Tuesday, 25th March: After a cold and foggy start, the morning slowly improved as hazy sunshine took hold, though the moderate north-westerly breeze remained chill........
Selsey Bill: After a very slow start, a few things appeared, including 320 Brent Geese and a pair of Egyptian Geese east, a couple of Wheatears and five Chiffchaffs along the front, and, most unusually, a Raven in off the sea over Hillfield Road. Full log below. (AH/IP/SR/JDa/KJ/SM et al)
(0700-0930hrs) (NW, F3-4)
Great Crested Grebe - 1E
Gannet - 3W
Brent Goose -320E
Egyptian Goose - 2E
Shelduck - 20E
Pintail - 1W
Common Scoter - 5E, 20os
Red-breasted Merganser - 10E, 1os
Oystercatcher - 2E, 1W
Turnstone - 12
Mediterranean Gull - 6os
Sandwich Tern - 7W
Meadow Pipit - 3N
Pied Wagtail - 1N
Wheatear - 2
Chiffchaff - 5
Raven - 1N
Linnet - 10
A Wheatear was around the wall in front of Bill House and 32 Brent Geese went east, between 1600hrs and 1700hrs, including five among a flock of 34 Wigeon. (AW)
Ferry Pool: It was just the regular species this morning, including c30 Black-tailed Godwits, a dozen Lapwings, a pair of Gadwall, 16 Shelducks, c60 Teal, c80 Shovelers and c100 Wigeon. (AH)
East Beach Pond: A Swallow was over the pond this afternoon, and there were also three Chiffchaffs about, and both Coots and Mute Swans were establishing nests. (SR)
Church Norton: There were two singing Blackcaps in the hedges this morning, along with a couple of Chiffchaffs, but that was it for migrants, though the harbour was quite busy, with c50 Black-headed Gulls, c25 Mediterranean Gulls and a lone Sandwich Tern out on the mud and around the island.
There were also half a dozen Bar-tailed Godwits, c40 Black-tailed Godwits, the Whimbrel and a dozen Ringed Plovers among the waders, whilst a pair of Gadwall, c150 Wigeon, c40 Teal, half a dozen Pintail and just two Brent Geese were also present. (AH/JDa/KJ/SM/KF et al)
Blackcap (above), Sandwich Tern and Mediterranean Gulls, Ringed Plover & Gadwall at Church Norton (AH)
North Wall: A Barn Owl was at Halsey’s Farm at daybreak, and later a Redwing, 20 Greenfinches, four Chaffinches, 2two Long-tailed Tits, and a Great Spotted Woodpecker were in the trees there, while along the rife there were still c80 Wigeon and 20 Teal.
It was quiet along the wall with just a few Chiffchaffs, Reed Buntings and Cetti’s Warblers in the bushes, and eight Grey Herons around Owl Copse, and on the Breech Pool, a pair of Shovelers were with 38 Teal and the usual Mallards, whilst a Water Rail was in the reeds along the back.
The Spotted Redshank was still by the sluice, and around the paddock there was a Song Thrush, a Kestrel, a Wren, two Green Woodpeckers, two Jackdaws and five Little Egrets, with c180 Linnets in the trees further back and both male and female Marsh Harriers over the reeds. (LP/IH/CT/TRH/MJa et al)
Redwing (above), Cetti's Warbler, Linnets, Spotted Redshank & Shoveler at the North Wall (LP)
Chichester GPs: At least five Sand Martins were over Ivy Lake this evening. (BI)
Fishbourne Creek: On the falling tide this morning there was a Greenshank at Fishbourne and four Avocets, six Pintail and 75 Brent Geese off the Lavant outflow, whilst there were five Red-breasted Mergansers off Dell Quay, and the gull flocks contained many Mediterranean Gulls and four Lesser Black-backed Gulls. (RW)
Medmerry: Windmill area - There were just a Stonechat, two Meadow Pipits and half a dozen Pied Wagtails around this morning. (AH)
Monday, 24th March: A fairly hazy and cool morning in a moderately brisk northerly breeze......
Selsey Bill: A flock of four Garganey east was the highlight offshore, with little else on the move, though a male and a female Black Redstart were in the garden and there were just a few inward arrivals. Full log below. (PB/PM/KT/PA/AH/IP/P&LH/SR/AW)
(0600-0930hrs) (NE, F3)
Great Northern Diver - 1os
Red-throated Diver - 11E
Gannet - 10W, 16E, 5os
Shag - 1E
Brent Goose - 27E
Wigeon - 2E
Garganey - 4E
Pintail - 2E
Eider - 1W
Common Scoter - 11E, 19W, 29os
Ringed Plover - 2
Mediterranean Gull - 1W
Common Gull - 5E
Kittiwake - 2E
Lesser Black-backed Gull - 1os
Sandwich Tern - 2E, 1W
Skylark - 2N
Meadow Pipit -
Black Redstart - 2
Chiffchaff - 8N, 4 present
Black Redstart (above) (AH) , Chiffchaff (AW), Meadow Pipit, Red-throated Divers, Gannet & Brent Geese (AH) at the Bill
Later in the morning, at least two Wheatears and seven Chiffchaffs were along the front. Full log below. (AW/P&LH)
Great Northern Diver - 1E, 2os
Common Scoter - 20os
Red-breasted Merganser - 6os
Sparrowhawk - 1
Sandwich Tern - 1E
Meadow Pipit -1
Black Redstart - 1
Wheatear - 2
Song Thrush - 1
Chiffchaff - 7
Wheatears (AW top, LH lower), Black Redstart & Chiffchaff (LH) at the Bill
This afternoon at least one Wheatear and the two Black Redstarts were still about, with four Great Northern Divers, four Red-breasted Mergansers and c30 Common Scoters on the sea, two Red-throated Divers and a Fulmar east and another of the latter west. (JC/AW/PA)
Ferry Pool: A Snipe was again in the reeds this morning, whilst two Avocets and a dozen Lapwings and Black-tailed Godwits were along the edges of the pool, with c40 Teal, c80 Shovelers, c100 Wigeon and 16 Shelducks also present. (AH)
Later, a Firecrest was singing behind the Visitor Centre. (AT)
Pagham Spit: A Wheatear was along the spit this afternoon. (TG)
North Wall: The Spotted Redshank was again by the sluice, and along White’s Creek there were still a few Wigeon, Teal, and Pintail, as well as a Great Crested Grebe, two Little Grebes, three Bar-tailed Godwits, 32 Dunlin, four Grey Plovers, a Common Gull and four Mediterranean Gulls, with 24 Turnstones and two Red-breasted Mergansers further out towards the harbour entrance.
Elsewhere it was quiet, with just a Linnet, six Greenfinches and four Cetti’s Warblers along the bushes, and the pair of Marsh Harriers over the reeds. (LP/MJa)
Spotted Redshank (above), Bar-tailed Godwit, Linnet, Pintail & Mediterranean Gull and Dunlin at the North Wall (LP)
Mill Pond Marsh: A Gadwall, four Shovelers, ten Teal and a Snipe were seen this afternoon. (P&LH)
Church Norton: There were no migrants about beyond a Chiffchaff by the car-park and seven Meadow Pipits on the beach this morning, though a Red Kite went south over Rectory Lane.
In the harbour there were c30 Brent Geese, half a dozen Pintail, c40 Wigeon and c25 Teal, with the thinly spread waders including c25 Black-tailed Godwits, a handful of Knot and Grey Plovers, a couple of Ringed Plovers and c20 Dunlin, whilst a single Sandwich Tern was sat out on the mud. (AH/P&LH)
Also, a Wheatear was reported from the spit later on. (per RSPB)
Sandwich Tern (above), Black-tailed Godwits, Knot, Pintail (AH) & Kestrel (LH) at Church Norton
West Itchenor: Around 350 Mediterranean Gulls were just south of the boatyard this morning and a Coal Tit as singing from near the car-park. (PH)
Sidlesham: Four Redwings went over Cow Lane early this morning. (PA)
Chichester GPs: After a Song Thrush in our Runcton garden this morning, three more were singing along School Lane to New Lake and East Lake, and also on New were three Little Grebes, and on East Lake a pair of Great Crested Grebes, five Mallard, eight Tufted Ducks and nine Pochard.
A single Egyptian Goose flew south from Ivy Lake and three Chiffchaffs were along the main track, whilst on Nunnery Lake a pair of Mute Swans, eight Tufted Duck,s a Pochard, a Cetti’s Warbler and three Goldfinches, whilst on the field behind Nunnery were 17 Pied Wagtails, wo White Wagtails and two Meadow Pipits. (CRJ)
This evening a dozen Sand Martins were over the back of the pits. (AB)
Medmerry: Windmill area - A Wheatear was on the beach in front of the windmill this lunchtime. (AW)
Wheatear at Medmerry (AW)
Sunday, 23rd March: A murky, misty morning, quite mild in the almost still conditions, but with drizzly rain arriving before midday.....
Selsey Bill: A total of 31 Little Gulls east was the highlight this morning, with relatively little else on the move, though 140 Brent Geese, 21 Red-throated Divers and 25 Sandwich Terns also went east, with a Black Redstart, a Blackcap and a Chiffchaff in the gardens.
Also, of interest, a Noctule bat flew in off the sea and a Little Ringed Plover call was picked up by Merlin and confirmed by sonogram, but no-one present heard it or saw it! Full log below. (JA/BI/SH/IP/AH/SR/M&LL)
(0600-0945hrs) (NE, F1-2)
Great Northern Diver - 6os
Red-throated Diver - 21E
diver sp - 2E
Slavonian Grebe - 3os
Great Crested Grebe - 2os
Gannet - 6E, 2W
Shag - 1E
Brent Goose - 140E
Mallard - 2
Pintail - 2E
Shoveler - 4E
Eider - 1os
Common Scoter - 36E, 30os
Red-breasted Merganser - 2W, 11os
Oystercatcher - 9E, 1W
Little Ringed Plover - 1 recorded by Merlin on call
Sanderling - 1W
Turnstone- 1E
Mediterranean Gull - 8E
Black-headed Gull - 18E
Common Gull - 3E
Kittiwake - 5E
Little Gull - 31E
Sandwich Tern - 25E
Skylark - 1N
Sand Martin - 2N
Rock Pipit - 1N
Meadow Pipit - 12N
Pied Wagtail - 3N
Black Redstart - 1
Blackcap - 1
Chiffchaff - 1
Noctule bat - 1N
Brent Geese(above), Brent Geese and Red-throated Divers, Red-throated Divers, Great Northern Diver & Sandwich Tern at the Bill (AH)
Honorary sea-watcher Max, though he is undeniably more interested in how many biscuits he can extract from the sea-watchers! (AH)
Ferry Pool: A Snipe dropped in the reeds, but here was nothing else beyond the usual, including two Avocets, a dozen Lapwings, four Gadwall, 14 Shelducks, c50 Teal and c80 Shovelers. (AH)
Selsey: A Blackcap was singing along Paddock Lane this morning. (PA)
Church Norton: There wasn't much to report here as the conditions deteriorated, with no migrants noted, though c75 Brent Geese were still behind the churchyard and c40 Black-tailed Godwits were in the harbour, along with c50 Wigeon, c20 Teal and a dozen or so Grey Plovers and Turnstones, with just a couple of Cetti's Warblers and a few Linnets along the front. (AH/P&JW)
North Wall: The highlight of a rather dull and dank morning was a Tree-creeper along the path at Halsey’s Farm, where there was also a Great Spotted Woodpecker and a few Blue Tits and Great Tits in the trees, and c60 Wigeon and 12 Teal along the rife.
At Owl Copse, 29 Cattle Egrets were in the trees early on, along with eight Grey Herons, a Kingfisher flew through, and six Chiffchaffs were in the hedges as well as a Reed Bunting and a Cetti's Warbler.
Also, a Spotted Redshank was again along White’s Creek, where there were still a few Wigeon, Teal and Pintail, but otherwise there was just a Water Rail on the Breech Pool and a Merlin, two Marsh Harriers, two Kestrels and a Buzzard were seen. (LP/MRi/MJa/GW/S&SaH)
Tree-creeper (LP top, SH lower), Reed Bunting, Spotted Redshank & Cattle Egret (LP) at the North Wall
Chichester GPs: Ivy Lake - There were two singing Blackcaps here this morning, though no hirundines. (BI)
Drayton House Pits: There was also a male Blackcap here, plus five Chiffchaffs and a couple of Cetti's Warblers. A pair of Egyptian Geese and their four goslings were on the South pit - the first confirmed breeding at these pits - and other wildfowl included 24 Greylags, 60 Shoveler and 35 Pochard, whilst four Snipe were along the muddy margins. The nesting pair of Grey Herons was also present. (OM)
Medmerry: Windmill to the Breach - Five Whimbrel and four Little Gulls went east offshore this morning. (PA)
Medmerry: Easton Lane to Marsh Barn - A Stonechat, three Cetti's Warblers, six Chiffchaffs, a Reed Bunting and c30 Yellowhammers were along the banks this morning, with a Peregrine and a Buzzard over. (S&SaH)
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