern Island, and there were also three Mediterranean Gulls flying over calling. Amongst waders represented were the Whimbrel, 60 Dunlin with five Knot amongst them, four Bar-tailed Godwits, five Turnstones and a Ringed Plover, whilst a flock of 18 Black-tailed Godwits circled over the harbour and the usual Oystercatchers, Curlews and Redshanks were also present in good numbers.
A flock of 23 Brent Geese flew around the harbour and then settled near Tern Island, whilst a flock of c75 were seen in flight over the fields behind the church, but the only other wildfowl were 50 Wigeon and a mere three Teal.
A Pied Wagtail flew east along the spit and a number of Skylarks and Meadow Pipits were also present, a Sparrowhawk was chased over the trees by an irate Carrion Crow a few Cetti's Warblers were calling in the Severals, where there were four Tufted Ducks and Bluebell Wood held a Long-tailed Tit, two Goldcrests and a Chiffchaff. (IP)
Medmerry: Windmill to the Breach - Early this morning there was a Wheatear on the rocks and a Corn Bunting was along the fence line, together with the usual Linnets, Meadow Pipits and Skylarks. Offshore, there was an increased number of Sandwich Terns, along with a few flocks of Common Scoters heading east, one of which comprising of 20 landed on the sea, whilst a flock of 32 Brent went east and a larger flock of c100 landed in the area of the breach. (AW)
Later on, there was a Black Redstart on the beach by the windmill and two Little Ringed Plovers were among the waders a the breach. (BI)
Wheatear (above) & Corn Bunting at Medmerry (AW)
Medmerry: Easton Lane to the Stilt Pool - Two Little Ringed Plovers were again on the stilt Pool today along with five Ringed Plovers, two Black-tailed Godwits and a dozen Avocets, whilst eight Brent Geese went east offshore and two Mediterranean Gulls, a Raven, a Marsh Harrier, a Kestrel and six Buzzards went over the reserve.
The banks were fairly quiet, but still held three Stonechats, six Chiffchaffs, five Cetti's Warblers, two Pied Wagtails, two Reed Buntings and c30 Yellowhammers. (S&SaH)
Medmerry: Medmerry Trail to Porthole Farm and Ham - There were at least 200 Meadow Pipits and 100 Pied Wagtails in the stubble fields at Porthole Farm this morning, with a handful of Chiffchaffs, a Cetti's Warbler, c20 Yellowhammers and c50 Linnets in the bushes, whilst a Snipe flew out from a grass field and half a dozen Mediterranean Gulls went over east.
There were another c20 Yellowhammers and c50 Linnets along the trail, together with half a dozen Reed Buntings, whilst a Ham there were a Stonechat, three singing Chiffchaffs, c20 Skylarks, another five Reed Buntings and at least 300 Linnets about.
Also, a Greenshank and a flock of c400 Golden Plovers flew out from the breach area. (AH)
Yellowhammer, Reed Bunting, Chiffchaff, Cetti's Warbler, Stonechat, Snipe & Golden Plovers at Medmerry (AH)
This afternoon, a walk of the length of the Medmerry Trail - from the Visitor Centre to Ham viewpoint - produced many of the birds seen earlier, but also included three Corn Buntings, two Stonechats, a white Wagtail among the Pied Wagtails, along the Trail, and an Avocet, a Lapwing, ten Brent Geese, a few Wigeon and Teal and c175 golden Plovers in the tidal area at Ham. (P&LH)
Friday, 21st March: A return to cool and grey conditions this morning, in a decidedly brisk easterly breeze.....
Selsey Bill: It was note quite up to yesterday's levels, with just eight Brent Geese seen, but five Little Gulls, 100 Common Scoters, 55 Sandwich Terns and 24 Red-throated Divers went east and 121 Meadow Pipits came in off the sea. Full log below. (BI/JA/PM/IP/CRJ/PA/AH/SP/LP/MJa/IH)
(0600-0930hrs) (ESE, F4-5)
Great Northern Diver - 4os
Red-throated Diver - 24E, 2W, 3os
diver sp - 1E
Great Crested Grebe - 2os
Gannet - 15E 20W, 7os
Shag - 5E, 5os
Brent Goose - 8E
Pintail - 2E
Mallard - 2
Eider - 1os
Common Scoter - 100E, 7W, 18os
Red-breasted Merganser - 4E, 8W
Sparrowhawk - 1
Oystercatcher - 3W
Turnstone - 1E, 1W
Mediterranean Gull - 1E, 3W
Common Gull - 6E
Lesser Black-backed Gull - 2E
Little Gull - 5E
Sandwich Tern - 55E
Stock Dove - 2N
Skylark - 1N
Meadow Pipit - 121N
Pied Wagtail - 5N
Chiffchaff - 1
Linnet - 5
Little Gulls (above), Common Scoters, Red-throated Divers, Sandwich Tern & Chiffchaff at the Bill (AH)
Ferry Pool: The Green Sandpiper was briefly on the roadside pool this morning but, otherwise, it was the usual mix, including four Avocets, two Redshanks, c25 Black-tailed Godwits, a dozen Lapwings, 16 Shelducks, a pair of Gadwall, c60 Teal, c80 Shovelers and c150 Wigeon, plus a Chiffchaff in the hedges. (LP/SP/IH/MJa/AH)
Black-tailed Godwits, Avocets and Lapwing (above), Chiffchaff, Gadwall, Shoveler (AH) & Green Sandpiper (LP) at the Ferry
North Wall: A female Black Redstart was in the paddocks this morning, a female Wheatear was along the wall and two Swallows and a Sand Martin went over, whilst two Spotted Redshanks and a Greenshank were in White's Creek, along with a Pale-bellied Brent Goose with five Dark-bellied Brent Geese.
There were also three Marsh Harriers, a Water Rail, five Chiffchaffs and a Goldcrest about.(NM/PA/JDW/TRH)
Sand Martin (above), Spotted Redshank, Greenshank & Pale-bellied and Dark-bellied Brent Geese at the North Wall (PA)
Late afternoon the female Black Redstart was on the cottage roof and a Red Breasted Merganser was by the sluice. (LP)
Black Redstart (above) & Red-breasted Merganser at the North Wall (LP)
Medmerry: Easton Lane to the Stilt Pool - At least one Little Ringed Plover was still on the Stilt Pool this morning. (SP)
Late this afternoon, 12 Fieldfares were in the hedges near the car-park. (PA)
Medmerry: Windmill area - At least six Red-breasted Mergansers were offshore, and a flock of 27 Brent Geese went east, but all that could be found on the land were a pair of Skylarks and half a dozen Meadow Pipit. (AH)
Thursday, 20th March: The breeze slowly moved round towards south-east this morning, and was a little lighter, too, early on, and in the sun the temperature steadily rose towards mid-teens centigrade as the day progressed.........
Selsey Bill: There was more migration activity this morning, with over 1100 Brent Geese heading east, along with 400+ Common Scoters, 18 Little Gulls - the first of the spring, a Whimbrel, an Avocet, 26 Sandwich Terns and a few Pintail, Shovelers and Red-throated Divers. Full log below. (PA/IP/AH/SR/OM/GSh)
(0600-1230hrs) (ESE, F3-4)
Great Northern Diver - 6os
Red-throated Diver - 23E
Great Crested Grebe - 3E, 4os
Gannet - 4E, 2W
Brent Goose - 1166E, 4W
Pintail - 17E
Shoveler - 20E
Mallard - 2
Eider - 1os
Common Scoter - 421E, 11W, 28os
Red-breasted Merganser - 7E, 9os
Oystercatcher - 9E, 1W
Avocet - 1E
Whimbrel - 1E
Turnstone - 7E
Mediterranean Gull - 8E
Common Gull - 38E
Little Gull - 18E
Lesser Black-backed Gull - 2E
Sandwich Tern - 26E, 9os
Stock Dove - 5E
Skylark - 1N
Meadow Pipit - 44N
Pied Wagtail - 6N
Linnet - 29N
Chaffinch - 2N
Brent Geese (above), Avocet, Sandwich Tern, Common Scoters, Pintail & Red-breasted Mergansers at the Bill (AH)
Ferry Pool: A Little Ringed Plover was on the small roadside pool this morning, whilst around the main pool there were a Snipe, four Avocets, c40 Black-tailed Godwits, a dozen Lapwing, 16 Shelducks, four Gadwall, c60 Teal, c80 Shovelers and c100 Wigeon. (AH)
Little Ringed Plover (above), Snipe and Teal, Shoveler & Shovelers, Avocets and Black-tailed Godwit on the Ferry (AH)
Selsey: A female Black Redstart was in our garden, to the north of the town, this morning. (RS)
North Wall: A Wheatear was on the fence posts at Halsey’s Farm along with three Meadow Pipits and two Skylarks, with c100 Wigeon still along the rife. Two Sparrowhawks were circling above Owl Copse and ten Chiffchaffs were along the bushes with six Cetti’s Warblers calling from the reeds.
Two Bearded Tits were seen briefly in the reeds by the Breech Pool and a Snipe was on the mud, but otherwise it was just a few Teal along with the regular Mallards and Coots, but further back over the reeds both male and female Marsh Harriers were active throughout the morning.
The Spotted Redshank was still along White’s Creek, and there were still a few Wigeon, Teal and Pintail there, with c30 Redshanks along the banks, and a Kingfisher flew out from the sluice.
A smart male Black Redstart was in the paddocks, where there was also a White Wagtail, a Pied Wagtail, a Kestrel, a Green Woodpecker and a Great Spotted Woodpecker as well as a Brimstone and a Comma butterflies. (MJa/IH/GHi/LP/SP/CT/JC/EB et al)
Black Redstart (above), Spotted Redshank and Redshank, Wheatear, Snipe, Comma (LP), Chiffchaff & Cormorant (EB) at the North Wall
Church Norton: There were still 60+ Brent Geese in the harbour this morning, along with c20 Pintail, Teal and Wigeon, whilst waders included at least five Bar-tailed Godwits, c20 Black-tailed Godwits, the Whimbrel and just a relatively few Knot, Dunlin and Grey Plovers, plus a flock of c120 Golden Plovers that flew up from the Ferry Channel area.
Two or three singing Chiffchaffs and a couple of Meadow Pipits were the only hints of migration, though, with not much more than a few Linnets along the beach and a Sparrowhawk over to report, though a Brimstone, a Peacock and a Red Admiral were on the wing (PA/AH/GSh)
Fishbourne Creek: The highlights this morning were seven Avocets and 15 Pintail. (JC)
Medmerry: Ham viewpoint - A Short-eared Owl was hunting over the large fallow field this morning, with two singing Corn Buntings and c70 Linnets also about. (MWh)
Medmerry: Easton Lane to the Stilt Pool - At least one Little Ringed Plover was still on the Stilt Pool this morning, and there were eight Fieldfares in the trees near the car-park. (J Holter)
Medmerry: Porthole Farm - At least a dozen Chiffchaffs were in the hedges this evening, and there were also c30 Yellowhammers and c50 Linnets about, plus a dozen Mediterranean Gulls over, heading west (AH)
Chiffchaff (above) & Yellowhammer at Medmerry (AH)
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