Saturday, 1 March 2025

1st - 2nd March 2025

Sunday, 2nd March: Another fine morning, after a frosty start, in a fairly light, if chill, easterly breeze.....

Selsey Bill: Three Great Northern Divers and a Slavonian Grebe were on the sea this morning, but there was, again, no hint of migration. Full log below. (SH/PB/MRB/BI/IP/AH/P&LH/SR/OM/DC)
(0630-1030hrs) (ENE, F3)
Great Northern Diver - 1E, 3os
Red-throated Diver - 4E, 2W, 1os
Slavonian Grebe - 1os
Great Crested Grebe - 5os
Gannet -  3E, 1W
Shag - 1E
Shelduck - 2E
Common Scoter - 8E, 2W
Red-breasted Merganser - 2E, 6W, 4os
Oystercatcher - 10W, 2 present
Sanderling - 1
Turnstone - 13W
Mediterranean Gull - 11E, 3os
Sandwich Tern - 3E
auk sp - 1W
Pied/alba Wagtail - 1N
Linnet - 9

Sanderling (above), Sandwich Tern & Red-breasted Merganser at the Bill (AH)

Selsey: A Red Kite was circling over Asda, at the north of the town, early this afternoon. (MRe)

Ferry Pool: There were 12 Avocets, c40 Black-tailed Godwits and c100 Lapwings about this morning, along with five Mute Swans, four Shelducks, four Gadwall, c80 Teal and Shovelers and c150 Wigeon, with a Buzzard over and two Red-legged Partridges were in the field to the south  (AH/PB/MRB)

Black-tailed Godwits (above) & Lapwings at the Ferry (AH)

Church Norton: The Greenshank was still present in the harbour this morning, along with the Whimbrel, four Bar-tailed Godwits, three Black-tailed Godwits, seven Avocets, a few Ringed Plovers and Turnstones, c50 Knot and Grey Plovers and c400 Dunlin, whilst at least 2000 Brent Geese, including the Pale-bellied bird, were still coming and going from the fields and a scattering of Pintail, Wigeon and Teal were also present, but three Mistle Thrushes and two Stock Doves were all the hedges had to offer.. (AH/P&LH/PB/MRB)

Greenshank (above), Knot & Brent Geese at Church Norton (AH)

North Wall: A Spotted Redshank was by the sluice, and along White’s Creek there were still a few Wigeon, Teal and Pintail, as well as a Little Grebe, a Grey Plover, and a few Redshanks, whilst a Canada Goose was on the Breech Pool and two Bearded Tits flew over the reeds.
Also, at least six Cetti’s Warblers were calling along the wall, with two Chiffchaffs, a Reed Bunting, two Long-tailed Tits and a few Greenfinches in the bushes and a Rock Pipit on the rocks.
Early on at Owl Copse, six Cattle Egrets were with three Little Egrets and 12 Grey Herons in the trees, and later a lone Redwing was present, with four Buzzards circling way up high, whilst at Halsey’s Farm, a Skylark was singing and 32 Meadow Pipits were over the fields, and in Honer 2 there was an impressive count of 101 Curlews.
The paddocks was quieter than recently, with just a single Pied Wagtail on the grass, and a Great Spotted Woodpecker and a Green Woodpecker in the trees, and a Jay was along the lane, (LP/MJa/SP)

This evening, the two Little Owls were again at Little Welbourne. (NM)   

Redwing (above), Great Spotted Woodpecker, Spotted Redshank & Curlews at the North wall (LP)

Sidlesham: A flock of 13 Redwings went over high, late this afternoon, and the wintering Firecrest was still along Cow Lane. (PA)

Medmerry: Easton Lane to the Stilt Pool - A Dartford Warbler, five Stonechats, five Reed Buntings, five Greenfinches, a Pied Wagtail and c50 Yellowhammers were along the banks today, with 11 Avocets, two Black-tailed Godwits and a Ringed Plover on the Stilt Pool and a Greenshank, c200 Golden Plovers and four Buzzards on/over the reserve. (S&SaH)

Later, a look from Earnley to the Stilt Pool found four Golden Plovers on the field to the west of the road towards the beach, with at least six Skylarks on the other side of the road. At the Stilt Pools there were ten Avocets, five Dunlin, four Ringed Plovers and two Black-tailed Godwits, whilst at Marsh Barn there were three Stock Doves, with more in the nearby fields which also had a flock of c50 Linnets. (RW)

Medmerry: Easton Lane to Wilson's Farm - All that was to be found late this afternoon was around the cover crop field at Wilson's Farm, and included at least two Corn Buntings, a dozen Reed Buntings, c80 Yellowhammers and c150 Linnets. (AH)

Corn Bunting (above), Yellowhammer, Corn Buntings and Yellowhammers & Linnets at Medmerry (AH)

Saturday, 1st March: A crisp and bright morning after another sharp frost, with the breeze from the north-east, light early on before steadily freshening.....

Selsey Bill: Two surprisingly early Whimbrel went east and three Slavonian Grebes were on the sea, but it was generally slow again. Full log below. (SH/BI/IP/AH/SR)
(0630-0830hrs) (NNE, F3)
Great Northern Diver - 2os
Red-throated Diver - 1W, 2os
Slavonian Grebe - 3os
Great Crested Grebe - 2os
Gannet - 1W, 1os
Shelduck - 5E
Common Scoter - 6E, 10W
Red-breasted Merganser - 5W 2os
Oystercatcher - 8W
Whimbrel - 2E
Curlew - 1E
Turnstone - 22W
Lesser Black-backed Gull - 1os
Sandwich Tern - 4os
auk sp - 2E
Greenfinch - 1

Sandwich Tern at the Bill (AH)

Ferry Pool: There were four Avocets, c25 Black-tailed Godwits and c150 Lapwings present this morning, along with a Little Grebe, six Gadwall, four Shelducks, c50 Teal, c80 Shovelers and c120 Wigeon. (AH)

Black-tailed Godwits (above), Black-tailed Godwits and Wigeon & Avocets and Shovelers at the Ferry (AH)

North Wall: A Spotted Redshank was along White’s Creek this morning, as well as a few Redshanks, Wigeon, Teal, and Pintails, and much further out was a mixed group of c200 Grey Plovers, Knot and Dunlin, with c100 Brent Geese on the water.
A Great Crested Grebe was on the Breech Pool and a Bearded Tit flew over the reeds there, whilst a Chiffchaff was by Owl Copse where, the Grey Herons were busy with nest maintenance, and two Little Grebes were on the water.
At Halsey’s Farm a Skylark was singing and four Black-tailed Godwits were by the rife, but apart from a couple of Buzzards up high, and two Long-tailed Tits and a Reed Bunting along the bushes, it was generally very quiet. (LP/MJa/JDW)

This evening, a Barn Owl was at Halsey's Farm, the Little Owl was at Little Welbourne and six Cattle Egrets were back in Owl Copse, whilst a Cetti's Warbler, a Chiffchaff, four Snipe and a Marsh Harrier were seen from the wall. (S&SaH/LP)

Spotted Redshank (above) & Buzzard at the North Wall (LP)

Selsey Peninsula: There were still two Long-eared Owls present today. (Eds)

Church Norton: There were a lot of birds in the harbour this morning, including at least 2000 Brent Geese, with the Pale-bellied bird among them, c30 Pintail and similar of Wigeon and Teal.
Among waders present were a Greenshank, 14 Bar-tailed Godwits, ten Avocet, a handful of Ringed Plovers and Turnstones, c30 Knot, c100 Grey Plovers and c800 Knot, whilst a Peregrine and a couple of Marsh Harriers were seen distantly over the far side of the harbour, but four Great Crested Grebes were all that could be seen offshore. (AH)

Pale-bellied Brent Goose (above), Brent Geese, Greenshank & Dunlin, Knot and Grey Plovers at Church Norton (AH)

Medmerry: Easton Lane to the Stilt Pool - Two Dartford Warblers, three Chiffchaffs, five Stonechats, c20 Reed Buntings and c50 Yellowhammers were along the banks this morning, with a Sparrowhawk, a Kestrel and two Buzzards over.
Also, six Avocets, three Dunlin and eight Ringed Plovers were on the Stilt Pool and four Mediterranean Gulls, ten Brent Geese and c200 Golden Plovers were on/over the reserve. (S&SaH)

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